twenty three » stan twitter

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"Matilda, we're fucking screwed," David burst into Toby's room just as I was putting him to bed. I gasped, holding back my smile as I placed my hands over Toby's ears.

"David!" I scolded, sending a wink Toby's way when he giggled. "No cursing!"

"Goodnight, Toby. I need Matilda," David sounded urgent, so I kissed Toby on the forehead and reminded him he could come get me if he needed me. I slipped out of the room and followed David to his old bedroom, now inhabited by one of the sisters. It was tan and pretty girly now, but I remembered the days when it was David's. It looked (and smelled) so much better now.

"So what exactly is the problem?" I asked, throwing myself down onto the bed.

"Dobriklover229 is the problem," he huffed, taking a seat in front of me. I giggled at the username.

"I'm not sure I'm understanding," I told him and he shoved his phone in my hands. It took me a second to focus on the tweet, but when I did, I audibly gasped. "Holy shit."

"I know. And everyone's seen it. Everyone."

"Who the fuck..." I frowned, sliding left and right between the two pictures. The first one was innocent enough, a picture of David and I on the bench together. I was visibly crying, but we were barely touching. We could've gotten away with it. The second one... not so much. It was taken right at the moment David slapped my ass and from my back, so it looked like his hand was just resting there. It was gossip worthy, that's for sure. The tweet seemed like an excited little kid tweeted it, but I couldn't stop the anger from bubbling in my throat. They had to have been watching us for at least thirty minutes to get both pictures which was super weird and also an invasion of privacy. "Well, that's some bullshit."

"Everyone has seen it. It has a hundred something retweets but I've seen a thousand other tweets and instagram posts with it," he explained and I sighed, resting my head against the wall and thumping it repeatedly. "So... I guess our plan's out of the question."

I let Toby watch something on Netflix with headphones while David and I talked in the car, and we mutually agreed that we should keep the relationship a secret for a few months, just to be sure. It was now dawning on me that we were out and in the open. There was no explaining his hand on my ass. We were screwed.

"Luckily for you, I have a great caption idea," he joked and I opened my eyes just to glare at him. "What? I do! I have to address it; might as well make it funny."

"God, why do these things always happen to me?" I whined, covering my face with my hands. "What if we break up in a week?"

"We won't," David sighed. "I didn't wait eight fucking years for us to break up in a week."

"Wait? It wasn't really a wait. You had your chance four years in—oh, wait..." I peeked through my fingers only to see David give me a really? look. "You fucked that up, didn't you?"

"You're a little bitch," he laughed, shoving me sideways and watching me fall onto the bed. I didn't fight it; it was nine o'clock, but I was mentally and physically exhausted.

"You post whatever you want," I finally told him, using my legs to slowly begin pushing him off the bed. "I'm going to sleep."

"Wait, where am I supposed to sleep?"

"Ester's room, I guess," I shrugged, pulling the blankets up and over my shoulders. "Night, David."

"Are you serious?" he whined and I didn't answer, hoping my fake snores would answer for me. I could only imagine the eye roll I got, and David left me with a giggle. I got a notification a few minutes later and opened one eye to see what David's genius caption idea was.

@.daviddobrik: Can't keep my hands to myself!! (I mean I could but why would I want to?)

It was accompanied by the picture of him touching my ass, and I had to admit it was kind of funny, even if it didn't necessarily confirm or deny anything.

I commented thanks stan twitter for invading our privacy we love you and shut my phone off, letting my worries wash away as I fell asleep.

I woke up to David and Toby perched on the end up of the bed, a plate of Eggo waffles in hand. I smiled, covering my mouth with my hands as Toby shoved the plate into my lap.

"Guys..." I pulled the littler, cuter Dobrik brother in for a hug. "Thank you!"

"David said you had a bad day yesterday, and I saw you crying a lot, so we made you my favorite food! Chocolate chip waffles always make me smile," Toby explained the food choice, which only made my heart skip a beat. I kissed his forehead and squeezed him one last time, then took a bite of the waffle. He looked up at me expectantly, and I nodded.

"Much better," I told him, ruffling his hair. "Go put on some day clothes, okay?"

"Okay!" he cheered and sprinted out of the room, leaving David and I alone. I offered him a waffle and he grabbed one.

"Thank you," I finally said, watching his eyes drift towards me.

"I wanted you to be happy," he smiled softly. "I told you I was going to make you happy."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Hey, I have something to show you," he threw his half eaten waffle back onto the plate and shuffled over to a wooden desk, kneeling down on the floor to pull out something underneath it. It rustled as he wiggled it free. He returned to the bed and dropped the item in my waiting hands.

The first thing I noticed was the picture. It was from Corinna's eighth grade birthday party that was Mean Girls themed. David was Aaron Samuels, and somehow Corinna let me be Regina George. It was a memory I had forgotten, but the picture of us brought it back so quickly. I was having no fun at the party, but my parents forced me to go, and I ended up falling asleep on David's shoulder. This was way before it was "uncool" for David and I to be civil. The picture was of us sleeping, my head resting on his shoulder and his head on top of mine, smushing one of my bunny ears. It was a heartwarming picture, and it reminded me of exactly who we were before we let everyone else get in the way.

The other thing he handed me was a note, written on notebook paper.


I have a crush on you. I thought I didn't at first, but now I know I do. I just don't know what to do. You're two years younger than me, and you're one of my best friend's little sisters. Could we ever date? I don't know. I've never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl, but when I look at you, I know I want to kiss you and hug you and take you to the movies. Hopefully you feel the same way. 

I'm not going to tell anybody for now because I don't want anyone to mess with me or you, but when I figure out exactly how to ask you, I'll let you know! If you're reading this letter, it worked :).

Love, David Dobrik (December 4, 2009)

"David, I'm crying," I pointed out, wiping the tears from under my eyes. "That's so cute, fuck."

"I was pretty adorable," he joked and I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him away. I took a picture of the picture and decided to make our Instagram debut on my account, posting it with the caption we were just kids when we fell in love.

And yes, the kids went fucking wild.

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now