four » we don't talk about halloween

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"Stop following me," I yelled for the tenth time, pulling my hood up in an attempt to escape David's camera. He had been chasing me around the boys' house for ten minutes, desperately begging me to be in his video.

"Please, Tild, the people love you!" he finally snatched the back of my sweatshirt and held me in place. "It will take five seconds; you just have to be mean to me."

"Why would I want to be in one of your dumbass videos, David? I've watched one that I've actually enjoyed," I snarkily remarked, trying my hardest to pull away but failing miserably. "Fine, you get one question. Ask."

"Do you have any advice for my viewers?" he asked, almost as if he knew I'd say something negative about him. Apparently his subscribers loved that someone was finally standing up to him.

"Stick it to the man, especially if the man is David Dobrik," I held up a fist to prove my point, flicked him off during my exit, then scrambled away from David, back to Todd's room where he and Corinna were making out. It was a bit awkward, not gonna lie, but I ranted about my hatred for David and didn't look directly at them. They were the only two people home and I sure as hell wasn't going to sit in the living room.

"I mean, he's just awful. I don't know how you guys stand him all the time. He's constantly in my business, bothering me and making fun of me and messing with me. I could kill him; I honestly could."

Todd pulled back from his makeout session to look at me. He said, "You know, I obsess over the people I hate too."

"Obsess? I don't obsess over David," I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the thought. Corinna and Todd shared a look and I yelled, "I don't!"

"Okay," Todd half smiled. "Whatever you say."

"I seriously don't. He just always finds a way to get under my skin," I complained, thinking back to this morning. Everything was going fine. I was ignoring him and he was ignoring me, but for some reason, he had the nerve to bring up Halloween. He didn't even say anything about what happened, but he gave me an awful look that proved he was thinking it. He did it to throw me off my game. We were having a normal conversation, AKA ignoring one another, and he did things purposely to make me feel stupid. I hated him. "He thinks he's fucking perfect when in reality he's just an egotistical, self righteous asshole who—"

"I feel like I'm in a romcom right now. Are you feeling that feeling or is it just me?" Todd chuckled before moving back in to begin kissing my sister again. He stopped to say, "You've gotta just start ignoring him, Matilda. It doesn't matter unless you let it matter."

"Tillie, I love you a lot, but I'm begging you to come back in thirty minutes," Corinna sighed, keeping Toddy at only an arms length. I knew I was kind of cockblocking, but I didn't know they actually wanted to have sex. It was gross and kind of disheartening.

"Uh, yeah," I half laughed, shuffling out of the room. "Come out when you're...done."

I was left to my own devices. I ended up in the house's front room, watching some TV (Friends, of course) when David came to join me.

He was silent for the first few minutes, something I could appreciate. Still, through my subtle glances at him during commercial breaks, I could tell something was up. It was when he started talking that I realized he was here for all the wrong reasons.

"We need to talk about it," he said, his voice quiet and subdued, nothing like the David that had been messing with me since birth. It was odd and borderline creepy to see him so serious. He stared back at me, waiting for a response that I had trouble making. I knew what he wanted to talk about, but I couldn't.

"No, we don't," I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my seat. It seemed impossible to me that I had kept a damn secret for four years and now he wanted to air it out in the middle of a living room where anyone could hear us.

"Yes, we do," he fought back, a hint of annoyance growing on his features.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I whisper yelled, waving my hand in front of his face. "Can you see that? How many fingers am I holding up?"

"I'm not crazy, Tilda," he shoved my hand away from him. "We can't just keep—"

"We can just keep acting like it didn't happen, actually. We can. It's been four years, David, and I kept the secret for you. You obviously didn't want me to tell anyone, so I didn't. You can't just come up to me three years after you've last seen me and act like you have a choice in the matter," I snapped, feeling his eyes burrowing into me while I struggled to make eye contact. It seemed crazy that he wanted to do this now, but crazy was his middle name.

"We don't have to tell anyone," he sighed, turning his body to face me more, as if I was looking at him in the first place. "But we both harbor this hatred for one another because of Halloween. We need to talk about it so we can get over it."

"Hmm, I think my hatred's perfectly valid; thanks for your input though," I sarcastically smiled at him, standing from my spot and walking out of the house. I decided going for a walk in a hoodie in the blistering heat would be better than dealing with David right now.

I ended up four streets over, alone and on the verge of tears. I had no money, no air conditioning, and a very shitty person waiting for me to come back. I did the only thing I knew to do: walked around for another fifteen minutes, until I knew Corinna and Toddy had finished, and began my trek back.

By the time I was back in front of the recognizable house, I was sweating like a pig and feeling pretty disgusting. When I got back inside, Scotty and Zane were both there, laughing about something with David.

"Oh, hey, Matilda," Zane waved and I took it as my opportunity to piss off David a little more. I pranced to the couch and took a seat right next to him. If I was any closer, I'd be in his lap. "You're sweaty."

Thanks, Zane. You're really helping me out here.

"I went on a run," I lied, flipping my ponytail over the back of the couch to cool myself down. "And I didn't have another shirt."

"Oh, aren't you wearing a sports bra?" he asked and I nodded slowly, very concerned on how he knew that. "Then just take it off. Girls walk around here in bras; have you seen your sister?"

"She's not taking off her shirt," David snapped, and something about it lit a fire within me. I smirked, sitting up in my chair and challenging him to stop me with my eyes. I reached from the bottom of the sweatshirt and pulled it over my head, chunking it across the room once I was half naked. I sat back with a satisfied look on my face.

"Haven't you learned that you can't tell me what to do?"

hmmmmm what happened on halloween? did they kill someone on accident?? did they sell some drugs??? did they hook up?? did he do something illegal and shes protecting him???? the world may never know :)

vote comment and follow pls :)

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