Chapter 10 - Meeting Parents Is Uncomfortable

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"Imma carry all your stuff in your room so you won't have to worry about it okay?." Stephon said pulling into the driveway of my house. "Okay." I responded. We got out the car and he followed me to the door step. I unlocked the door and he followed me up to my room, both of us not carting if anyone heard. When we got in my room I closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. He put my stuff down and sat next to me. I put my legs over his lap and laid and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We kissed for a bit and then I just stared at his light brown eyes and said "I'm tired of hiding you from my parents... even my mom. " "Since when have you been hiding me from your parents?... I thought you just didn't think our relationship was that serious and that's why I hadn't met them..." I smiled a bit because he looked so cute telling me that. "Well no... my mom doesn't like you... I'm pretty sure you could tell by the way she confronted you that day..." I started tearing up "Bae stop its okay." he said wiping the tears from my face. "If you don't want me to met them I won't met them its okay." "No I want you to... I really do. I want them to like you the way Aliyah and Zoels mom and dads like Isaiah and Calvin." "Mani you can't say that because their parents aren't yours. Its okay if they don't like me." I looked down and started playing with my hands "I just wish she didn't speak as badly about you as she does." "What you mean?" "She says you trouble and that I'm going to wind up all heart broken and pregnant ."

He looked disappointed so I kissed him on the cheek until there was a knock on the door. It was my mom. "Come in."  I said. Opening the door she responded "Hey darling I just wanted to give you thi-"  that's when she seen Stephon and she kind of looked stunned. "Well who is this?" she asked acting like she didn't know. I moved my feet from Stephon's lap and he got up to shake my moms hand. I was looking mad because when I seen her look at him it reminded me of their first met and how she yelled at him. "Hey" he said shaking her hand "my names Stephon you yelled at me when we first met." "Ohhh I am so sorry for that I was a little shocked to see you kissing my daughter I didn't mean to offend you or anything." She lied. I wouldn't look at her but then I thought about something. "Where's my letter?" I asked arms crossed. She looked at me startled. "Ohhhh yeah Umm I have to go get that. I tried to get as much stuff from the room and bring it home so you wouldn't have to worry about it at the hospital." she smiled at me as she lied. when I woke up that was the only thing missing. Then I suddenly felt weak and had to lay down but then my dad came up and I didn't want it to look like my mom had caught us having sex.

"Oh hello young man!" my dad said shaking Stephon's hand "Hey." "So is this Stephon?"  he asked. I nodded and laid down. My mom walked over to me and tried to tuck me in. "I'm fine... I'm not going to sleep." I told her as my dad and Stephon were talking. "Well why don't you come to dinner with us tonight?" my dad suggested "That would be nice but I have to get home to my moms. " "Oh okay well how about tomorrow morning. You wouldn't mind missing first period at school would you?" "Oh no sir. That should be nice." I bust out laughing and sat up. Stephon was looking at me like what are you laughing at? and I said "Stop talking proper ... eww." I laughed some more. "I wanna go to J.Christopher's tomorrow morning " Stephon looked at me and smiled. "Well then its settled J.Christopher's it is tomorrow. Do you want to come along?" he asked Stephon "Sure..." there was a long silence. "Well I'd better get going. Its getting late." "Yes well we'll see you tomorrow morning at 8." my dad responded walking out the room. Stephon came over and gave me a hug and a kiss and left.

My mom was still in my room and in a state of shock. "Well I'm about to get ready for tomorrow sooooo....." "Oh yes well I'll see you in the morning ." she tried to walk out fast but then I caught her "I need my letter." and 5 minutes later she came back with it and put it on my bed.


After 3 hours of watching Finding Carter, Pretty Little Liars, and Teen Wolf I decided to get up and take a shower. Afterwards I picked out my outfit which was a black skater skirt, some burgundy Doc Martens (the dull ones), and a burgundy plaid tight fitting shirt.

I put on my Jim jams and called Aliyah. She called Zoel and we were on a 3-way convo for like 40 minutes until Zoel had to go and Aliyah was falling asleep on the phone because she made a bet with Calvin on who can go the longest without sleep and she'd been up for as long as I'd been in the hospital. So I let them go and stayed up till 3 am writing my speech for graduation.

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