Chapter 2 - My Surprise

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We got home later than usual because my parents had took me out to eat and to go shopping in the most expensive boutiques. There I got 2 dresses. The one I picked out was short and black with glitterry diamonds and stuff on it. It looked like something Aria from Pretty Little Liars would wear. The one my mom picked out for me was short and like a sea turquoise blue she said it made my skin tone stand out (it also had diamonds and stuff on it).

When we pulled up I'm the driveway my mom looked at me and said "Okay. Go in the house wash up and put which ever one you want to on. Okay." I smiled and nodded "Me and your farther will be right back." "Wait where are you going!" And they drove off I turned around and walked into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom. Lying on my bed was a new Michael Kors bag and some heels. I almost screamed and looked for a tag to see who it was from. I picked up the heels and turned them around... They were red bottoms. "Oh my god." I said to myself. I picked up the tag and read it :

To our wonderful graduate

From Auntie Amanda, Uncle Rob, and Olivia

She was my favorite Aunt and I haven't seen any of my family since they all moved out of Louisiana and moved to New York and L.A. So how did this get her so fast? It wasn't here this morning... But anyway. I got in the shower and washed my hair. When I got out I turned Pandora on, on my phone and hooked it up to all around my room and played The Weekend Radio and The Kiss came on. I did my hair and makeup because where ever were going it has to be formal because those were some expensive dresses my mom told me to put on.

So about 45 minutes later I looked out the window but my parents still weren't back. I was about to call them until my phone started ringing and lit up

"Mom" I picked it up.

"Where are you guys?"

"Were on the way back now we just had some issues along the way."


"Be ready when we get there."

"Okay" I hung up and Pandora started back playing. I went over to the mirror and looked at myself. I looked pretty sexy even though I just had on panties and a bra. "I need to stop playin."  I told myself " I don't even know what dress imma wear." I walked over to my bed and looked at both of them... defiantly the black one. It wasn't that I didn't like the other one I just think the black is more me. So I put it on then applied my Ruby Woo MAC Lipstick to match the bottom of the heels and right then I heard a car pull up.

Someone was at my door, they knocked. I opened it and my mom and Auntie Amanda were standing there. We all gasped and I screamed "Auntie!" and we hugged. I let them in my room and my mom almost started crying. Then my dad came up the stairs and pulled out his professional camera and took like a thousand pictures. I told Auntie thank you for the shoes and bag then asked where Uncle Rob and Olivia were. All the adults looked at each other and smiled. Then Auntie said "Well let's go find out."

We all got in to the car and drove off. Me and Auntie sat next to each other so we could talk about California and how I was to come visit them anytime I wanted and maybe this summer. It was about a 30 minute ride from our house before we pulled up at some mansion it looked dead as we all got out the car. "Ma where are we?" I asked All she did was look at me and smile then we walked up the steps to the door. I opened it and all the lights were off. I walked all the way in and turned them on and "SURPRISE!" Everyone screamed. It was so loud it scared me, so for a few seconds I was looking confused and terrified until I realized it was a surprise party. I started smiling and Olivia came up to me and said "Hey cuzzo." and gave me a hug. Damn she looked so pretty from last time I seen her (not that she looked ugly before she just looks more mature now). I looked around and spotted all of fam, cousins and everything. She whispered to me "Everyone's here... I ain't seen no family gathering like this since Big Mama died." "I know right." I agreed. Then squad ran up to me (Zoel, Aliyah and London) . "Aye bruh I ain't know your family got money like this, damn." London said "I told you they did." Aliyah responded. "Oh Olivia." I said "This is Aliyah, Zoel, and London." "We met her already she cool." London told me. "Oh okay good, let me go greet fam right fast. I'll be back." I walked over to both my nanas and papas, then my Aunties Carlane, Bre, Jennifer.M, Jennifer.B, and Jennifer.H, then my Uncles Jay, Robbie, Randy, and Mike. Some of them tried to kiss me but they realized my makeup would smear so they didn't . Then I seen all my cousins on the other side of the room and ran towards them. There was Lydia (10), Shakina (11), Deion (20) with his girl friend (Savanna), Bobby (15), Zarianna (9), and Brianna (7).

The whole night was 3 fye. We had so much food and some of my aunties got tipsy from there drinks so every time they did something funny I would laugh and Zoel would come out of no where and say "Why are the olds (what we called some relatives) in the club getting' drunk?" and I would laugh.

When everything died down a little and it was time to cut the cake everyone stood around me as I cut it and hand out slices. Then we all paid attention to the front of the room where my parents made a speech and after that everyone else decided that they wanted to make speeches too. So some of my tipsy aunties got up and started singing Whitney Houston. They thought it was perfect because my last name is Houston even though the song didn't go with the occasion at all. Then my nana got up there and made a really long speech basically discussing my whole life and when she started crying my mom kind of brushed her off the stage because everyone was getting tired of it.

By then it was 2 In the morning and my parents decided it was time for everyone to go home. So everyone left and we headed home with all my gifts in the back seat. And to be honest I don't even remember anything else because I feel asleep in the car.

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