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        It was peaceful. Too peaceful. The ringing noises in my head were gone. The awful pain in my head, and as well as the rest of my body, just disappeared.

        The sound of a loud whirlpool surrounded me like it was about to engulf my entire soul and existence. The most furious, most powerful breeze forced me deeper into wherever I was going to go. Inhale. Exhale. It was simple. I was at peace. I barely panicked. It was at that moment, that I already accepted everything that had happened.

        I remember a couple of days ago, I took the best nap I've ever taken. I woke up with the 'nap scars' or whatever people call them. As soon as I woke up, it felt very confusing to me. What time was it? Did I eat yet? Where was my mom? Where was my dad so I can ask him where my mom is? The point is, the beginning of the session was so tranquil and calming, you feel like nothing can get to you. In the end, it's more like a mystery, a sudden feeling of danger.

        I am having that moment at this very second.

       My little meditation ended, and I found myself waking up to two foreign women staring down at me curiously. I squinted my eyes and shaded them from the sunlight with my hand.

         "Is this heaven?" I asked, sarcastically.

        The words I had spoken, that was flying out of my mouth, were foreign. It was as if I could understand it. It wasn't English. I didn't like the language. It sounded funny to me, but it sounded familiar as well.

        The two foreign women chuckled, then offered me a hand. I cautiously accepted before getting up from the ground. My clothes were dirty but at least my shoes were in proper condition. It was eight hundred dollars; I'm obviously going to care about it more than anything else.

        I observed the women. I made small mental notes in my head. They wore dull coloured robes and had their hair messily tied up. One of them, the older one, stuffed all of her hair in a towel-like material.

       Where the hell am I?

        Both of them were Asian and based on what they were wearing, I put the puzzle pieces together quickly. I have never been this glad to be Asian for a long time. 

        "Hello," I tried to act as confident as I could. I am quite glad that I watched a whole TV-drama about ancient China. "May I ask where I am, and how I got here?"

        It's like Google Translate is in my head.

        The older looking woman gave me a soft, pitiful smile, right after looking at me from my head to my feet. She widened her eyes when she looked down. "You're near the village's small pond. Are you a foreigner? What area are you from? Your clothing looks rather... unfitting..."

         Alright, don't answer my second question. The younger one, that I'm guessing is her daughter, raised an eyebrow. "The shoes you are wearing are very well sewn... Who had sewn that for you?"

          I was speechless. I don't know how I'm supposed to get out of this situation. This was messed up and bewildering. If I died, I wouldn't have to wake up in an unknown era, an unknown area, and with unknown people. Death was more preferable. 

         I looked around. I looked at anything that wasn't them. I debated whether I should tell the truth or make up a massive lie.

         To be fair, I wasn't going anywhere if I told a lie. I wouldn't know what to lie about either. This whole situation is out of hand, and I wish someone would tell me that everything was just a well-thought prank and I could go home to my family. I had nowhere to go. 

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