Chapter 7 - Money isnt Happiness

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"I think you honked the horn enough mom." I said getting into the car. She looked back at me with a stern and strict look. "Who. No what did I just see!?" "Me and my boyfriend saying goodbye to each other..." "James stop the car." She told my dad and started looking back to my group of friends trying to spot who it was I was just kissing. "Is that him in the black provocative shirt and cargo bottoms?" "Yeah."

She started fumbling with the door trying to get out. "Mom WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" she looked back at me "We are a very famous name! I will not have my daughter messing around with some low life drug dealer who isn't worth anything but trouble!" She screamed "YOU WILL END UP WITH YOUR HEART BROKEN ALL PREGNANT DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" For a while I wanted to spit in her face. I couldn't believe what she was saying... as many times as she's tried to so called "help people" with mental issues and helping them find a home I thought it was out of the kindness of her heart. But for her to just judge someone off of the actions of their older sibling it makes me realize everything with her is just a show.

So I looked at her and for a moment the only thing I saw was greed. She got out the car and started walking fast toward Stephon and everyone else. I got out the car and followed her. Nobody noticed she was coming until she slammed her hand on the table in between Stephon and Isaiah. So I stopped walking and watched in fear, that Stephon would hate me for my mothers actions the same way she hated him for his brothers actions. "You! Stay away from my daughter!" she yelled in his face, from across the table Aliyah and Zoel seen me and looked shocked. Tears started forming in my eyes. "You are a useless thug to her! You can't give her anything of what she wants and you know it!" Stephon looked at the ground "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" she raised her hand making it look like she was about to hit him but then she looked across the table at Zoel and Aliyah. "And you girls should be ashamed of yourselves! Why would you let my daughter have a relationship with someone like this! You must have no respect for yourselves." tears started streaking down my face as she turned around and headed back towards the car, she tried to grab my arm but I pulled away and mouthed "I'm sorry" to all of them as Stephon was just getting up to walk away. At first he didn't see me right there but when he did he froze and walked up to me not caring if my mother saw or not. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know she was going to do that I'm so stupid for not trying to stop her." I said as he held my face gently and wiped away my tears. He licked his lips as I said "Stephon. Please say something." He shook his head and kissed me on the lips before he walked away.

I turned and walked to the car and as I opened the back door I heard my mom talking to my dad say "because he'll never see her again." I got in and slammed the door hard. I put my headphones in put on The Weeknd and tried to text Stephon. But he didn't reply. I wanted to kick and scream but I knew that wouldn't do anything. I kind of felt like this was all my fault like if I had told him my mom might be watching so we can't kiss this would be different. But a part of me said no! If he's what I want then I shouldn't have to hide that from anybody and it was true.

When we arrived at another expensive boutique I realized I didn't want this life. I didn't want fancy thousand dollar shoes or new cars or a mansion for 10 when only 3 people live in my house. I was snapped out of day dreaming when my mom thru a bag at my and some make up and told me to put this on because she didn't want me looking like a misfit. So instead of rebelling I went in the store and into the bathroom and put on what was in the bag. It was the other blue dress I got from the other boutique with some high heels. I put it on and realized I forgot my purse in the car which carried my phone. So I rushed back but my mom already had it "You went through my stuff!?" "I wanted to make sure you didn't have any birth control or pregnancy test because that would be just awful darling." she shivered "Just to think that if you had sex with him his seed will be planted inside you... his filthy seed." I mean mugged her and she smiled "I want my phone." "Okay I'll give it to you later but for right now smiles on!" We walked into the boutique while my dad walked down the street to the nearest bar. Something he does when he doesn't like a situation my mom is trying to be controlling over. I could tell they were on the verge of splitting apart.

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