one » LA baby

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"Rinna!" I cheered, wrapping my arms around her waist and picking her up to spin her around. "I missed you!"

"Oh my god, Tilda," she pulled back for a millisecond just to look at my face, then pulled me right back in. "I missed you too. We're going to have so much fun this summer."

"I'm so excited. I literally was talking to my seatmate on the plane over here about how my sister was famous, and he was not loving it," I rambled, leaning forward to hug her one more time. "But that's okay. He doesn't need to love it, does he?"

"No, he doesn't," she sassed back, grabbing one of my suitcases. She lead me to her car while we talked about my life back home. I had just turned 19 and, after many questions from our parents, was finally allowed to come visit her in LA. Corinna got off a lot more lenient than I did, maybe because she was older and my parents realized their mistake when raising me. Either way, it took a lot of convincing for me to be allowed to come to LA for the summer.

Corinna and I were really close growing up. Although we were three years apart, we did most of the same things. I even dated a boy in her grade when she was a senior and I was a sophomore, so we attended most of the same parties and even had a few mutual friends. Being back with her for two and a half months was more than exciting, especially considering that Corinna came back to Chicago once in a blue moon, and when she did, she only stayed for a few days. I had missed my sister, believe it or not.

"Oh, by the way, I was planning on going straight to Todd's from here. Unless you want to go to my apartment first," she told me and I shook my head, pulling down the sun blocker of the car to look in the mirror. I didn't look awful, considering I'd been on a four hour flight and slept for over half of it. I definitely didn't look the best though.

I wasn't too worried to be honest. As far as I knew, Todd, Corinna's boyfriend, lived with a middle aged man and someone already in a relationship. I didn't really have anyone to impress.

Corinna drove to her boyfriend's while chatting about her life here. She told me how wild Dom had gotten, which I knew from his videos. He was a lot more... mellow in our high school years. A lot more normal. She told me about how sweet Todd was to her.

She even had the nerve to tell me about how great David was, but I had to stop that short. The only videos I had ever watched of David's was his breakup video, because it made me happy that he was sad. I didn't want to hear about him. He had done enough.

David made it his personal mission to make my childhood hell, for a reason unknown to me. When I was in sixth grade and he was in eighth, he got everyone in the school calling me "Matty Moo". He claimed it was just a pet name, but I knew he was making fun of my chub. Why wouldn't he? He had an ego the size of Texas, even with his ugly Justin Bieber haircut. In high school, even after my glow up, it just got worse. He found slight popularity on Vine and thought he was the king of the world.

"You know, you're going to have to get over your unnecessary hatred for David eventually, Matilda," Corinna teased me as soon as I clammed up at the mention of his name. She would never understand my beef with David, and I was fine with that. She also would never listen when I said I'd never get over it. "You're basically going to be living with him."

"No, I'm not. He's a douche," I snarled, rolling my eyes at even the thought of him. If only she knew...

"I'm just saying, you need to prepare yourself. We're together a lot, and if you're hanging out with me, which you should be, you'll be with him too."

"I'll hang out with Dom," I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. Though Dom had changed... irrevocably over his three years in LA, I was sure he was still the same sweet boy that I genuinely liked, somewhere deep down. Very deep down.

"Dom is not even close to the sane person he was in high school," Corinna rolled her eyes, probably at the thought of how downhill he had gone. "Plus it's kind of weird that you like him so much. We had a thing. He doesn't need two Kopfs. It's bad enough he got one."

"Corinna, I dated him. For four months. In high school," I replied, giggling when her jaw dropped. "So technically, you were the second Kopf."

"Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that."

"Yeah," I awkwardly ended the conversation. Luckily, she pulled into a driveway a few seconds later and shut the car off.

"I'm so excited for them to meet you! You're going to love them, I swear," she hopped out and I followed suit, brushing off my leggings and tightening the ponytail on top of my head. It was hot out, much hotter than Chicago, and I was regretting my early morning decision to wear a crewneck. Corinna led me into the large house and upon entering, we were greeted by a middle aged man.

"Hey Corinna. And you must be Corinna's little sister," Jason stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Yes, I'm Matilda. Nice to meet you," I smiled politely, letting my eyes drift around the place. It was pretty spacious but barely furnished, only containing a few small couches, a desk, and a coffin. Nice.

"It's nice to meet you too. Corinna's talked a lot of shit about you," he joked and I pretended to be offended, pushing Corinna away with a scoff. "Kidding, obviously. She loves you."

"I really do," Rin wrapped her arm over the tops of my shoulders and pulled me in for a side hug. "She's my baby. We're going to go meet everyone else, but we'll see you later."

"Yeah, of course," Jason waved us off, sitting back down at the desk. Corinna took me to the kitchen next, where Todd and Scott were sitting at the table eating. Todd stood at Corinna's entrance and gave her a hug. How sweet.

"Hey, I'm Todd. It's so nice to meet you," he went in for the hug, so I hugged him back. He seemed very sweet, especially to Corinna. I already liked him.

"It's nice to meet you too; I'm Matilda," I introduced myself to both Todd and Scott, who also stood for a hug. "I like your shirt. Where'd you get it?"

"It's my merch," he laughed, looking down at the black shirt with rainbow don't be sad lettering. "Thank you, though. I'll make sure you get some."

"Oh my god, I love LA."

Of course, I couldn't have said that without it coming back to bite me in the ass. Behind me, I heard footsteps and in a voice I wanted so desperately to forget, someone said, "Matty Moo! Did you miss me?"

Fuck my life.

hiii i actually WASNT going to post this anytime soon believe it or not BUT tonight was the views tour date for my city and i didnt go so i feel bad and miss david. anyways let me know what you think about this idea!! i thought since i like fighting so much i could just make them fight all the damn time lol

im saying matilda is played by Elizabeth Hellmer, who is one of corinnas friends and they look alike

vote and comment if ur liking this story!!! idk how often ill update since school is about to start back for me (senior year baby) but i will try my hardest. ok thats all!! xoxox abby

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