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        To my surprise, it worked. Hua Fa was still sewing clothes but she was accompanying the Emperor in a different way. I didn't expect her to be into the art of war, but whatever. Just like me, I was expected to be a dainty, graceful woman—which I was—but I had a touch of spice to myself.

       Su Yin gave birth just a few days after. I stood outside her chamber, behind the room divider. Her cries were loud and I cringed at imagining the pain. After a while, her screams started to die down and the baby must have popped out.

         The Emperor wasn't here yet. I was earlier this time. Li Shu and two of my maids stayed behind me. I realised that too many people can overwhelm someone. I didn't want to overwhelm Su Yin. 

         "Your Majesty," a maid came out and bowed. "You may come in now."

        I entered the room quietly. The faint sound of a baby squalling started to become louder. Su Yin held her baby gently, slow tears running down her cheeks. As she faced me, she tried to get up. 

        Immediately, I stopped her. "It's fine."

        Su Yin nodded quietly and looked at me with awe in her eyes. Jia Ying must have been traumatized because she kneeled with shock the entire time. I guess she won't be considering a child anytime soon.

        Everyone stopped speaking. The baby was still crying but no one spoke.

         As I slowly kneeled to face Su Yin, Su Yin let out a sigh of relief. She leaned near my ear and whispered to me, "A boy... A prince, Empress."

        My lips automatically spread into a smile. We both stared at each other with relief and happiness. She now looked behind my shoulder. Her eyes softened as she slowly rocked her baby. 

          I turned around and was ambushed by the Emperor's presence. Quickly, I stood up and bowed. "Warm blessings to—"

          "Don't," the Emperor gently held my wrist. He smiled at me and walked past me to get to Su Yin. She passed him the baby and he held it carefully. I thought it was pretty cute. The Emperor gently rocked the baby. "A prince... A small baby boy."

          "Yes, Your Majesty," Su Yin whispered. Her eyes fell on mine and we both exchanged a kind glance.

        In a few years, the Emperor would establish the crown prince. I thought about telling my story to the Emperor now, to plan what would happen then, but I didn't. I was afraid if I told him that I wasn't from here, he might banish me... or worse, kill me for deceiving him. 

          Maybe when I leave, there will be a third empress in place. I wouldn't know, and I don't want to know yet. I just wanted to enjoy this moment: seeing a friend give birth. Su Yin closed her eyes to the sound of the crying. The Emperor continued to look at the baby like it was gold.

         We shared a smile and I was off to give them a moment.

        The next day, I rewarded Su Yin and her child. It was the same procedure but Su Yin stayed a Consort. I'd try my best to promote her to 'Noble Consort' but that was it. The Emperor was hard to please, I could tell. 

         The thought of Chang Ying crossed my mind. The Emperor's favoured consort... but she was gone. Still, I felt kind of guilty for taking her away from him.

         Then again, the Emperor deserved the truth, even if it was harmful.

         I stayed with the Emperor after. He stayed in his hall with me while running through some things. Dragon and I were starting to bond even more, and I felt my hatred for cats fade. While I pet Dragon, the Emperor turned to look at me.

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