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        I waited out at the bridge where Jaxon I and I first talked. The howling wind and the silence of the birds were the only difference between the last time and at this moment. There were still faint grasshopper chirps, but the weather seemed gloomier rather than beautiful. It was autumn already, almost transitioning into cold winter. Despite the chilly weather, I was still warm and cozy under the traditional fur coat my maids fetched for me. Specifically, one maid, Guan Shu, who was my favourite maid. She was a very compassionate woman. Her childhood stories were something that entertained me while the Emperor was busy with other things. Before I told her I was going to leave the palace for fresh air, she was hurriedly fetching for a fur coat she was going to give me. Out of all the four maids I had, Guan Shu stood out the most and was the most considerate one. When Chang Ying left my chamber, Guan Shu was hesitant to bring up any of the events that had happened. 

        "Do you mind if I ask, milady?" she said as she bowed hesitantly. 

        I replied with, "No, I do not. I'll tell you from the start." 

        Guan Shu had a son. His name was Rong Er. At the age of four, he was learning how to read and write. Surprisingly being raised as a peasant woman, Guan Shu was quite educated. She was excellent in the arts, literature, writing, and had basic knowledge of politics and state affairs that many women are 'incompetent' in. She knew the Imperial library in and out and recommended me a few works. I wanted to meet her son. I've never seen a toddler here. I didn't know they even existed here. It was weird... seeing kids in the Palace who weren't the princes or the princesses. The Emperor was still young, I guess he and the Empress are still trying.

        Waiting for Jaxon to arrive was tiresome, so I began to try and skip pebbles, but they only jumped twice. I was clearly bad at it. I sensed Jaxon's presence eventually and peered over to the right side. I rushed over to greet him. "Do you know how long I waited for you?" 

        "Do you know how worried I was when you were locked up in that cell, with lack of sleep and a paler face?" he retorted as he slipped his hand down my waist and leaned in to give me a sensual hug.

        "I'm sorry." I wrapped my arm around his neck, pressing my chest against him. 

          My eyes were closed while we embraced each other like a couple after they haven't seen each other for a long time. Although my feelings for Jaxon were nonexistent, I still felt flustered every time I had physical contact with him. I think it was the lack of contact with the Emperor or the lack of contact with any guy for that matter. I was a consort after all, and that means that I should be only for the Emperor like a sad, desperate puppy waiting for his abusive owner to come and pet him. 

        "I think it's too dangerous to do anything at this point." Jaxon disrupted the hug and pulled away. 

        I nodded. "I need to be ranked to 'Imperial Noble Consort' to get the jade bangle." 

        "No. I mean, it's too dangerous to do anything," he demanded. "I can't have you harmed or killed. The Empress is a woman not to mess with." 

        "I won't, I promise," I lied through my teeth. 

        "How've you been?" 

        "Oh, pretty great, besides the fact that someone is trying to plot against me! How about you? How's the cool guard work?"

        For the first time in forever, I saw him smile. His dimple on the side was cute. He looked so beautiful with a smile, even though the wind was running through his hair harshly. I had to accept the fact that he was beautiful. We were exchanging words, talking about the things we did in the place we were put in, the experiences... and life-threatening situations. After we both became quiet, I licked my lips before I rested my arm on the bridge railing. "So tell me, how was your modernized life?"

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