Chapter Thirteen: The Nemeton

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The air was damp and heavy. The night was silent bar the soft whistle of the leaves scattering the floor of the woods. The Nemeton stood still. The dark figure of Stiles Stilinski sat in the centre, his legs crossed, looking out into the night mischievously. His eyes glistened with menace as a sickening smirk formed on his features. This wasn't Stiles. This was void.

His smirk grew as he heard a rustling in the trees. He stood up once he saw seven faces appear out of the dark. His eyes flickered to the one that matched his own. His doppelgänger flinched uncomfortably under his gaze. He could taste the fear radiating off them. Good. This was what he wanted.

Stiles stared at the Nogitsune as he gripped his wife's hand tightly. He was terrified, seeing its face again. Being under its unnerving gaze. He saw the eyes of his mother and father, mocking him as if he was back in the tunnels again. He swallowed nervously as his heart beat speed up drastically.

Scott, having sensed Stiles' anxiety knew that they had to do something now. Him and Derek took a few steps closer to the Nemeton as the Oni appeared behind the fox.

"Oh Scott, you didn't think I would be here without back up did you?" Void mocked tilting his head to the side. "I'm here for chaos, not negotiation." He growled as his smirk vanished into a fierce frown. Scott's lips twisted upwards slightly as he gave the fox a knowing smile.

"You didn't think we came without backup did you?" Scott repeated, smirking as a few familiar faces stepped out of the darkness. Jackson stood with his hands in his jean pockets. His eyes glowed blue as he smirked at the Nogitsune's surprised expression. Ethan stood close behind. Mirroring his boyfriends glowing eyes as his fangs growled threateningly at the fox.

The click of a gun signalled the fox to the presence of Chris Argent. His face morphed into an expression of utter hatred as he looked upon the face of the monster that took his daughter's life. Finally the unsheathing of a metal blade caused the fox to growl as it looked onto the opposite of its kind. Kira Yukimara stood with her blade in hand as she stared at the dark kitsune with fiery orange eyes.

Everyone was here. The whole pack had come together to face their greatest enemy. The creature that took the most from them. More than any enemy they had ever encountered. The Nogitsune had broken them the most.

But standing here. Scott felt that his pack had never been stronger. United for the last time to end this war. He could feel the pack bond glowing with strength inside him. He knew the pack could feel it too. The true alpha looked around at his betas. His eyes glowing as theirs did the same.

This was a battle to avenge the dead. To honour all those they had lost. Allison, Aiden, Corey, Erica, Boyd, Natalie Martin, The Sheriff and finally Issac. This was revenge. And there was no way in hell they were going down without a fight.

"Well isn't this a party?" The fox smirked, standing up and taking a few steps closer to the pack, the Oni forming a line behind him. Liam growled protectively as Void stopped in front of Scott. "Old friends, come together to face the ultimate enemy." He mocked. Walking down the line of the pack eyeing them all with amusement. "But what's a party without a bit of entertainment? Wouldn't you say, Scott?" He paused crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down the alpha.

Scott didn't reply. He just growled angrily at the man responsible for the death of his beta. The fox chuckled as the oni unsheathed their blades.

"Shall we?" The fox asked as the oni ran charging forward. A crash was heard as the McCall pack fought back. Scott roared as he slashed his claws across the oni's chest. He punched it in the face but the creature of the night managed to slash and create a deep gash on his right leg.

Scott gasped in shock as he fell to his knees. The world around him fading into slow motion as a flicker of memory flashed through his mind. He saw the stone walls of oak creek. The raging fight that happened only a few days ago. He could see his friend, his pack mate, his beta. He could see Issac fighting along side him. He remembered shoving his hand inside the Oni's chest. He remembers to warm glow before it exploded into dust. He remembered how to defeat them.

The world began to speed up as Scott stood to face his enemy. As he had done only days before he shoved his right hand into the dark depths of the Oni's chest and grasped onto the glowing firefly inside. He ripped it out and crushed it in his hand as he watched the Oni disintegrate before his eyes. He roared signalling the pack to what he had done. They had seen it. And so had the fox.

One by one bursts of golden light erupted into the night as the Oni fell into nothingness. The pack had won. They turned to face their alpha who was now facing the last enemy. The Nogitsune. The fox and the wolf stood either side of the Nemeton. The smirk had been washed of the fox's sickly face.

"You think you've won?" He growled as he looked into the glowing red eyes of Scott McCall. "You think this is all over? It will NEVER be over!" He shouted, his whole body shaking with rage. "You can defeat the Oni but ME? You have tried once before, but I am a thousand years old YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!" His shouts shook the woods and the residents of beacon Hills to the core. He stood huffing as Scott glared daggers into his eyes.

"Are you so sure about that?" He asked innocently as he ran up to the fox and sunk his teeth into his arm, as he did twelve years ago. The fox screamed in anguish as Stiles appeared behind him, thrusting Kira's silver blade through the heart of the creature that had taken so much from him. Lydia stood with a hand on his shoulder as she screamed. The power of her voice shattering the fox's being as it fell to dust onto the cold damp ground.

A small fly flew up from the ashes as it attempted to move its way out of the woods. A loud clap was heard as Chris Argent trapped the fox spirit inside his hands. With one final look of hatred towards the fox he crushed his hands together killing it instantly.

The pack breathed a sigh of relief as a sprinkle of dust fell from his hands. It was over. It was finally over. And they had won.


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