Chapter 14 - Graduating Sleepover

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I read aloud my speech to Zoel and Aliyah as the laid on my bedroom floor, looking up at the ceiling, and eating Skittles. We we're having our pre-graduating sleepover like we do every year before the last day of school. Tonight we wanted to do it big but graduation was tomorrow and we had to be at school by 6 am. So they brought just about their whole closet so we can chose what to wear and make sure everything is on 10.

It's 7pm and were planning to go to sleep by 9 so we can get up by 4 to get ready. "I like it." Zoel said reaching her arm to the ceiling and dropping another Skittle into her mouth. "Its ironically poetic and not to self centered. I think its better than the previous vale speeches." (she calls valedictorians vales) "Thanks." I said "But what about you Liyah? You major in writing and literature..." She said she liked it but we spent the next hour and a half critiquing and adding to it until it was 5 pages long. Zoel laid on the floor watching Pretty Little Liars occasionally telling us to be quiet while we edited. "You know, instead of watching TV why don't you come up here and help us?" Aliyah asked Zoel. She turned around and said "Nigga you know I major in dance."

By 8:30 when we finished I put my speech away and we laid down to watch the rest of the PLL episode. When it was over we talked about A and other stuff (like Stephon). "Imani you need to stop acting like your just okay. I know you not okay. " Aliyah said "Bruh I just..." "Dont wanna talk about it? Hope he comes to school tomorrow?" Zoel asked "I looked up at both of them and asked " You think he's gonna come tomorrow right?! I mean he has to come its his graduation to!?" I said about to panic. If Stephon didn't come to the ceremony I would be so done. "Calm down. He has to come. Not only because its his graduation but because of you... He loves you M." "Yeah." I said unsure.

Then Zoel sat up and looked at us. "What! Whats wrong?" Aliyah asked nervous "You guys were graduating from high school tomorrow ... Within the next 6 months were gonna be out of our parents house on our own at different colleges. We won't have another year of Stalag 18 (something she called school) next year... We're graduating tomorrow." We were quiet for a while because we all realized it and instead of still thinking about Stephon and everything I put those thoughts to the side and actually pondered on what it would be like in 6 months... I won't have Aliyah here to watch old movies with when I'm sick or Zoel to teach me how to play basketball when she makes me stay with her at practice even though I suck ... I won't have them lurking around when me and Stephon talk or see each other. I'll only have the memory of it from when we first met.

"Imma miss y'all." Aliyah said all soul searchy and empty. We started tearing up and had a long group hug for about 5 minutes (like 12 year olds) until we heard someone pull up outside. We all ran down to see it was my mom and dad with my car from the shop. They brought food but none of us were that hungry. They all greeted and we went back up stairs to reminisce from 9th grade and get ready for tomorrow.

By 9:15 we were all in my bed watching The Breakfast Club and dozing off.


My alarm clock sang Immortal by Kid Cudi and woke us all up. The TV was on the little Netflix home channel showing a big picture from Insidious which kind of scared me at first. So I turned it off and started playing Pandora as we got prepared for our last day of school together.

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