Chapter 5 - He's Trouble

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I woke up in Stephon's bed with no clothes on. I looked up at him and he was still sleeping I tried to recap all of last night but the only thing I was stuck thinking about was me and Stephon having sex. It rang thru my head so much I had to look at him and bite my bottom lip because I kind of wanted more. Actually I really wanted more. I sat up and kissed him on the forehead. I got out the bed put on a T-shirt and my panties and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I came back Stephon was sitting up on his bed and he told me to come here. So I sat next to him and put my legs over his lap and my hand on his shoulder "What's wrong?" I asked . He smiled and kissed me "Nothing I just wanted to ask you something." he paused and looked at me like he was scared so I started rubbing his back and asked "What is it?" "Do you want to go out with me?" He said it kind of fast so I smiled because he sounded nervous, like I was going to say no or like we were 5 years old. I looked up at the ceiling and then back at him. I nodded and started smiling then kissed him "Yes." I answered he smiled and said okay and we started kissing again until I heard someone come up the stairs and kind of back away like it was my mom. "Hey were together now its okay." he said touching my face gently trying to pull me back in. I nodded and went back to kissing him, then we heard a knock on the door and looked up it was Aliyah "Our flight leave in an 2 hours so we need to hurry up and pack." she walked back downstairs acting like she didn't see us kissing... maybe she was still asleep because she was rubbing her eyes like she was so that's why she didn't say anything cause she wasn't really paying attention. I don't know. I'm just happy me and Stephon are together now (Lela sure as hell gone be pissed)

Me and Stephon started packing and within 30 minutes we were ready to go. I was still kind of tired saying it was 8 in the morning so I just put on my infared jays a t-shirt and some sweatpants. We put all our stuff in the car and waited for Isaiah to lock up and drove off, an hour later we went to Chick-Fil-A to get breakfast then we dropped the car off at the rental place and the cab picked us up and dropped us off at the airport. We made our flight within 5 minutes and we were off to New Orleans.


I woke up at 9 pm in my bed with my suitcase and bags on the floor. I still had on my whole outfit I did when we were on the plane. I sat up and put my phone on the charger because it was completely dead. I put all my stuff up from my bags and took a shower. When I got out my mom knocked on the door  came in and closed it. "Hey! I heard you moving around up here and decided to come in and ask you about your trip. So how was it! Me and your father missed you desperately but we hope you had a great time." she said and hugged me "I missed you to." (I lied I would have rather stayed in Cali with Stephon and them.) I said putting on my undergarments and lotioning up "Well me and your farther were going to take you out to lunch and shopping for your graduation outfit but you were so sleepy that boy that brought you home had to carry you in and put you in the bed his self." She immediately had my attention "BOY?... WHAT BOY?" I asked. "Oh." she looked surprised and sat on my bed "Um I can't remember his name... I think it was..." I Iooked at her and said "Stephon... it was Stephon Owens, wasn't it?" "Yeah how did you know?" Right then I realized two things 1. That I missed Stephon carrying me again (DAMN) and 2. That Aliyah and Zoel didn't tell my mom that there were boys with us on this trip. "Well um... he's a good friend of Aliyah and Calvin's and Isaiah was at basketball practice and Calvin's brother was using his car so he was the only one who could come pick us up and drop us off at out houses." I smiled "Wait ... Stephon Owens... I know that name." she said ... oh shit here we go , she's about too start judging him because she knows about his brother being a drug dealer and stuff. "Oh I don't want you being associated with him he is trouble just like his brother. If you girls ever need a ride again you immediately call me I personally will come and pick you all up." "Ma he's not trouble. Now his brother is a different story but Stephon wouldn't hurt anybody." "Why are you sticking up for him?" she asked getting up about to leave "HE IS TROUBLE" she said making her opinion about him clear "But anyway darling me and your farther are picking you up from school tomorrow so we can take care of today's errands we didn't get to run. I'll see you in the morning." she said leaving and closing the door behind her. Right then my phone made the noise all iPhones do when they have at least 20% battery. I looked at it and seen missed calls and voice mails from Stephon I called him back and he answered "Hey what's wrong?" I asked "I don't want to go back home." "Why? What's wrong what happened?" I asked "My brother had just walked in when I came out the shower and I knew he was gone be all over me about this money he want. So I told London to lie to him about where I was and snuck out the house." "How long have you been gone?" "About 15 minutes. I called Calvin and Isaiah to see if I could stay at they house but they got Aliyah and Zoel over there. I'm finna go to my uncle's though I should be fine." "Come over here." I said "Wait what?" he asked " Come over here." I repeated "Your dad didn't look like he approved of me when I dropped you off earlier." "No dad does." I said "So come over here. I'll sneak you in." I started smiling "OK... what time do I have to leave?" "You can spend the night..." I said thinking about only one thing. "I'm on my way." he said and hung up. I started laughing because that didn't take much effort and put on my Jim jams. 5 minutes later he texted me. 'I'm outside' I looked out my window and he was standing there. The whole house was dark so I crept thru and opened the front door. He came in, kissed me and we walked upstairs.

When we got in my room I closed and locked the door and looked at him. "Take off your shoes and put them in the bathroom." I said. When he came back I asked "Are you hungry?" and he just looked at me and said "For you." Then it was over. I couldn't take it. I had been dreaming about him all day and now we were alone together once again. He walked up to me and gently held my face and put his book bag down. I jumped on him and we started kissing. He carried me to the bed and laid me down. I sat up taking off his shirt then looked at his chest and abs. He had a tattoo across his chest that said 'King of all Kings' I kissed it and then looked at him. He kind of looked scared but it was cute. I knew I made him weak. So weak to the point that he was afraid to be him self when we were about to do it. Like he put all his other feelings on hold and just directed love towards me and I had strong feelings for him because of that. So he started kissing my neck and I turned out the lamp on my night stand. I guided his hands all over me and he did the same. I felt him tense every time I kissed him like my love was too strong and I felt his heart beat grow stronger and him breathe faster on my neck when we were in the middle of doing it. It was his way of telling me he couldn't take it anymore and he had to stop for a minute before he (you know what). When we stopped we laid next to each other breathing heavily. I turned to my side and looked at him like he was all I ever wanted because he was. Then he looked at me and said " Come here" so I scooted over to where he was and he held me until we both fell asleep.

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