six » pillow forts

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"So this wasn't my best idea," I had to laugh. David looked up at me from his place on the floor, the smallest of smiles on his face. It grew as I continued laughing my ass off, and soon he was laughing with me. David and I were having... a moment?

Let me start from the beginning.

After David and I settled down, we watched the first half of Mamma Mia (his pick) ((he sang every song under his breath)) before I started complaining about being hungry. Considering David did have an assistant, I hoped he'd send her for some food, but he ended up wanting to cook. Why he wanted to cook, I don't know.

I sat on his island, watching him cook spaghetti for a while since he wouldn't let me continue the movie without him. It was pretty boring until about ten minutes in when he walked away to go to the bathroom. I remembered him telling me to "watch that" and me responding "don't tell me what to do, dickface".  I wasn't even paying attention, playing Subway Surfers on my phone when I felt a heat on my face. Glancing up, I realized the grease was on fire. The meat was on fire. The whole pan was on fire.

I had a full on meltdown. I tried to think back to my freshman year cooking class, but couldn't for the life of me remember how to stop a kitchen fire. I finally reacted when I realized it was still fucking burning and David was nowhere to be found. I screamed, jumping off the counter and doing the first thing I knew to do: turned the sink on and hosed the stove down with water. Big mistake. Apparently, that isn't what I learned in freshman year cooking class.

"Okay, well, someone should've told me that grease fires need to be smothered," I innocently shrugged, unable to bite back the giggles coming from within me. I couldn't believe I had caught David's kitchen on fire, but what I also couldn't believe was that he wasn't even mad. He laughed at my mistake, wished he had filmed it, and then helped clean up. It was odd... and refreshing.

After the fire fiasco, David decided it might be best to order take out. I offered to pay, since I did almost destroy his kitchen, but he refused. We ended up getting Chipotle delivered which I liked much better than spaghetti anyways.

It was very awkward at first. Usually when we were silently sitting next to each other, we were both angry and brooding and ready to bite each other's heads off at the first bad thing the other did. This time, it was different. We were angry; we were just normal. I didn't like it.

I did survive, though. We finished Mamma Mia and were halfway through Bolt (my pick) when Jason came over. David told me he was recording a podcast today and he would be really grateful if I just stayed on the couch quietly. Normally, I would've fucked it up just to see how pissed I could get him, but I did catch his kitchen on fire and he didn't yell at me for him, so I guessed I owed him.

I stayed silent for a whole 41 minutes until David stopped the recording, turning around to shoot me a thumbs up.

"Oh yeah, I meant to ask," Jason started, moving from his spot in the kitchen to come sit with me on the couch. "What the hell are you doing here?"

It was no secret that I hated David, and I understood that it might've looked a little off to Jason. I rolled my eyes at the thought, mumbling, "Corinna is making David babysit me while she goes to Florida for two days."

"Because of last night?" Jason casually asked as if last night wasn't that big of a deal.

"How'd you know about last night?" I frowned and furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You were on like four snapchats naked," he told me and I had to giggle at that. It was pretty out of character for me.

"He probably watched them twenty times in a row until he finished jacking off," David joked, and that's when I noticed the camera pointed at Jason and I. He was taking an advantage of my niceness.

"David, stop," Jason laughed his Jason laugh. "Trisha's going to break me."

"I love Trisha. She's wonderful, isn't she?"

"She really is."

"Matilda lit my kitchen on fire," he informed Jason while I laughed at both my stupidity and the simplicity of his statement.

"And how did that happen, David? Were you messing with the flamethrower? I told you that's not safe—"

"Actually," I interrupted him before he got into his rant I had heard twice over the week I'd been in LA about how we needed to be safe and people could get seriously hurt. "it was my fault."

"Remember when we did the grease fire video?" David asked Jason, who nodded like he knew what he was talking about. David raised his eyebrows in a "well" manner and Jason's jaw dropped as he turned to look at me.

"You can't put water on a grease fire, Matt," he sounded like a dad in that moment, which only made the whole situation funnier.

"Well, yeah, I know that," I explained, tipping my head back in laughter when he gave me a "are you sure" look. "Now."

Jason left about an hour later. He talked mainly to David while I sat quietly, busying myself with my phone. Once he was gone, things seemed even quieter than before he came, and I was ready for bed. I stood, turning to David to ask, "Where am I sleeping?"

"It's only ten," he furrowed his brows.

"I had a long night," I admitted, half smiling at him when he stood up and led me to a bedroom with a black and white painting behind the bed. "Is this your room?"


"It's nice."

"Thanks," he kind of smiled, looking around the room as if he was taking it in. "It does the job."

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"Yeah. Is the bed too small?" he halfheartedly asked while digging through a drawer, pulling out some sweatpants to change into.

"It's a queen," I was confused on why he even asked. How could a queen bed be too small? Corinna and I had shared one every night; I'd be fine in his on my own.

"You could sleep on the couch if you want. I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he said as he was yanking his jeans down his legs.

"We're sleeping together?" I exclaimed, frowning when he nodded like it was no big deal.

"It's a big bed, Matilda," he sighed, climbing into it and keeping himself on the right side. I stared for a few second, completely frozen. I had no clue what to do.

"I'm not sleeping with you," I noted.

"Sleeping next to me," he corrected with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't want to."

"I know," he said earnestly. I couldn't believe one night had changed us this much. He pulled one of the pillows out from underneath him, laying it in the center of the bed. "Look, I built a fort between us. Get in the bed."

I slipped my Vans off and slowly, carefully climbed in next to him, turning the pillow upright to keep us separated. "Don't touch me, David."

"I won't."

I woke up around three in the morning, feeling the warmth of another person directly behind me. Sometime in the night the pillow fort fell down, and I was surprised to find myself not caring one bit.

oooooooooooh bonding cuddling the works :) but will they regret it in the morning??? stay tuned to find out xoxo abby

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