Disclaimer and Prologue

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I do not own the rights to MTVs Teen Wolf. Or any of the storylines on the show. This book is an AU based on what I thought could happen in the future. All other rights go to Jeff Davis, and the amazing crew behind such an amazing show!


Beacon Hills had stood undisturbed for nearly ten years. Since the pack had left high school, no threats or dangers had come to wreck havoc. Everything was calm and peaceful. A figure in a dark cloak walked up to the large tree stump in the middle of the woods. The nemeton stood still as the figure approached.

They knelt down to retrieve something but paused. A soft whisper, echoed through the night as the figure followed it to its source. A burial site. The figure began to dig, deeper and deeper until they came across a small wooden box with a triskele symbol carved onto the lid.  The whisper's became louder as the figure became entranced in the spell. Before they knew it the lid was open and the fox was free.

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