five » the babysitter

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"I don't need a babysitter, Rin. I'm perfectly fine on my own."

"You disproved that statement last night when you got black out drunk and started stripping in Dom's apartment," she pointed out, grabbing my arm and forcibly removing me from her bed. "I'll be back in two days, but you are not staying alone until then."

"Why can't I stay at someone normal's house? Like Zane?" I whined, crossing my arms over my chest and stomping my feet like a child.

"Because Zane's the one you were stripping on."

10 hours earlier

"It's too hot in here," I complained to Zane, who had driven me all the way to the apartment for another one of Dom's alcohol and weed fueled parties. I had gone alone, sneaking out without Corinna's permission, which was pretty risky for me, even if I was 19. My parents would not be happy if they knew I was partying, especially without Corinna there to supervise.

She was pissed. I knew from the thirty missed calls I had from her (and a combined 17 missed calls from David and Todd), but I couldn't care at that point. I wanted to have fun for the first time without my parent's or sister's permission.

"Take it off, baby!" Zane yelled and then everyone started chanting those three words. If I hadn't been a little past drunk I wouldn't of done it, but the alcohol got to me and all the sudden I was pulling off my t-shirt, tossing it in Zane's direction with a flirty wink. I knew there were people recording, but I didn't really care.

"More!" the crowd cheered, and so I gave them more, shimmying out of my black skinny jeans and tossing them across the room. I stayed virtually naked and dancing on the couch with Zane for thirty minutes until Corinna pulled up, finding me from someone's snapchat story. She forced me back into my clothes and practically dragged me out of the apartment complex, yelling about how irresponsible I was the entire way home.

That lead us to now, sitting in her apartment, watching her pack for a Florida trip while I had to pack for a two night sleepover with David Dobrik. Oh, what fun.

"Couldn't I stay with Jason? He has two kids," I sighed as I sifted through my suitcase, taking a few items and transferring them to a smaller duffle bag.

"Jason is not responsible enough to not lose someone who is actively running away," she laughed to herself at that one, like it had happened before. I finally accepted my fate; I was going to be locked away in David Dobrik's dungeon never to be seen again.

Corinna wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug. She said, "It's going to be okay, Matilda. I just don't want something bad happening to you."

"I can take care of myself. I'm 19," I told her and she just shook her head.

"I've said it three times and you aren't getting it, so I'll say it one last time. If Zane wasn't a decent guy, you could be in an alley right now raped and chopped into ten different pieces. This is LA; you have to be careful of who you even look at, much less take off your clothes in front of. I know being half naked isn't a free pass, but some men seem to think it is. I don't want you to get hurt, Tillie, especially not on my watch," she said softly as she rubbed my back. She pulled away to give me a sad smile. "I would never forgive myself."

"Okay," I replied, zipping up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. "Then I'm ready."

It was one of the few times I ever wanted to hang out with David, simply to make Corinna feel better. I could understand where she was coming from and knew last night was a mistake. If it made her feel better to have me annoyed for two days straight with David watching over me, then I would let it happen. I wasn't that awful of a sister.

She drove me to David's house in relative silence. I wasn't happy with the decision, but at least I could understand where she was coming from. We got to David's a few minutes later. I was not shocked by the size and beauty of it (have you seen his car?), but it was amazing nonetheless.

Corinna grabbed my bag for me and pulled me up the front steps, rapping on the door and stepping mg back. She turned to me and put her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at her. She said, "Please be good until I come back."

"Eh," I shrugged and she laughed, slapping my shoulder.

"Have fun," she instructed while David opened his front door.

"I will."

"And don't kill David," she raised her eyebrows, giggling when I pretended to shoot myself in the head. "Don't kill yourself either!"

"No promises," I smirked, shoving my bag into David's arms and moving past him into his mansion.

"You owe me for this," he told Corinna. Cue my eye roll. What a douche.

"I owe you for just about everything, don't I, Dave?" she teased, hugging him quickly and waving over his shoulder to me. "Bye, guys! Don't kill each other!"

It was when she shut the door that I dealt with just what I got myself into. David turned, dropping my bag on the floor and made his way into his living room to take a seat on his couch. I stayed put, shocking that he would actually throw my bag onto the floor. He called, "Are you gonna stand there all day or come sit down?"

"You don't have to be such a dick. You obviously agreed to watch me," I snapped and picked up my bag, carrying it over to the living room and setting it gently on the floor. I sat down on the couch as far away from David as possible.

"I agreed to watch you because Corinna's my friend and you went fucking crazy last night, not because I wanted to paint our nails and talk about our feelings."

"Oh, like you wouldn't have encouraged it if you were there to film it!"

"No, I wouldn't have. That was bad, Matilda. You don't know the kind of people Dom hangs around. You could've been seriously hurt."

"Yes, you would've. If you thought you could make a dollar off me, you would do it in a heart beat. And when have you ever cared about hurting me?"

"Can't you see I'm trying to protect you?" he leaned forward, staring at me like he was talking down to a little kid. "The whole time you've been here I've done nothing but try and keep you safe."

"Don't act like you're some kind of savior," I rolled my eyes. "You've done nothing but fuck me over since elementary school. You don't care about me."

"You're right; I don't care about you," he snapped. "I care about Corinna though, so you have to be here. Just shut the fuck up and stay out of my way."

I sarcastically smiled, "Gladly."

hehehe they hate eachother (or do they)

im watching the 100 again knowing the first season is the only one i actually liked just to get some bellarke inspiration for this book lol

vote comment and follow if u liked this! im gonna go make some waffles! peace out

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