A/N (sorry!)

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I know you guys probably are waiting on a new story and I'm story. I've hit a road block in my writing and I'm just kinda like "Welp, guess I'll just lay here in my disappointment" ya know like every other human being. Anyways, I promise when school ends in a week I'll make it up to all of you. I'm terribly sorry, I've been focusing on school and I know I've been slacking A LOT. But can you blame me?! School is terrible and I come home tired and I just wanna curl up in a tiny ball and let it all out till I pass out. But I can't do that everyday. I hope you all understand and still support my sorry ass ;-;...plz don't hate me. Welp, if you guys have any ideas send 'em my way. Have ideas for stories and don't wanna comment. Yeet yo self into my private messages and I'll hopefully get back within a few hours. Honestly it depends on the day but I will respond within the day or night. Honestly America, am I right? *tired, nervous, depressed laughter*. I honestly need ideas for this new story part. I might go yeetus deletus on my sleep amount if I can't think like a normal person.

*one of voices in my head*: You don't sleep in general nor are you normal. You sit in class and think about yaoi and scream about how you'll take people's knee caps.

My sleep deprived self: ShHhHhUuUuUuUuSsSsHhHhHh!!!!!

Voice: You're watching an oversized wolf attack stuff as you write this in your bed.

Me: I aM tRyInG tO mAkE a LiFe FoR mYsElF!!!!

Voice: Aight, watch your wolf things ya crazy.

Me: AiGhT! I nEeD tO sTuDy ThIs FoR tHiNgS!!

Voice: Get back to the point of this crazy.

Me:Aight. Well, if you have anything to help me please contact me or comment. Bye bye everyone!!

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