Chapter 22 - Breaking & Entering

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We parked across the street at some food mart behind Disney Land. Everyone got out of the car and started walking to the gates. No one said anything, they probably knew how much it matter that we didn't get caught. I was lugging behind the group with Zoel, Sam was in front of me with another girl whose name I cant remember.

We reached the gate and some white guy in a security vest was there. I got so scarred, I broke the silence and whirred to Zoel. "Oh shit, security." I started ducking behind the crowd but no one else even reacted to seeing him ... What the fuck? "Imani get up, that's her boyfriend." "What the hell... Why didn't I know this?" I responded feeling once again left out. "Well you know now. "

Everyone was greeting him as we quickly walked thru the gate to be standing i n a place with a lot of trees around. He shut it behind the last person which was me and Aliyah pulled me to the side with her, Zoel, and the security guard. "Zoel and Imani this Tyler, Tyler this Zoel and Imani." "Hi," I said shaking his hand "I'm that other friend. " I was slick smirking. Aliyah done changed sides and I can't wait to mess with her about it. Zoel just stood there grinning not even offering a hand.

It got quiet and we all starting nodding which I thought was funny until Tyler said some thing (HE SPEAKS!) "Well imma lock up here and go erase the parks video of you guys. " Aliyah was leaning on his side and his arm was wrapped around her waist. They looked at each other "Okay, we'll be at the tea cups. " oh my god she sounds like a little kid. He nodded and the pop kissed each other and he started to lock up the gate so we started walking thru the forest (I guess you can call it).

When we were a distance away where he couldn't hear I said "Did you let Tyler eat your brownie!?" Everyone bust out laughing as Aliyah pushed me against a tree. "No Mani! " "Well how'd you guys meet?" Zoel asked. "At Pinkberry 2 weeks ago when I first got here. I was stressed because I could find anything and my GPS was being ridiculous so I stopped by Pinkberry because frozen yogurt is always a good idea. So I went in and he helped me as he made my vanilla frozen yogurt. "

Oh my god there were so many things to say about that but we were to busy dying of laughter. When I caught my breath I said "He mixed his vanilla swirl with your chocolate one." And none of us could breath again.

"No but he's really great and no offense guys but when he's done imma be with him because I never get to see him. He's always in Destin, Florida visiting his sick mom." Hearing Destin made me think of Destin the boy and not Destin the place. Hearing sick mom made me think of Stephon and I didn't want to think of neither of them.


We were all crammed in the tea cups having a good time when Destin some how managed to whisper he wanted to talk to me after we got out while I was being force to get extremely close to him from spinning. We had only went to the castle before the tea cups but it was getting darker so we headed to some rides.

Everyone got out of the cup and nearly fell out Jaylen and Zoel were being stupid and they thought it'd be funny to purpusfully trip down the steps and make everyone else go with them (It was already to many of us in the cup anyways). Since me and Destin were farthest from the door and everyone had their back turned to us he tapped me on my shoulder and nodded to the side. We jumped out the back of the tea cup and ran.

We stopped running when we were where no one could see us a.k.a leaning against the back of some lockers in the locker section. We were smiling and panting with our backs against the wall and even though I was becoming irritated by the humid night and how I was beginning to sweat, I kind of enjoyed it.

Destin stopped panting and just began to slowly breathe. I was smiling to myself thinking how much I missed out on in high school. "I like you." Destin said out of no where. I stopped breathing altogether "You... can't ..." I said because it was all I could say. I mean because come on now... I have a boyfriend who... Who loves me.

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