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         A couple of weeks passed by, and the harem was silent. The low-ranking concubines and consorts stopped whispering rude comments about Su Yin and me, I assumed it was because of our relationship with Chang Ying. Of course, they did talk behind our backs in their chambers. Hua Er's mother at times stayed with us. I never get to see her because she does labour work in the harem. Either way, Hua Er was still joyful. 

        As said, it was getting a little silent in the harem, and perhaps, maybe a little too silent. There was no ruckus and arguments, just the Empress bossing concubines around.

        I was still reminiscing about my conversation with Chang Ying. I wanted another one of our conversations because I feel extremely idle about where I am right now. I was bored. Hua Er and I had to do chores as well, and even that didn't cure my boredom. It was a mundane way to live. Although I was a Noble Consort, there were still tasks I had to do. We were not slacking around every day. It was weeks without technology and I was starting to get used to it. The only thing that distracted me from everything was the Emperor as he continued to visit me every day. We continued to play instruments together in silence and talked a lot about the way the world is—I started to educate myself in Chinese philosophy to have better conversations with the Emperor. 

         "Your Majesty, you're okay with silence?" 

         "I'm alright when I'm with you."

        "Sounds good. I'm honoured..."

         "Your Majesty is here again?"

        "You look surprised?"

         "Definitely. You must really want to be with me?"

        "Why wouldn't I be?"


        I was slightly annoyed by his visits every day because it interrupted my time to see Jaxon. This week, he was sent off to investigate thieves in a small village with a few guards. Without Jaxon around, I felt powerless. As stupid as it may sound, I felt like I was invincible when he was around because I knew he would stand by me. With Jaxon gone, I spent more time with the Emperor. I must admit, I enjoyed his company. He was starting to look attractive in my eyes. Every time he would enter my chamber, I had a strange feeling in my heart. I was confused... as I should be. He had that consort murdered... I never brought it up, or even have the guts to because I feared what he would say to me.  Was it taboo to bring up past executions? He would've asked where I got the information from, and I could never rat out Chang Ying. I still worried about the consort, although she died. Execution? She did not deserve execution. It led me to pity all the people that have been executed in this time... Or punished. It didn't make sense to me as to why they deserved brutal punishments. I could never punish someone like that. I'll feel bad.

       "Lady Ying Yue, what tea would you like this morning?" Hua Er's mother asked in a rushed manner, she was busily scrubbing the floor of my chamber. 

        "Anything is fine," I finished up my calligraphy and rested the brush on the stand. "Lei Shu, you don't need to clean the floor every single morning."  

        Sweat was trickling down her forehead and down her temple, her hair looked chaotic. Hua Er's mother looked exhausted due to the labour work she had to do, but I always invited her back to my chamber so she can take a break. Yet she never stops working. Lei Shu dropped the sponge and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. "I know but the floor needs to be spotless so His Majesty can enter." 

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