Chapter 21 - Sorry For Staring

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2 weeks have passed and the only way I can talk to anyone is thru the phone. Aliyah's in Florida visiting, Zoel's in New York doing the same thing and Stephon has gone MIA again. But this time I'm not worried because he'll occasionally call but only to ask questions about me, and when I try to change the subject to see what he's been up to he all of a sudden has to go.

But that's him wasting the time he could be spending with me, because I decided that I'm leaving on July 3rd for LA. I figure since I wouldn't want to choose Zoel over Aliyah or Aliyah over Zoel I'm going to LA to be away from both of them in a good way. Hopefully I'll make friends but I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem if I don't because I went most of my high school career ignoring almost everyone around me.

On the 6th of June Aliyah called me on facetime to see if I wanted to come to Florida for a week to get out the house because she knew I wasn't doing anything. Of course I said yes so on the 7th I left out of the state for the first time since our little Senior Skip Day/Extended Weekend. I didn't even call Stephon to tell him I just told my parents and my mom helped me pack. They drove me to the airport and left when I got on the plane.

The ride was terrible I was sitting by myself but I got a headache and my ears kept popping. But after a few hours we landed and I was fine.

I got off the plane and went into the lobby to wait for my luggage. It came and I went to Starbucks in the food court to wait for Aliyah. I bought a cheese danish and ate half when I called Aliyah. She didn't answer but she texted me when she seen I called. It said 'Sorry. Its a lot of traffic. I'll b there in 15 minutes.' I let out a sigh and sat back looking at a cute couple hugging. They looked like they hadn't seen each other for a while. Looking at them made me think of me and Stephon and how I wished our relationship could be that simple.

I was snapped out of my fantasy when I felt hands come on my shoulder and try to spin me around. About to snap I turned around ready to yell when I seen Zoel. We both screamed and jumped in each others arms. "Oh my god what are you doing here your supposed to be in New York!?" "I know! I was able to pull some strings and come down here to see you guys!" I was excited that Zoel was here too and that's when I seen Aliyah come up behind her and we hugged too.

We left out the hospital and went to her condo which looked over the Orlando strip.  "This is some nice shit." Zoel said putting her hands in her hips. She had on The Original XO Leggings by The Weeknd and a sweatshirt. "You dressing different now Zoe. What 2 weeks in NYC do to you?"

"Oh." She said sitting on the couch "I've got these cool new friends, Ashley and Jayla their like major PartyNextDoor and The Weeknd fans so they got me listening to their music and now I'm in love. Were going to Party's concert in September. Its going to be like the most rad thing ever."

I thought about her mentioning her new friends, I feel like I'm still in high school and to make it worse Aliyah started talking about it to "Oh yeah I've met some new people... Ever and Naomi... And a new guy. " me and Zoel both freaked "What nigga?" Zoel asked "What happened to Calvin." Aliyah shook her head "Yall broke up too?"

Aliyah looked up "Y'all split?" Zoel nodded "Yeah, were to far." "Wow so all of us have been keeping the bad information to ourselves." I said. They both looked at me "Stephon's gone MIA again ... I don't think I can with him. Its so frustrating!" We comforted each other and ate ice cream while watching 2 episodes of Scandal.

It was still bright outside when we left the house to walk on the strip. We shopped and ate some more until the sun started setting and we went back to the condo. I took a shower and put on some Jim jams when Zoel and Aliyah came in the room and claimed we should do something. "Do what?" I asked "Mmm I don't know. " Zoel said being slick "Maybe ... Break into Disney world with some of Aliyah cool new friends."

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