Chapter 24 - About Last Night

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I don't remember waking up but I found myself laying in the same spot on the couch and Aliyah and Zoel both being on the floor asleep. The natural light was shinning through the curtains letting me know it wasmorning. The Evil Dead menu was on and me, Zoel, and Aliyah were the only ones in the house (thank god).

Struggling, I got up and turned the TV on regular channels and put on Cartoon Network (for no particular reason). I went into the kitchen next and lurked about inside Aliyah's fridge. There was a unopened package of yogurt with m&m toppings, half a gallon of milk and fruit juice, apples, a bunch of bananas and barely enough pancake mix for all of us. Ugh! I thought to myself, We're going out.

I went on on demand and blasted Selena Golmez so both Zoel and Aliyah could wake up (they both hated Selena). "Get up." I announced "Were going to get some food, Aliyah their ain't shit in your fridge and I'm hungry so both of you get up, take a shower and get dressed."

"What's the bloody rush mate? You've got your knickers in a bunch you minger!" Zoel said with a British accent. I stared at her wide eyed, I didn't know whether to kick her or laugh at her. Aliyah started laughing so I did to. "What the fuck! Ha! I thought you had for gotten about that!" Aliyah exclaimed. Both of our faces were red while Zoel just looked at us and replied "No I haven't."

I looked confused so Aliyah explained to me "Last night Sam was talking and Zoel liked her accent. So Sam told her some British terms and she said she was going to talk like that for all of today." I nodded, it sounded like something Zoel would do "Anyways we need to get ready I don't know where were going but I'm starving."

"Yeah me too." Aliyah responded "There's this great spot Tyl-." She stopped and looked around embarrassed. "Were not going to say anything about you new boo now keep going." I said and she continued "Well Tyler took me out to this nice breakfest place called The Brunch Spot, we could go there. Its like 30 minutes away and we could go shopping in the outlets afterwards." I agreed as she stood up and began walking to the back. "Will Jaylen be coming round?" Zoel asked. Aliyah bust out laughing as I hit her with a pillow.

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Zoel is singing in the shower while I am brushing my teeth. Its on the verge of almost annoying we keep telling her to shut up but she keeps calling us blokes and mingers (which she pronuces as mingah).

When I finished and closed the door behind me Aliyah started playing music on the surround sound. I had already took my shower (again, I don't know why) put on lotion and I was choosing my outfit when Aliyah can in the room, stood on the other side of the bed and looked at me looking down. I wouldn't meet her eyes because something told me not to and after about 30 seconds of feeling her stare I asked "what?"

I could tell she raised her eyebrows. "Where did you go last night?" I smacked my teeth "Umm to Disney World with you fools." "No I mean in Disney World... Where did you go?" God she would be a good lawyer with all these questions. "To explore the park." She didn't respond. "What do you want Aliyah?... For, for me to admit the huge mistake that I made last night when I hooked up with another guy I barely know when I have a boyfriend whose never around when he needs to be whose out there doing and selling god knows what." I was looking at her now when a look of concern came over her face.

"Wait! What do you mean selling?" I shook my head and looked away "...Nothing." I mumbled. "Oh my god... Mani." The shower stopped as well as Zoel's horrible British singing. "Is he selling drugs again?" I cringed at the question then realized. "What do you mean again?... Did you know the first time?" She just looked at me as if saying yeah. "And you didn't tell me!" I was mixed with sadness and rage. Why the hell didn't she tell me?

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