twenty four » friends

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"Please, babe?" David whined for the ninth time in the last four minutes. He was laying on my bedroom floor acting like a child because I said I didn't want to go hang with the Vernon Hills boys for the day. Forgive me for not wanting to hang out with the people who purposefully ruined my life.

"I told you a million times you should go," I repeated, feeling my annoyance for the boy looking up at me with puppy dog eyes skyrocket. "So go and leave me alone."

"It's our last full day in Chicago," he singsonged, as if that would make me shoot out of my spot and run out the door to meet them.

"It's your last full day in Chicago," I countered, laying my phone down beside me to cross my arms over my chest. "I never said I was coming back with you."

"Okay, but you are," he deadpanned. I hated that he was right. "I don't want to go alone; I want to go with you. So all my friends can properly meet you as my girlfriend, not as Corinna's little sister."

"That's not how it's gonna be, though, and you know it."

"Please just come. I will keep annoying you until you say yes."

"I know you will," I rolled my eyes, pulling the hood of my gray Clickbait hoodie up on my head. "Fine, let's go."

"I knew you could never turn me down," his grin was so cheeky that I wanted to punch it off his face, but instead I showed him my middle finger and gathered my things. "You aren't driving, are you?"

"Oh, yes I am," I gave him the bitchiest smile I could muster, waving my keys in front of his face. "Let's go!"

David followed me out to the Sub and climbed in to the passenger seat, immediately messing with the radio when I started the car. Sometimes, he acted so much like a twelve year old that I forgot he was twenty one.

He gave me directions to Ilya's house (though truthfully, I would never forget the way), and when we got there, he gave me a second to take a deep breath. He had to know what I was feeling, and he wanted to make it right. He wanted to make sure I wasn't too overwhelmed, but he knew what he needed to do. I couldn't hate his friends forever if we were going to make it work. That's just the way it had to be.

"Let's go, Matilda. You're gonna have a blast," he sent me a reassuring smile, which I had to admit made me feel a little better. I climbed out of the car and followed him inside the all too familiar house, cringing every step of the way. I was suddenly regretting my choice of not brushing my hair and wearing no makeup. Accompanied with my crotch-hole leggings and my big sweatshirt, I looked like a total crackhead. Not the best look for re-meeting your boyfriend's best friends.

David knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Ilya answered. He was much shorter than I remembered and a lot less intimidating now than he was in high school. Maybe the day wouldn't be so bad after all. David stepped inside and pulled me in after him, greeting Ilya with a quick hug. I awkwardly sidehugged the boy who seemed delighted at my presence.

"Matilda Kopf! I haven't seen you in forever!" he seemed genuinely pleased, so I let my guard down. It didn't even bother me that I had seen him, every Tuesday at the grocery store. We never spoke, and I always ducked when I saw him, but still. We had the same shopping times and he didn't even know.

"Yeah, it's good to see you," I politely smiled, my eyes awkwardly searching for David's when it grew silent.

"Are you the only one here?" David asked, and the question was answered by a loud crash somewhere in the house. "Jesus, let's go."

David never failed to capture a moment of chaos (from a safe distance behind the camera, of course). I followed the two boys like a lost puppy until we entered the kitchen. The same kitchen where everything went down.

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