Chapter Four: Old friends and Old foes

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Scott gaped mouth wide open as he gazed shockingly at the man who entered. Issac stood in the doorway of the animal clinic. A small smirk playing on his face. If it was at all possible it seems as if he had grown, his hair was slightly longer and his face rounder. He had aged well, Lydia thought with a smirk. If Stiles were here he would probably make a comment about how Issac still wore those stupid scarfs in the hot summer heat.

"Hi Scott," Issac smiled his boyish grin. That seemed shake Scott out of his faze. Scott grinned at his long lost friend, he shifted back to human and walked forward to hug him.

"It's so good to see you," Scott smiled as he patted Issac's back. He turned around to face the  pack, he paused seeing the confused expressions on Liam, Mason and Corey's faces.

"Um, Scott.... who is that?" Liam asked sheepishly, looking between the two, his eyes lingering on Issac threateningly. Scott saw Liam's agitation and laughed.

"Well... everyone this is Issac." Scott introduced his old beta proudly. "He was part of the pack in high school before he left for France." He looked to the ground sadly, "We haven't seen him in years, in fact we had no idea what happened to you," Scott looked at him questioningly, "what did happen to you?"
Lydia sensing the tension in the room quickly stepped in.

"Well it's good to have you back now," she smiled and walked over to Issac hugging him. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "I thought I'd never see you again." She leaned back and looked into his eyes, her own glossed over with tears.

"Me too, me too." Issac sighed. Lydia pulled away and moved to stand with the rest of the pack. Malia still eyed Issac cautiously.

"I mean it's great that you're back and all, but what are you doing here?" Malia asked hostility lacing her words. Scott gave her a look of disapproval and she backed down. Issac didn't mind though and looked up to face them all.

"I know this is a bit unexpected, but I had to come back. You see, when I left for France I was swimming inside my own anger against the Nogistune. I just couldn't get it out of my head, how a creature that evil could corrupt something as good as Stiles could exist. It made my blood boil." Issac looked down at his hands. "I did research, a lot of it. I dedicated my life to finding whatever I could about them, their weaknesses their strengths, anything I could use against them." Issac looked Scott in the eye.

"I couldn't let what happened to Allison happen to anyone else, I couldn't stand idly by and watch the person I love get killed right in front of me and do nothing to stop it." Tears we're now falling down his cheeks as he told his story. His eyes then flashed to those of anger and hatred. "So I started hunting them, I found someone who could sense them. Who could feel the chaos that surrounded it. For the past ten years I have been tracking down Nogistunes, finding them, seeing how they have inter grated themselves into society, worming their way into peoples lives just so they can cause havoc. I killed them, I slaughtered them all."

Scott looked at Issac brokenly. The young innocent boy who he once knew was gone. Instead replaced by a vengeful man, one who has experienced loss and fought his way through hardship. Scott had tears brimming in his eyes as he thought of how in these past years him and the rest of his pack had just moved on, living peaceful lives, forgetting the past and being happy. Whilst Issac was fighting for his life, stuck in a vicious circle of revenge.

"I'm so sorry." Scott whispered as he looked Issac in the eye. Issac smiled as he looked into the same puppy dog eyes that he had seen grow from the power of an omega to one of an alpha. Issac smiled, not because of Scott's apology, but because, after all this time, his soul remained untouched, his goodness shining through, and that was what made him his Alpha.

"I am here because I was told of a Nogitsune that had returned to Beacon Hills." Issac looked to the pack once more. "It is stronger than before and more angry. It's not playing a game anymore, it wants revenge. Revenge for what we did to it last time." Lydia paled as her eyes widened it shock.

"It's worse isn't it? Because it's the same one as before." Lydia gulped as Issac nodded slowly. "It knows us, the way we work. He has an advantage before we even start the game. Before we were lucky, he drew out our deaths as he thought it would be fun because he was playing a game. But not this time, this time we won't have enough time to come up with a solution, he wants revenge and he wants to kill us all."

"But Lydia..." Mason looked her in the eye his eyebrows furrowed in thought. "If all that's true then why are we all here now? Why would it give us time to come up with a plan?"

"Because..." A voice rang through the room. Everyone froze and looked to the shadows. Lydia gasped as a figure stepped out of the dark. His features were twisted into an evil smirk, his posture was full of confidence, as his eyes scanned the room playfully as he looked at the former pack members. "Now I have you all in one place." Stiles looked over at his wife's terrified expression.

"You'll all be easier to kill."


Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter I just kinda realised that if I make the chapters too long then the story will be done in like 10 chapters soooo.... anyways I hope you liked it! I had to bring Issac back cause honestly I really wish they brought him back for 6B so this is kinda my way of making peace with that lol sending the love xxx hx

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