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        "Milady, that was so cool!"

        "What was?" I raised an eyebrow at Uncle Bin. His plump arms were busy whipping another killer dish. The sweat trickling down his temple signified his hard work in the kitchen. 

          I usually occupied Uncle Bin and the other maids in the Imperial kitchen when I was bored. It wasn't common for any of the concubines to help out, because they would be deemed to be more 'servant-like' and lower class. Frankly, I didn't care. It was fun helping out, like chopping vegetables or preparing pastries for Hua Er when she visited Lei Shu and her cousin.

        The aroma of roasted duck and freshly made noodles filled my nostrils and formed an explosion of bliss in my system. That is another reason why I loved being here. 

        "Oh, you know," Uncle Bin nudged me and winked, "how you scared them off!"

        "How'd you know?" I winced, ashamed that I let my bruised ego take over me. When I made my way back from that situation, I may have slightly regretted the incident. 

        Suddenly, one of the maids cleaning the dishes perked her head up. "Palace rumours. No one ever gets bored of it." 

        I rolled my eyes. "Because they're not involved in them."

       Of course, there were palace rumours. There's never a day that goes by where there weren't palace rumours. Once, I eavesdropped on Su Yin and Chang Ying's conversation about how a maid had an affair with a eunuch and it was affecting their work skills, but the Empress let it go. She even helped them have a wedding. Shocking. The Empress could be kind for once? 

         I took a small sip of the tea set out for me, a special tea mixed with various herbal ingredients that the maids in the kitchen picked out for me. Supposedly, it would help improve my skin and internal organs. "Of course palace rumours... Well, I did provide ointment for her at the end. I am not a crude woman, I promise," I smiled.

        Uncle Bin quickly let other chefs take care of the cooking and set his handkerchief on the table. He sat across me and grinned widely. "Milady, you are not a crude woman. You are a remarkable woman!"

        I carefully looked at him for a while before smiling back. His energy reminded me of my father's. Supportive and will praise you for any little thing you did. They were both gentle, and they both understood me. I consumed the air with my nostrils forcefully to prevent myself from bursting out in tears. Uncle Bin... Guan Shu... They reminded me so much of my parents that I wonder if my subconscious made them up for me so I can be comfortable in this foreign era. 

        But they were real. 

        "Thank you..." was all I could mutter out. It was difficult defying my forceful tears, but I blinked continuously behind the cup of tea raised in front of my face. I gulped it down. 

        After sneaking pastries out, I headed back to my chamber. A group of low-ranking concubines stood in front of the doorway, giggling at something another had said. I ruffled my hanfu to make a sound as I walked closer. They quickly turned their head in my direction and paved a way for me, also bowing with their heads down. They slowly gathered around behind me to leave the bridge area and shuffled away. Once I made my way into the residence, I spotted the same Imperial Concubine I had punished, peeking out of her room. 

        At first, I was hesitant, but I gave a short, friendly nod to ease the awkward tension but she didn't seem to look away. She blinked continuously and pursed her lips together in discomfort. 

        I wonder what type of nonsense she has up her sleeve. 

        I straightened my back more and looked straight ahead. As I walked down the corridor without making any eye contact with her, I felt her eyes on me. 

The Empress Wears GucciWhere stories live. Discover now