three » the apartment

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I refused to get into the car.

"Could you stop walking down the street like a fucking idiot and get in?" David yelled as he cruised down the road beside me. I was walking with a purpose, though I didn't have a clue where I was going. "Matilda, get in the fucking car!"

"I will never get in the car," I snapped back, slowing down my pace to catch him off guard. He slammed on the brakes to stay right beside me. I would've gotten in earlier if he would've let me sit in the backseat, but of course, David had to make it difficult.

"Holy shit, now I remember why I hated you. You're so fucking stubborn," he groaned, yet kept the car going five miles an hour down the road. What a hypocrite.

"Says the one who wouldn't let me in the backseat," I bit back, rolling my eyes when he had the nerve to laugh at me. This is what he always did: teased me until I got annoyed and then complained about how mad I was all the time.

"Please just get in," Corinna begged from the backseat. She had stayed relatively silent in this ordeal, probably complaining quietly to Todd. "Don't you want to see Dom?"

"Not enough to get in the car with David Dumbass," I said. No matter how mad I was, I had to giggle at my dumb joke, which seemed to be the last straw for David. He put the car into park in the middle of the road and stepped out, chasing me down the sidewalk before finally catching me. To an outside eye, it might've looked like he was kidnapping me, but no one called the cops. David picked me up (barely, he was tiny) and dragged me over to his car. The door opened by itself and he shoved me in, slamming and locking it behind me. I would've unlocked it immediately if I actually knew how, but David had bested me. I was stuck.

"Thank you, Tillie," Corinna smiled, giving my shoulder a squeeze from behind me.

"Thank her? Thank me. Her stubborn ass wouldn't even get in the car."

"Shut up, David," Corinna and I said at the exact same time, then giggled at how in sync we were. It was a pretty awkward car ride after that. David kept making stupid jokes for the camera sitting on his dash, but I wouldn't respond. Corinna and Todd had to awkwardly fill in the blanks for him, and the whole situation was just... awkward. That's the only way to put it.

Luckily, the apartment we were going to was only twenty or so minutes away, and I was very strong-willed. I sat silently the entire ride, arms crossed over my chest.

"We're here, you brat. Get out of my car," David opened the door with some kind of magic and I climbed out, mocking him in a baby voice to Corinna, who just laughed and shook her head. One day in LA and I was sure she was already sick of me.

David led us up to the apartment and opened the unlocked door, not even bothering to knock. Corinna and Todd entered first and David snagged my arm as I tried to follow.

"Just so you know, I would've left you on the side of the road if it weren't for Corinna," he told me, only letting me go when I forcefully jerked away.

"Wish you would've," I sarcastically smiled, turning on my heel to enter the apartment. There were a few people I recognized from some of Dom and Corinna's videos, like Seth and Matt King and...Josh Peck. I had almost forgotten he was in this friend group. There were a few that I couldn't name to save my life, but that was fine. Corinna took me around and introduced me to most of them.

"So, this is Brandon," she introduced me to a tall, curly headed boy, who awkwardly waved at me. "This is my sister, Matilda."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I hugged him, because why the fuck not, and then was pulled to meet others: Jonah, Matt, Heath, Mariah, and Seth. They were all pretty basic greetings, which I didn't mind. It wasn't like I was going to know their life stories the second I met them.

"Matilda Kopf!" someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw Dom, with a durag on his head (odd) and a smile on his face. "How are you?"

"Hi, Dom!" I hugged him tightly, pulling away halfway so he could still hear me in the loud ass room. "I've missed you! You're so different now."

"So are you!" he yelled back over the talking of everyone else. "You've gotten way hotter."

"I wasn't hot before?" I laughed, pushing him away from me when I realized we were looking a little too flirty. I liked Dom in high school, but I definitely didn't want to something to happen in the three minutes we'd seen each other. "You loved me, Dom."

"I did," he looked me up and down once, making me the slightest bit insecure but also more confident. "Still do."

"Dom, could you stop flirting with her for five seconds so I can have a turn?" someone sassed and I turned my head to see a pretty tall bearded man going in for a hug. "Hi, I'm Zane."

"I'm Matilda. It's nice to meet you!" I wrapped my arms around him for a second and then pulled away. "You're in Corinna's friend group?"

"Yeah," he nodded, handing me a beer. I wasn't much of a beer drinker, but that looked like the only drink here, so I took it gladly. "I heard you have beef with David."

"From who?" I laughed, wanting to know who was talking shit.

"From him," he said back, leading me to a couch to sit down. It was pretty crowded, so I sat on the arm and he sat directly under me. "He said he couldn't wait until you got here."

"Yeah, he always seems to want to fuck me over," I rolled my eyes at even the thought of him.

"Is it like a I'm older so I think I know more thing?" he asked and I thought for a second before answering.

"It's like a Corinna's my good friend so I can tease her sister with no repercussions thing," I finally answered, and Zane laughed and nodded. We talked for a few more minutes about David and my hatred for him until I decided I needed another drink. I promised to come right back and made my way to the kitchen, where Corinna, David and Dom were standing in a circle. I didn't enter so I could listen to what they were saying.

"I mean he's 25 and she's 19..." David frowned at Corinna, who seemingly rolled her eyes.

"David, you gotta chill, man. They were just talking," Dom laughed, slapping David on the shoulder. "I mean, I'm the one who dated her and I don't give a fuck."

"And I'm her sister and I don't give a fuck," Corinna added. I smiled to myself. Thanks, Corinna. "It's none of your business. Zane's a nice guy."

"Don't you think he's a little old for her?"

I chose to enter the kitchen then, when David was at his weakest. I scoffed, "I think I'm a little old for my sister's friend to be acting like he runs my life. Thank you for your concern."

Snatching a bottle of beer from the fridge, I made my exit while Rin and Dom laughed at David's expense. I made my way back to Zane who was talking to Brandon. That night, I made it my personal mission to be all over him until David had to drag me out, saying it was time to go home.

I put my phone up to my ear as I was being pulled away, yelling out a quick, "Call me!"

oooooh someones jealous ;) i didnt take a nap i watched a movie and then i wrote this so ur welcome ladies!!!

i like this book a lot because im a pretty angry and sarcastic person and it feels good to let it out over the internet on something david will never find.

question; what are some of your favorite movies??? im looking for some new ones!!! i only speak english but ill watch anything if it has subtitles, so let me know :)

vote comment and follow if u enjoy!!! the only way i know to write more is if u guys show me u liked it!!' xoxox abby

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