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@Jigga_J so you think you fancy huh?

Tiana giggled like a little school girl as she seen Jeremy’s tweet. That had been talking back and forth since she had been in the hospital.

@queenT HUNTY! I know I’m fancy.

She replied as she got herself ready to make her appearance at school. She and Jeremy had already figured out a place where hey would meet at. They will finally be able to talk to each other face to face. Well, they had already talked before it was just when she was in the hospital with all that mess going on.

Tyler actually tried to come see her several times at the hospital. Luckily, Hailey and Jeremy were usually there.

She was still on the rocks with Tyler. She knew he was a good person. The popularity and everything changed him.

Everyday for the past week he had been sending her flowers, edible arrangements, and texts. The texts would normally be like “I’m so sorry” “I’m a horrible person” “I don’t deserve you” and things of that nature.

He would call sometimes. She only answered one time and in that one phone call it felt like she would break. Tyler called crying his eyes out. He was playing “their song” in the back ground while, through the tears, he would reminisce on the good times that they had.

Quickly thinking, Tiana hung up the phone. She say thinking for a few minutes before she picked up the phone again. When she reached for the phone it was Jeremy who was calling her. She told him about what happened the past few moments before and he reassured her that everything would be okay.

He started telling her about the “marvelous” day he was having watching Jaelen make a fool of herself and Adrianne make googoo eyes at Kaleb. Suddenly, Tiana stopped feeling so attached to Tyler.

Searching around for Jeremy, she noticed him standing at his locker searching through all of the people passing by.

"Looking for me?" Tiana asked as she crept up behind him.

"Nah, I was looking at that girl’s big booty over there." Jeremy said as they laughed. He was glad Tiana could take a joke because if that was Jaelen or Adrianne, they would’ve slapped him upside the head.

"Oh, really? Let me go talk to that fine specimen over there." Tiana said referring to Carter Davis who was 6’4 and masculine.

"Chill! You know I was looking for you." Jeremy said as they hugged.

"Mhmmmm. Hey Carter." Tiana said as she waved. Carter turned around waving back.

"That’s you?" Jeremy asked looking at Tiana.

"Nah, he goes to church with me." Tiana said.

"Oh, alright."

"I see someone’s a little jealous." Tiana teased as Jeremy walked her to class.

"Never that, ma." He said all nonchalant. They hugged again as Jeremy dropped her off while trying to make it to his class.

Tiana came into her class with a bunch of stares from Hailey and the rest of the students.

"Dang girl, you looking good." Some random guy said.

"Um… Thanks" Tiana said shyly as she say by Hailey.

"I see you girl. You’ve been trying to play it off like Jeremy isn’t your boo, but I see you." Hailey said all ghetto like.

"First off, lower your voice! I don’t need everyone to be all in my business. Secondly, Jeremy is not my boo. He’s just being nice." Tiana stated. What would a dude like that want with a girl like her?

"I’ll let you have it this time. It was nice for him to help you through your situation, but he’s still around! That says something to me. A lot of guys wouldn’t have done that. He didn’t know you when all that went down. " Hailey whispered.

Tiana thought about what she said the entire class period. Everything she said was mostly true, but Tiana still decided to put it in the back of her mind. Jeremy probably only feels sorry for her. She’s just good enough to be his friend.

Before dismissal, Jeremy shot Tiana a quick text. He told her he would meet her at her class as soon as the bell rung. She sent him an “ok” whole she waited for the bell.

As soon as the bell rang, the kids left out the room like wild animals. Someone even knocked Tiana’s things all over the floor.

"I’ll help you with that." Carter said as he picked most of her things up. Just as Tiana reached for her notebook , Carter found his way to it to.

"My bad." They said at the same time. They shared a laugh.

"I’ve been meaning to catch up with you. I haven’t talked to you since I visited you in the hospital." Carter said.

"What did you have in mind?" Tiana asked as she noticed Tre lingering in the doorway.

"Since you’ve been going through so much I figured a nice evening out would do you some good." Carter said as his tall frame hovered over Tiana’s.

"Sure Carter. That sounds nice." Tiana said as she walked to meet up with Jeremy.

"So you and big boy going out on a date?" Jeremy asked with a smirk.

"It’s not a date. I know Carter. He might be all godly and what not, but he knows what he wants. If he wanted me he would’ve just came out and said it." Tiana explained as Jeremy dropped her off at her next class.

She couldn’t even focus on her teacher with all the texts Jeremy was sending her.

"You’re lying. He likes you" Tiana read as she laughed to herself.

"I grew up with this boy. He does not want me. I wouldn’t fit into his mother’s holy circle." She replied.

"Lol. Holy circle?" He replied

"Yeah. She wants this female that is a perfect woman of god for her only son." Tiana typed as she hid her phone from the snitch next to her.

"That’s just what she wants. You don’t know what he wants." He sent back with a sad face emoji.

"That sad face though. We’re just cool." Tiana replied. The bell rang just in time.

Meeting up with Jeremy at lunch he continued the conversation.

"I just don’t want you to get hurt again. I don’t want to be there to pick up the pieces." Jeremy mumbled.

"I didn’t ask you to pick them up the last time. I never asked you to do anything for me. I can’t believe you would even throw any of this in my face." Tiana said hurt.

" I didn’t mean it like that." Jeremy said apologetically.

"Whatever." Tiana said as she got up and left out the cafeteria. That’s how everything started with Tyler. First it was verbal abuse…. Next physical. She wasn’t going through that anymore.

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