eighteen » the facts of life

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"We're just here to pick something up," I mustered up the most sarcastic smile I could and pushed past him into the house, pulling Zane in with our joined hands. I didn't miss David's eyes follow my every move, and I didn't really care. "Zane, go get it and then we can go."

"Where are you going?" David asked while Zane scurried out of the room, feeling the awkward tensions between he and David rising.

"Out," I shrugged, keeping most of the information to myself. If I told him we were just going to Dave and Buster's after this, he wouldn't be very intimidated.

"Can we talk?" it was more of a command than a question. I nodded whilst picking my nails, staring back at him and waiting for him to continue. "Privately."

"Oh," I acted like I hadn't realized his intentions and nodded again. I followed him back to Todd's room, which was empty. He closed the door behind us and locked it.

"What the fuck?" it was a level of anger I had only seen from David a few times before. His nostrils were flared, his hands clenched tightly by his sides and his face a soft shade of red. I was intimidated, which was not a part of the plan. I was supposed to be in control here.

"What?" I iced up, standing up a little straighter. In heels, David and I were about the same height, and I wasn't going to let him scare me.

"What? Are you kidding?" he frowned, throwing his hands up in exhaustion.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" I countered, staring him down.

"What the fuck are you doing going on a date with fucking Zane?" he elaborated. I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That's what this is about?" I obviously knew what it was about, but I had appearances to keep.

"Are you fucking with me?" he took a single step closer to me, and I took two steps back. "I mean, are you just fucking with me at this point? You genuinely cannot be this dense."

"Dense?" I raised a single brow. David was not amused.

"You told me you loved me four days ago," he snapped, taking yet another step closer. I backed up until I hit a wall. "You can't just go on a date with Zane."

"Holy fuck," I buried my face in my hands, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart. It wasn't working. "What the fuck, David? What do you mean I can't go on a date with Zane? You're not my fucking boyfriend, which you made pretty clear when you ignored me since Thursday!"

"Listen," he huffed, taking the opportunity to sit down on the edge of the bed. His position reminded me of that night, only fueling my anger. "I just got out of a very serious relationship. I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow, much less what I want to do with you or—"

"No, you don't get to play that card," I growled, rolling my eyes so far back in my head I could see my own damn brain. "I'm leaving in two months, David! Are you going to be ready before then? What's the fucking point of us going back and forth like this?"

"What do you mean what's the point? We love each other!"

"God, David, you are so stupid," I pressed a single finger under my eye to catch the tear that threatened to fall. "If we can't be in a relationship, why are we wasting our time? What's the point of loving each other if we can't be together?"

"We can be together!" he explained, throwing his hands up in exhaustion. "What don't you understand? It's just... hard right now."

"I can't just wait around forever for you! I can't and I won't. I have to go to college in August, David. Some people have to actually work to make a living; I know that's something you wouldn't understand," it was a cheap shot, and a lie, but it definitely offended David. He stood from his spot on the bed and approached me, practically pinning me to the wall with his body.

"It's funny that you say that I don't work for things when I could literally buy you ten times over," if mine was a cheap shot, I couldn't even explain his. David knew Corinna and I were insecure about our living situation growing up. We were never rich or even middle class, and we had to work for everything we got in school and in life. I knew for a fact Corinna had complained to him about it before. That fact that he said he could buy me hurt more than anything he'd ever done to me in the past.

"Fuck you, David," I snapped harshly, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him away from me with all my might. I made just a big enough gap to escape and dipped under his arm. "You've always known how to hurt my feelings. It's what you do best."

"Matilda, wait—" he reached out for me and I recoiled like his very touch could burn me.

"Don't touch me," I sighed, wiping the tears that fell. "Don't you dare touch me."

"Please, can't we talk?"

"We talked, David. We just talked."

"No, we didn't. Not well enough."

"David, here's the gist. You like me but you're scared to be in a relationship. I like you and want to be in a relationship. By the time you're ready to be in a relationship, I will be moving on with my life. This isn't going to work unless you're ready now, and you're not," I explained. "All we know how to do is hurt each other. This would've never worked. If we both just admit it, we can get over it."

"That's not true. I know you, Matilda."

"You don't!" I cried, now rooted in place to fight.

"But I do," he protested, grasping my wrist in an attempt to pull me closer. "I know so much about you. I know you only like crinkle cut french fries and you only eat Heinz ketchup. I know you sleep with the bathroom light on but the door closed just in case. I know you have a pair of scissors underneath your mattress at home because you had a dream about the Undertaker—"

"David, please—" I interrupted, feeling the tears freely flowing down my face.

"No, let me finish. I know you are insecure about chewing with your mouth open because Ilya called you out in the ninth grade and now you look around whenever you eat. I know your favorite month is October and your favorite holiday is Halloween, even after what I did to you. You love costumes. I know you wear yellow more than any other color because Corinna told you it looks pretty with your skin tone, and you value her opinion a lot more than you say you do. I know you lie and say your favorite movie is Moonrise Kingdom because you want to seem artsy and pretentious, when in reality you've loved Another Cinderella Story since you were in elementary school. I know you're terrified of butterflies and would actively avoid the front entrance of high school so you wouldn't have to pass the butterfly bush. I know you didn't tell anyone about Halloween because you wanted to protect me and my reputation, even when I was in the wrong. So, so in the wrong. I know you are a good person. I know you work hard and you're smart and I know what you want in life. Most importantly, I know that you love me. I know it. You know how I know?"

"How?" I responded quietly.

"You would've been out the door the second I started that speech if you didn't," the finality in his voice made me want to believe every word he said. "So, please, Matilda. Please stay. Please stay."


"Please don't break my heart, Matilda. Please say you'll stay."

i typed an A/N and accidentally deleted it. smh

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