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        The Imperial city has been eerie ever since Dong Mei's death. The pitch-black, midnight sky was a safe sign for Su Yin to execute her friend's plan. In a black, bulky robe, Su Yin quietly sneaked out of her chamber with her dainty fingers gripping on the hood over her face. She nervously looked down to her feet, avoiding the gentle moon illuminating her face. The spring night was chilly. The breeze ran into the large sleeves of her robe, trickling to her skin.

        Su Yin knew the Emperor and the Empress would want her to maintain her health, but she would risk catching a cold for her friend. 

        She jogged briskly to a certain pavilion. One hand was on her stomach, and the other gripping the hood over her face. Tap. Tap. Tap. Each time her foot hit the pavement, it would make an obnoxious sound. Although she tried to soften the tone, it did almost nothing. 

        "You made it." Su Yin gasped to catch her breath. She kept the hood on while approaching the middle-aged man in front of her. 

        He was also in a black robe but kept his face visible. The eyes of the man meant business. His lips were thin, almost non-existent, but Su Yin could tell he was smirking at her. The man cleared his throat. "The money first."

        Su Yin placed a few taels in the man's hand, which ended up in the pocket of his robe. He then held out his other hand and folded his four fingers twice into the palm of his hands, an indication that he was ready to receive what the object was. The quiet concubine reached into the deep pocket of her robe and placed the medium-sized folded paper into his hand.

        Crows continued to caw, and the soft murmurs of crickets filled the silence of the surrounding atmosphere. With haste, Su Yin and the man left the pavilion with satisfaction. 

         It was another morning where Su Yin would wake up to see whether everything would go well.

        "Let's pray before we go," Jia Ying, her lady-in-waiting and also sister, whispered, but the chatty maids interrupted their conversation. 

        The morning was quite a disappointment.

        Su Yin walked into the hall with her maids behind her and Jia Ying to the side of her. They both scanned the hall casually. It was a busy morning with many of the women louder than the last morning. Women laughed with each other while they wrapped their petite hands around small teacups. They were very well-groomed and well-dressed. 

        The women in the harem were more disobedient than usual. After the absence of two imperial Noble Consorts, all the responsibilities were given to the Empress. There was light darkness under her eyes. It contrasted her porcelain, glass skin. The contrast was noticeable and even the girls were glancing up at her occasionally. The Empress paid no mind to the gossiping women. Niu Lin and a few other girls were smiling at the Empress, complimenting her dress, her hair, and anything about the Empress that was no different from yesterday or tomorrow.

         While Su Yin was adjusting herself, the two palace maids provided a chair. Across the hall, the other two women who were pregnant were also quietly sitting. 

         Before the Emperor and the Empress spoke, all the women bowed elegantly in unison to show strong respect and courteous. Su Yin observed around the hall, gritting her teeth. The palm of her hands clammed up which she could not wipe on her hanfu.

        This is a bad start, she thought. 

        The Empress, as she sat on her throne, grinned from ear to ear. She had been radiant as ever. Regardless of the noticeable weariness in her eyes, her skin was dewy and as bright as the stars on a spring night. The Empress cleared her throat. "Good morning!"

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