eight » princess

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"So how was your weekend?" Corinna asked, unable to stop the laugh from bubbling out of her throat at the thought of me and David, hanging out like buddies.

"Horrible and a half," I sighed while the lady in front of me shaped my nail. Corinna and I were having a girl's day on her first day back, which I desperately needed after my weekend with the bros (if I could consider David a bro). "Did I tell you we started a fire?"

"In the house?" her eyebrows raised in shock, mouth dropping open. "Holy fuck. No, I think you forgot to mention that."

"David was making spaghetti—"

"He made something?" she interrupted, almost more shocked than when I told her we set a fire inside the house. I nodded. "That is... not like him."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, brows furrowed. I hadn't seen David in three years, so I hadn't quite gotten his mannerisms down yet. Corinna had, though.

"He doesn't cook," she explained, still seeming to be confused by his actions. "Like he's okay at cooking, but he rarely does it. He only gets food delivered. It's just kind of... weird that he'd cook for you."

"He insisted."

"Yeah, weird. Anyways, continue."

And so I did. I told her about the spaghetti and the fire and the water and the bigger fire. I told her about how David and I laughed for twenty minutes after it happened. I told her about our evening on movies and Jason, and about the sleeping situation. Or most of it. I might've slightly skipped over the cuddling part, but she didn't need to know that. No one did. I already regretted it enough.

Once our nails were finished, she drove us to a small restaurant to get lunch. We talked mainly about Chicago; it was the first time in the week I'd been in LA that I felt like she was genuinely concerned about me. Most of the time, she just talked about herself. I didn't mind, but it felt nice to know she cared.

"Well, I still work at Hooter's," I laughed when she joked that I was following in her footsteps. "and I still lie to Mom and Dad that I work at Panera."

"And college?" she asked, eyebrows popping up.

"It's fine. I had all A's this semester," I grinned. "I'll be done in two more years."

"I'm proud of you. I don't think anyone I knew in high school actually ended up with a real job."


"Thank you. I can't wait to be done with it and have a job though. It's so weird that in a few years, I'll be starting the rest of my life. I'm almost at marrying age; you're almost at marrying age!"

"Don't scare me," Corinna nervously laughed, tucking some of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I literally cannot even think about it. It's weird to be growing up."

We talked for a good ten minutes before Corinna got the call. It was Todd (because who else would it be) and he wanted to hang out. He hadn't gone with her to Florida and apparently, according to Corinna, he spent the whole time texting her and complaining that he missed her. Usually, I would say she was being dramatic, but I met Todd, and it didn't surprise me one bit. Her mocking expression was pretty spot on.

And so the girl's day was over as quick as it started. We had actually gotten two hours in alone, which was pretty good considering the circumstances. We left our lunch spot as soon as we were done and made our way to the boys' house, where everyone apparently was. When we got there, Todd, Scott, Kristen, David, Jason, Trisha, Brandon, Jonah, and Zane were all at the house, sitting in the back living room filming some things and messing with one another.

It didn't surprise me that Todd and Corinna snuck off a few minutes after we first arrived and the sound of the shower echoed throughout the house a few minutes later. It made us all laugh. I was happy for Corinna; she found someone who loved her.

I spent most of the day talking to Zane, who I knew had a teeny, tiny crush on me. I didn't like him like that, but he was still my friend, so I talked to him. That's when David started messing with me.

Let me preface this by saying that I didn't go looking for the fight. In fact, for the first time ever (maybe), I was actually just ignoring David's trashy jokes, looking away whenever he said anything directed at me. But he was trying so hard to piss me off, and it was working.

David had been messing with me all day: poking me in the face when I slept, stealing my food, pulling
my hair. Things only a literal four year child would find even remotely funny. It was David, though, so he was having a blast.

He was also calling me a bitch anytime I'd hit his hand away. Bitch, I didn't mind. I was a bitch. I knew I was a bitch. It didn't bother me in the slightest when he called me that. Calling me princess was where he crossed a line.

I had some... issues with David and the word princess. The fact that he even had the nerve to say it made my emotions skyrocket, and I went absolutely ballistic.

"David, don't you dare—"

"Don't I dare what? You are such a bitch all the fucking time, Matilda. I can't be a dick to you without you flipping out?" he furrowed his brows like he was confused, but I knew good and well what he was doing. He wanted me to freak out.

I couldn't believe he was doing this in front of his friends. Typically, he'd do the more tease-y, joke-y bits in front of his friends to make himself appear to be the good guy. This time, he was going all out.

"You are so fucking annoying; God, how does anyone fucking stand you? I'm surprised all your friends haven't blown their goddamn brains out yet."

"Calm down, princess. What's wrong?" he asked innocently, but I knew he knew what he said. I knew he knew the reference.

"You know what, fuck you, David," I suddenly stood, approaching him to get in front of him. I was only an inch or two shorter than him and probably a little bigger, so I hoped my stance was intimidating. "You always fucking bring that up when I've told you over and over again that I don't want to talk about it! I said that for you! If you want to talk about Halloween so bad, let's fucking talk about Halloween!"

I shoved him backwards as I screamed until he hit a wall. I continued, "You think you're so fucking badass, so why don't you fucking tell Corinna what you did on Halloween? Tell her what you fucking did to me. Tell her! Go ahead, I'm fucking waiting."

The crowded living room was dead silent.

"What the fuck happened on Halloween, Matilda?"

next chapter ladies and gents. next chapter. lol

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now