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"Are you cool now? Look, I got you to class on time." Jeremy asked Jaelen as she finally snapped out of her trance.

"Yeah, but now you’re going to be late." Jaelen said as she stood by the door.

"When have I ever been the type to actually care about getting to class late?" Jeremy said with a chuckle. Jeremy never cared for going to class. He felt as if class was boring. He always did his work, he just didn’t like showing up.

"Might as well go now.." Jeremy thought to himself as the late bell rang.

While he was walking back to class, he got distracted by a blood curdling scream. He turned back but saw nothing in his view. He walked further down the hallway but didn’t see anything down there either.

"I’m probably just tripping." Jeremy said out loud as he continued to make his way to class.

 Turning the corner the noises that he heard before came back. Instead of a loud scream it was more of a whimpering and moaning sound. Jeremy got a little closer to notice the sounds were coming from the girl’s bathroom.

"I told you nobody will ever love you but me!" An angry, boisterous male voice boomed through the girl’s bathroom. Nobody answered the voice. Jeremy didn’t know if the voice was talking to itself. But then again… why would a male be in the girl’s bathroom?

Jeremy looked around to make sure nobody would see him go in as he got closer to the bathroom. He quietly tip-toed to the opening of the bathroom.

"I told you not to make me mad. You know how I get when I become mad I just see all red." Jeremy peeked around the corner to see his basketball teammate Tyler standing over a girl who was bleeding.

"I didn’t want to hurt you, but you made me do it Tiana. This is all your fault. THIS. IS. ALL. YOUR. FAULT." Tyler yelled as he landed hit after hit.

"Man, get your hands off her!" Jeremy ran in the bathroom before Tyler could land his last hit.

"You been messing with her too? My own fucking teammate Tiana!" Tyler charged at Tiana, but Jeremy stopped him. He hemmed him up on the wall before he could do anymore harm.

"I’m only going to ask you once to calm down. I don’t want to hurt you Tyler." Jeremy warned as he looked over at Tiana. He knew he needed to get her to the nurse or something. She had blood coming from her mouth and probably wouldn’t last much longer.

"Why you doing all of this for some hoe? She gave you some pussy didn’t she." Tyler said as he broke free and kicked Tiana in the stomach.

Jeremy got close to Tyler and decked him right in the nose. Before he could get back up, Jeremy kicked him in the face.

Making sure he was out, Jeremy quickly picked up Tiana with all of his strength and ran to the nurse’s office.

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