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A/N: There’s no exact POV. The part in italics play into one big action. This is my first time doing something like this, so if there’s any confusion leave feedback telling me so.


Tiana looked at Tyler with fear as she broke out of his grasp. The early morning bell had rang so she could run through the halls without looking like a complete fool.

She walked the halls nervously as she looked behind her every five minutes. The kids walked by her paying no mind as she basically tip toed her way to her locker.

She contained items she needed as she felt she was in the clear. Checking her hair and face she let out a sigh of relief.

"Why you hiding from me?" Tyler coming from behind her locker.

"I don’t want any contact with you. Please leave me alone." She uttered walking away. She didn’t get too far before Tyler grabbed her arm and took her around to a more private area.

She wanted to make a scene, but this was her battle. Nobody needed to suffer because of it.

"I’m sorry, ok? I had a moment…” Tyler tried to explain as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"A moment? You want to call punching my face in until I’m unconscious, a fucking moment?" Tiana whispered as she felt tears stinging the back of her eyes.

"I… I was angry… And I-"

"No, you were drunk! It’s starting to become pretty obvious. What happened? Mommy forgot to tell you she loved you that morning?" She said a little meaner that what she intended.

In one swift move, Tyler had Tiana by her neck on the adjacent wall.

"See… That shit is why I get angry. That shit is why I do what I do…” Tiana struggled to breathe as she tried to claw Tyler’s hands off her.

"You say petty shit to me and you know how my anger is." She watched as someone punched Tyler, causing him to quickly let her go.

"Are you alright?" A voice called out. Tiana vision went in and out before she passed out.


Brandon walked through the doors feeling dead tired. He was up in the studio until almost three in the morning. He’s basically running on two hours of sleep.

"Good Morning, boo." Jaelen said as he approached her locker. He sent her a head nod as he leaned on the wall next to him.

"What’s up with him? You boring him already?" Adrianne said as she walked up.

"Shut up, fool. I guess he’s just tired. “Jaelen said getting herself prepared for the day.

"So… Guess who stopped by the house."

"Kaleb? What he want?" Adrianne went on to tell about their night. Light snoring stopped their conversation as they looked over to see Brandon practically drooling.

"Do you think it would be wrong to just leave him there?"

"I do." He said groggily. He picked himself up as he wiped sleep from his eyes.

"I knew I should’ve got a picture when I first walked up." Brandon let out a fake laugh at Adrianne’s words.

"I’m going to the Nurse’s office. She sweet on me, so she’ll let me sleep in there for a while." He kissed Jaelen’s forehead as he want on his merrily way.

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