Chapter 25

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"Alright, let's go" Shun says and orders his horse to start walking. Shirayuki who sits behind Shun gives us a glance and a smile, before looking back in front of her. That girl, she's shipping us isn't she?

Without any warning Obi lets the horse take off and I grab his waist in order to catch my balance. "Oh no, we shouldn't be doing this in front of others, miss." Obi says and I can feel his smirking when he says it.

I scoff and poke his waist, making him arch away from my finger. "Real funny." I say dryly and he chuckles. When we catch up to Shun and Shirayuki, I notice they're trying to hide their own smiles. Great, they heard us.


"Alright, just a lil' longer and you'll see the statue." Shun announces and Shirayuki eyes light up. We're now riding next to each other, so she doesn't have to turn around to talk to me.

"Time to look down, (Y/N)." She says with a broad smile.


"To keep it a surprise, until you're right in front of it." She explains.

"Nice one, miss." Obi comments.

I give in with a sigh and stare at the passing grass and pebbles on the ground. A few  moment later, the horses stop and Obi helps me down while I close me eyes. I could hear Shirayuki gasping and my anticipation builds. We take a few steps more before Shirayuki tells me I can open my eyes again.

I open them and I see a large and beautifully crafted statue in front me. It's a little girl sprouting wings and standing in a kind of floating way. I take a while to take it all in with a gasp and then look at the pedestal. 'Blue Annan' it reads and I take a step forward to read what's under it. A short summary of what happened and the date of the event.

 A short summary of what happened and the date of the event

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"It's so pretty." I say in awe. "I can't believe it's build for me."

"Oh I feel so proud." Shirayuki says and I elbow her softly in embarrassment. She giggles in reaction.

"It kind of looks like you." Obi comments.

"That was my first thought when I met you." Shun adds with a laugh.

"But why the wings?" I ask and look at Shun.

"I knew you were gonna ask that." He chuckles. "I asked around because I didn't knew myself and I was kinda surprised at the answer."

I raise an eyebrow.

"You've got scars on your back, right?" He asks.

I let out an 'oooh' and nod. Shirayuki looks a bit confused so I explain. "I got my back whipped open remember? Though, this new wound is probably a new scar also."

"Not on my watch. I can reduce it with a special cream when it's fully healed." She says with a wink. I smile and turn back to Shun so he can continue.

"Someone in your cell thought your wounds looked like you had wings before."

"So like two vertical stripes?" Obi asks.

"Yeah and there was also another cellmate convinced you were an angel."

"Must be that old man.." I recall and start to walk around the statue. 

"The creator listened to what your cellmates described and designed this, a little girl or angel you could say."

"It's so well done.  You can even see the separate feathers from the back." I comment.

When I'm in front of the statue again I turn to Shun. "If you ever meet the creator, tell them I'm thankful and proud to have such an amazing statue with my name on it."

"Will do."

After that we went back to pick up our stuff and head to Shirayuki's home village like planned. Of all the gifts, I only took the boar plush with me. We stayed the night there. During our stay, it was mostly Shirayuki showing us around, meeting her past neighbors and us aiding her in finding certain herbs. The good girl she is, wanted to help the local apothecary and his costumers, so we ended helping too. Then it was time to head back home and so when we reached the border of Tanbarun after a nice trip of chatting, laughing and playing my flute, it was time to say goodbye to Shun.

"It was fun. Thank you for everything." I say and give him a hug.

"It was my pleasure, if you ever decide to come back I'll gladly guide you again." He says with a wink after we let go of each other.

Shirayuki then gave him a hug. "Thank you for taking care of us. You were especially helpfull when (Y/N) was in trouble."

He laughs. "Well I only did what a guide is supposed to do, guiding. But redhead, you should give yourself a pat on the shoulder too, you did wonderful in aiding both the doctor and the apothecary."

Shirayuki smiles. "It's my specialty after all."

Obi then comes in and they do this 'brotherly' hug. "Thanks for everything." He says.

"You're welcome. It was nice meeting you, Obi."

"Same here."

"Now don't let go of what's precious to you anymore." Shun says and I raise an eyebrow. Shirayuki and I look at each other and shrug. I guess they had their own kind of warming talk without us knowing.

"I won't." Obi says and steals a glance at me. Hah, how obvious..

Shun turns to each one of us again with a grin. "Have a safe trip and see you whenever I see you again."

And so Shirayuki and I get back into the carriage, Obi gets on the front of the carriage and we wave one last goodbye before Shun also gets on his horse, turns away and rides in the opposite direction from us. The carriage start moving again and we're back on track.

Almost home now..


See that drawing


I made that xP

Aaah I'm so happy with how it turned out. You guys have no idea how much I struggled with the design, like I had ideas for you guiding a group of people or you protecting another girl (since that is what inspired the whole escape thing).

I wanted the wings, but they take so much space and attention that building a scene around it doesn't seem that much of a good idea for a statue xD

Anyway, we're close to reaching the end of the book. It was so fun to write and having you all to read and comment, I'm so grateful (stupid wattpad/internet doesn't let me respond on some comments tho)
I'm wrapping up some stuff, at the end I'll go back, edit text, add pictures and delete some author notes.

Got any feedback?

Edit: Something I noticed with the drawing and at some other places, I spelled 'Annan' instead of 'Anann' *facepalms* I hope y'all don't mind too much

Red And Blue Are Opposites [ObiX(Y/N)]Where stories live. Discover now