ten » the plan

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Corinna didn't talk to David or any of his friends for a week after she heard the story. Not even Todd. That's how you know it was bad.

She was devastated at what I had gone through and at the fact that I had gone through it alone.

"All this time, I said you were dramatic and you were going through this all alone," she cried to me every single night. I rubbed her back and nodded along, though I didn't blame Corinna at all. I knew she would've taken up for me if I would've told her. I was just too humiliated to even think about telling my cool older sister that I had finally had sex but it was just for a bet that meant nothing to the guy I had sex with. Oh, and did I mention that guy is one of your best friends? "If I would've known, I would've done something. I hope you know I would've rocked his shit."

She actually did rock his shit, the day I told everyone what had actually happened between us. The second I finished my dramatic retelling, she was off her ass and slapping David straight across the face. She also did some other things, like said, "You've lied to my face for three years," but in my opinion, the slap was the most enjoyable part of the whole experience. It was what I remembered most.

His friends' reactions were of pure shock. Corinna had taken David outside for a "chat" after her very public display of abuse, so it was us, in a circle, in silence. Even Trisha didn't have anything to say. It was pretty awkward and I might've regretted telling everyone what happened, but someone needed to. I ended up leaving to go to the bathroom after a few long minutes of silence, hearing whispers start up on my way out. I didn't know what they were saying, but I was sure they were taking David's side. They were his friends, after all, not mine.

I came back out of the bathroom after a few minutes of deep breathing to see Brandon and Zane waiting outside the door for me. Immediately I broke into tears, feeling the weight of the situation pressing on my shoulders. It hadn't felt real to me until I saw the looks in their eyes as I stood in front of them. Somehow I felt better before I told everyone. At least I didn't have to deal with this heavy, awkward pity.

"Hey, it's okay," Zane wrapped me in a hug. It felt nice that someone was on my side instead of whispering about me twenty feet away. "You're alright, Til. You're alright."

"It's just so fucking stupid," I was hyperventilating at this point. "He was so fucking sweet to me and then he acted like I didn't even fucking exist."

"Boys are assholes," Brandon piped up from beside us in an attempt to make me feel better. It kind of worked.

"Thanks, Brandon," I smiled up at him through my tears with a shaky bottom lip. "Men ain't shit."

"Amen, sister," Zane joked and I actually laughed, pulling away from the hug to wipe my tears. I would've thanked them, but Corinna appeared in the hallway behind them before I could.

"Matilda?" I moved my head so I could see her behind Zane's body. "We're leaving. Now."

"Okay," I quietly replied, quickly hugging the two that cared goodbye. Walking through that living room where David sat explaining to his group of friends was overwhelmingly awkward. I couldn't look at him, so I kept my head up and my face forward and made my way out, even if there were tear stains on my cheeks. I thought that day that it was finally over and my thoughts about David Dobrik would turn peaceful. At least I wasn't harboring hate for him anymore.

Then I dealt with Corinna for a week and realized it would never be over. I couldn't deal with her crying about me and David anymore. I had to do something.

"Hello...?" he answered the phone in a confused manner, like he didn't know why the hell I was calling him. Honestly, I didn't know either.

"Hi, David," I sighed, leaning back onto the toilet. I had lied to Corinna and told her I was taking a shower just to make this call.

"Hey, Matt. Are you okay?" he seemed concerned now that he knew I intentionally called him. He probably thought I was in an accident or something.

"We need to do something," I finally decided. It was too much of Corinna. I was glad she understood and felt bad for me, but if she didn't have Todd's dick in her mouth soon, I was going to suffocate.

"What do you mean?"

"Corinna is unbearable when she actually cares about me," I explained and heard David laugh on the other line. "We need to pretend we talked it out and are friends now, so Corinna will leave me the fuck alone."

"Why can't we actually talk it out?" he asked. I rolled my eye. The nerve.

"What is there to talk out?" I responded sassily. "You fucked me because your friends dared you to, and then made me feel like an idiot when you acted like nothing happened. Pretty self explanatory."

"You don't know the whole story," he sighed from the other line.

"Okay, if you want to talk so bad, you have ten minutes when we get together," I finally snapped. "Then we post a snapchat, pretend we made up, and everything goes back to normal."

"But what is normal for us, Matilda?"

"I guess we'll see. I'll see you tonight."

My next call was obvious.


"Hey, Todd!" I quietly cheered upon realizing Corinna could probably hear me, even with the shower running. "I need a favor."

"What is it?" I could hear in his voice he was surprised to hear from me, but he was more than willing to comply with anything I told him. From the amount of times he called Corinna a day, I knew he missed her just as much as she missed him. Sometimes I felt like that's what she was crying about, missing Todd, and not about me.

"Okay, here's the plan. You and David come to the apartment at like eight. I'm going to tell Corinna I postmated some food and then tell her the delivery person isn't coming upstairs so I need to go get it. I'm going to give you the key, and you'll spend the night with Corinna while I spend the night with David, okay?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if she beats me?" it was a joke, but I knew he was half serious.

"Just trust me," I huffed, realizing I was running out of time in the bathroom. She would get suspicious soon. "You'll have to inform David of the plan; I don't have time. Can you do that?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I could imagine him jokingly saluting me from the other side of the phone.

"Okay. Eight o'clock, Todd. Text me when you get here."

"Sounds like a plan."

this is kinda all over the place. I wanted his friends to be mad but at the sane time he was 17 or 18 and theyve been his friends for years. i just dont imagine them dropping him over it. corinna tho? that hoe was pissed lol

i hope u enjoyed!!! be sure to vote follow and comment to let me know!!!! thanks honeys i love u all so much, even if i dont respond to ur comments individually i 100% read them all and LOVE IT!!! react with me!!! tell me what im doing wrong!!! fight my characters!!!! go crazy!!!!

peace ladies and gents xoxo abby

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now