fourteen » medusa

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*hi this is a PSA this has smut! this has oral! they dont have sex. if ur uncomfortable, she just gives him head! i know its a spoiler but i dont want anyone to read anything that makes them feel weird especially since a lot of the vs fanbase is young. u can skip over it if u want! thank u and enjoy u pervs ;) *

Corinna abandoned me the second we made it through the door, closing and locking Todd's bedroom door behind her. I was stuck with the group, all of whom were awkwardly staring me down. Uncomfortable, I chose to sit down next to Brandon, who would talk to me at least.

"So where are you guys going?" Brandon asked casually, and I honestly had to shrug. I had no clue.

"Dinner and maybe a club or a party after," I explained the entire situation and that we were kind of just going out to boost moral. "You could come, if you wanted. Yeah, come for me! Please!"

It was then that David stood abruptly and made his way out of the front room, slamming the door to the bathroom behind him. It was all very rushed, and when the whole room seemed to laugh like there was a joke, I was only confused.


"On that note," Liza stood from her spot on the couch and gathered her things off the coffee table. "I'm gonna get out of here."


Liza made a face at Jason, who laughed and nodded, sending her off with a hug. She waved goodbye to me and Brandon, then left the house.

"Why'd she leave? Why'd David leave? I'm so confused," I whined, sticking my bottom lip out hoping it would make me look cute so Jason and Brandon would tell me what they know.

"I mean, he shot up the second you said come for me," Brandon pointed out with a chuckle. I gasped in shock, covering my agape mouth to keep from catching flies. "So I'm pretty sure he's jerking off in the bathroom right now."

"No," I frowned, crossing my arms over my body in an attempt to hide it. David was definitely shocked by the outfit, but I didn't think it would do that to him. Jason's solemn nod told me Brandon was telling the truth. "Should I go talk to him?"

"Are you going to embarrass him or are you going to suck his dick?" Jason asked and I smirked, pushing myself off the couch and messing with my hair in the mirror.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

With that, I sauntered my way past the two shocked boys and to the bathroom, where I lightly rapped on the door. "David?"

"Jesus," it sounded like a mix between a groan and a gasp, and I heard a few bangs in the bathroom. "Fuck—just a second!"

I had to laugh as I heard him fumbling around the bathroom, jiggling the door handle back and forth and finally swinging it open, a blush across his face and his hair just a touch sweaty. He leaned against the door frame casually and said, "Hey."

"What are you doing in here?" I asked as I pushed past him to enter the small bathroom, sliding onto the counter. He stared at me from the door frame, shocked that I had even entered. It took him a second, but once I waved him over, he shut the door behind him and sauntered over to stand in front of me.

"I was just getting some air."

"In the bathroom?" I teased, turning my nose up like I didn't know what he was doing in here. "Seems... odd."

"The air freshener calms me," he lied through his teeth, avoiding eye contact like I was Medusa and one glance would turn him into stone. I wrapped one of my legs around his waist and pulled him until he was up against the counter, situated between my legs. From my position, it wasn't hard to feel exactly what the problem was. "What are you doing?"

"I could help you, if you want," I suggested, placing my hand under his chin to force him to look at me. He licked his lips and stared into my eyes, a sense of desperation hitting the air. "I've been told I'm pretty good with my mouth."

"Show me," it was all it took not to yank his pants down and go to town, but I wanted to show him that I was both mature and capable. I had to go slow.

I started by letting him kiss me, easing his tense shoulders and feeling him let out a breath he'd been holding, as if he thought I was going to laugh and tell him I was just kidding. He placed his hands around my waist and yanked me to the very edge of the sink so we were chest to chest while I pulled on the hair at the base of his neck, keeping him close. We stayed in that position for just a few minutes before I continued down his jaw and neck. He gasped when I moved one of my hands down his chest and tucked it into the waistband of his basketball shorts, just holding it there to watch him squirm.

"Can I?" I asked, because consent, and he frantically nodded, taking half a step back to give me some room. I slipped my hand into the waistband completely, feeling around blindly for a second until my hand wrapped around the base of his dick. He gasped, grip on my waist tightening as he finally felt some relief to his problem. I carefully begin to move my hand up and down his length, speeding up when his head tipped back in a moan. I had to smirk, feeling for once like I was in control. It felt good.

He quickly placed his mouth back on mine, distracting me from my original purpose. I kissed him back, still stroking him, until the heat of the room got to be too much and I just had to do something. I pulled my hand out of his pants and planted my hand at the base of his stomach, pushing him away with a sigh. He seemed confused for a second, but smiled when I hopped off the counter after him and dropped to my knees. Looking up at him from my spot on the floor made the sexual tension in the room multiply, and David leaned back against the wall behind him in order to stay upright.

I gripped his shorts from the waistband and pulled them down his legs, not even bothering to let him step out of them. My next step was his white printed boxers that were tented, dragging those down his legs as well. The situation felt a lot more real with his hard dick right in front of my face, but I had to remain calm. I gripped his dick at the base once again and looked up at his, batting my eyelashes seductively while he stared down at me. "Do something."

"Can you say please, David?" I teased, allowing my grip to tighten and watching his face contort in pleasure.

"Matilda, fucking please do something, please," it was a little aggressive, but his hand tangled in the roots of my hair and encouraged me to begin, so I did. I started with a few kitten licks to the tip, smirking at his sighs of pleasure. His grip on my hair only seemed to get tighter, so I took just the head in. He moaned as I began bobbing my head up and down, taking him deeper and deeper until my nose was touching his stomach. "Fuck. You're so good."

"So I've been told," I cockily smiled before getting back to work. Truth be told, no one had ever said that to me, but that wasn't what David was going to think.

I got a steady pace up, reveling any time David moaned particularly loud or yanked my hair a little too hard. It would've taken longer if he wasn't already getting himself off before I got to the bathroom. It was only a good ten minutes before he urgently mumbled, "Fuckfuckfuck, I'm gonna come. If you don't want to swallow it, pull off; I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna—fuck."

It took everything in me not to gag or even grimace at the taste, but somehow, I swallowed it all diligently. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I smiled up at the boy who looked absolutely wrecked above me. I asked, "Did I do good?"

He laughed, grabbing me under the armpits and dragging me up to stand face to face with him. He smiled, "Matilda Kopf, you're going to be the death of me."

well damn. ur welcome. vote comment follow and enjoy ;)

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now