Chapter Two: Nightmares

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Lydia gasped as she sat up in her bed. Her heart was pounding in her chest, sweat was dripping down her forehead as she struggled to take in small breaths. She drastically fumbled with her sheets and jumped out of bed clumsily. She quickly ran to the bathroom, throwing open the door and stood in front of the mirror. She splashed her face with water and stared at her reflection. She took in her appearance as she tried to slow down her breathing. Her eyes were wide with fear, red circles underneath them, hollowing out her eyes giving her a ghoulish look against her sheet white skin. Her hair matted in knots from rolling in her sleep. Lydia ran her hand through it in an effort to tame it. She could feel her breathing gradually returning to the norm, her heart quietening down in her chest. She huffed at herself. What was happening to her?

This was the fourth time this week that she had week that she had woken up like this. The fourth time this week that she had the same dream. The same nightmare. Lydia slowly sank to the floor resting her wet head against the tower rail. Her mind was racing, thinking about all the possibilities of what the dream could mean, hoping beyond belief that this wasn't a sign of her banshee abilities becoming active again, after being dormant for so many years.

In her dream she was back at the high school. A place she planned to never step foot in until she had too, if she had anything to do with it. She was in an empty classroom, sitting in one of the many empty desks, staring at the board. The board was empty all but one large black marking. A shiver went down Lydia's spine when she saw it. She thought she would never see that symbol again. A large black backwards five, a Japanese symbol, the sign for self.

Lydia watched in fear as the symbol slowly morphed, twisting and turning in unnatural ways until it became something else. Something much darker. The lines of the marking harsh and menacing. It resembled Japanese scripture, Lydia thought as she looked at it, she couldn't translate it but she could tell it was the opposite of the first.

 It resembled Japanese scripture, Lydia thought as she looked at it, she couldn't translate it but she could tell it was the opposite of the first

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"Chaos." A harsh whisper broke through the silence in the room. Lydia gripped her desk in fear as a gush of cold wind blew open the classroom door. "Strife." She slowly turned her head towards the door, her hands shaking violently in terror. "Pain." She stared with wide eyes at the empty doorway until a low growl was heard. Lydia gasped as a black fox prowled into the room. It's black eyes glistening with menace. Its mouth was opened in such a way one could say that it could be smiling at her. Its features twisted into a mocking smirk.

"It's not true," Lydia whimpered shaking her head rapidly. "It's not true, it can't be, this isn't real." As the strawberry blonde stuttered the fox prowled round to the front of the desk. The smirk widened as it stretched out in front of her ready to pounce. Lydia started crying, the tears falling as she begged for someone to help her, anyone to stop the fox from attacking her. The fox clicked, its smirk immediately disappearing the moment Lydia began to shout. It growled, baring its teeth, before pouncing on top of the girl.

Lydia wiped the tears from under her eyes as she looked up to the ceiling. She knew now what the dream was telling her. She had known for a while now, she just refused to believe it. The Nogitsune was back. And it wanted revenge.


Lydia pushed herself up from the bathroom floor. She looked towards the door to the room in which her husband slept. She had to check, she had to know. She took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the bathroom door. She quietly walked over to Stiles' sleeping body. His head was to one side and his mouth was wide open, drool slowly dripping onto his pillow. She smiled as she thought of how peaceful he looked, like a lost puppy. He reminded her of the Stiles she knew ten years ago. The Stiles she fell in love with.

Lydia shook her head to wake herself out of her fantasy. She gulped as she remembered what she had to do. She lifted her shaking hand to push away the bush of hair covering the behind of his ear. Lydia clapped her hands to her mouth in shock, catching the whimper of fear before it escaped her. The black tattoo Stiles had received from the Oni all those years ago had gone. In its place another mark stood. A dark twisted mark, the mark from her dream. Its meaning lost in the dream but clear to her now.


Lydia ran out of the room and down the stairs. She stumbled into the kitchen, frantically waving her hands around looking for the phone in the dark. She fumbled across a cool metal object and breathed a sigh of relief. Without thinking she dialled the first number that came into her head. She waited a few moments as the phone rung. Finally the click of the line entered her ear and she knew she had connected.

"Who is this?" A woman's voice answered the phone cautiously, "And why have you called at three in the morning?"

"Malia?" Lydia breathed into the phone. The other end went quiet, the only proof that someone was there was the heavy breathing coming from the other end. "Malia, its me Lydia." Silence. Eventually Malia coughed and then answered.

"Lydia? Is that really you?" Malia asked her voice cracking, shocked. "We haven't heard from you in years, whats going on?"

"Malia get Scott, tell him to come back to Beacon Hills."Lydia could hear footsteps on the landing upstairs. "I need to go you need to tell him that, the Nogitsune is back and I think its inside Stiles."


Okay next chapter is up! I hope you enjoy reading this as I enjoyed writing it! Sending the love Hxxx

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