thirteen » cheetah print

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"You're a little bitch," was Corinna's greeting as she swung open her apartment door. I expected nothing less and simply laughed at her words, tossing myself onto the bed and grabbing my phone from the bedside table to check what I missed all night.

"You should talk to him," I sighed absentmindedly, scrolling through my instagram. I had gotten a lot of followers since David posted a picture of us last night, specifically for the purpose of Corinna thinking we were friends. It was a selfie of us sitting on the couch, me shooting the camera a wink and a thumbs up. The caption was simple (Best buddies), but it got the point across.

"I just don't want to. I feel like I've been living a lie for twenty years."

"More like four," I joked, but Corinna didn't laugh. I didn't really expect her to. "Todd had nothing to do with it. David and I slept in the same bed without choking each other. We even cuddled."

"Okay?" she frowned while getting ready. "You shouldn't have."

"He told me he loved me," I quietly added and avoided eye contact when her head swung around to face me. I could see the shock even from the corner of my eyes.

"He did what?" she jumped up from her spot at her vanity and quickly crossed the apartment, sliding onto the bed next to me. She grabbed my wrist. "Explain. Now."

"I—" I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her the whole story? It could only make her more angry, make her hate David for using her as an excuse. But it seemed like one of those middle school gossip sessions during a sleepover where you told Sarah that John had a crush on her, so I thought I should just start from the beginning. "He said he had a crush on me in middle school and the boys made fun of him so he got over it. Halloween, he said it came back. He said he loved me then."

"Then why would he fuck you over? This makes no sense," she pointed out, which was fair. It did make no sense. It was high school, though, and I had yet to meet a high school boy who logically did... anything.

"He said his friends encouraged him because they thought I would reject him. They freaked out when everything went down. They thought you'd kill them—"

"I would."

"—and David was leaving in a few months anyways. They, or he, I don't know, decided the best course of action would be to act like it never happened," I explained, finally finding the nerve to make eye contact. Her eyes were watering, but she smiled at me when I looked up, probably to make me feel better. "I forgive him, I guess."

"Did you kiss?" she pried, her face not showing whether or not kissing him was a good thing.

"No," I giggled, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I didn't forgive him like that. I just... understand where he's coming from now, I guess. I think I get it."

"Do you love him too?"

It was the question I waited for. It was the question I expected. It was, also, the question I had no clue how to answer.

I did love him. I somehow knew that. Through all the insanity of our lives, he had weaseled his way into my heart because he was David Dobrik. Of course he would. How could he not charm his way into your life, even while making you believe you hated him? He could put that skill on his damn resume.

Even if I loved him, I had so much hesitation. Not only had he just gotten out of a very serious relationship, but he had also kind of ruined my life. I couldn't rush into something just because a cute boy I had a crush on said he was sorry for being a dick. I had to be level headed.

"I think I do."

She sighed and nodded, holding her head in her hands. Corinna said, "I knew. I mean, not about Halloween. I always thought you had a crush on him and were too awkward to address it."

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now