Chapter One: A Quiet Life

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Stiles walked through the dark wooden door into his small house in Beacon Hills. He quietly put his keys and bag down, trying not to wake the children at this late hour. He slowly walked into the living room, rubbing his eyes with exhaustion. He looked over at the couch and saw his wife sound asleep in her pyjamas. No doubt having stayed there for hours waiting for her husband to return home after two weeks away on assignment.

Stiles smirked to himself,  an idea crossing his mind. He slowly hovered his hands over the strawberry blonde's shoulders. He waited a moment before grabbing her. Lydia gasped with shock and sat up to see her husband standing above her, his handing covering his mouth as he tried, and failed, to keep his laughter contained.

"Stiles!" Lydia grabbed one of the cushions on the couch and threw it at Stiles. He quickly deflected it, his smirk fading as he saw the expression on his wife's face. Lydia glared at him for a moment before breaking into a large grin. "I missed you." Stiles, seeing the smile on Lydia's face returned it and pulled her up into an embrace.

"I missed you too." Stiles whispered into her ear. He pulled back and gazed over his wife's face. God, he was so lucky to have someone as amazing as her in his life. He smiled as he pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear before leaning in for a kiss. Lydia smashed her lips against his. It had been so long, he felt a warm sensation building up inside him. He grinned into the kiss. Lydia smiled as well. She hated it when he left for so long at a time, it was good to have him home.

Lydia pulled away and walked over to the coffee table, clearing up the empty mugs. Stiles looked over and began to help as well. Lydia looked tired, as if she hadn't been sleeping. A frown of worry crossed his face as he placed his hand on Lydia's arm and stopped her from tidying.

"Hey, stop ok?" He cupped her face with his hand. "I'll do the rest, you look exhausted Lyd." He smiled warmly at her. She saw his worried expression and nodded. She put down the mugs and kissed her husband on the cheek. She turned around and slowly ascended the staircase, her long strawberry blonde hair bouncing behind her as she did.

Stiles sighed. It had been a hectic two weeks. He looked around the room. So many memories in such a small space. He used to watch movies with his dad on the couch. His mum used to help him draw on the kitchen counter. The dining room table was the last place he played chess with the sheriff before he passed away three years ago. The house may have been updated, furniture came and went, but these walls were where the memories were made. The moments that Stiles would remember forever. The light in what felt like a never ending darkness in his teenage years.

He smiled as he thought of the pack. They had faced so much together. All the threats, challenges, every supernatural creature that threatened to harm this town they took down together. Ironically the one threat that tore them apart, the reason none of them have spoken in nearly eight years, was distance. They drifted apart, each of them going their own separate ways. Stiles sighed and ran his hands through his messy hair. Things happen, people change. Stiles just never thought that his worst nightmare would actually happen. He'd lost his best friends.

Stiles wiped his eyes. Unaware until now that tears were threatening to break. He cleared his throat and did the last of the clearing up then walked upstairs.

He walked past the open door of his twin daughters room. Smiling to himself Stiles walked into the room and looked over the twin beds against the back wall of the room. The room itself was a mixture of pink and pale blue, toys and drawings the girls have done scattered around. Allison lay with cuddled up with her toy bear, her short strawberry blonde hair curling around her cheeks. Claudia was smiling into her blanket, she soft dimples on her cheeks making an appearance as she rolled around in her sleep. Her straight black hair a stark opposite to her twin's. Stiles leaned down and tucked them both in. God, he loved them so much. He smiled as he left the room, taking one last glance over their sleeping bodies before quietly closing the door.

Stiles opened the door to the room that he and his wife shared. Lydia was fast asleep. Completely collapsed from exhaustion. Her features calm and relaxed as she slept. Stiles walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. He took off his shirt and trousers and threw them on top of it. He knew Lydia would kill him tomorrow about not tidying it up but he was too tired at the moment. His body felt heavy as he collapsed onto the bed. He could slowly feel his eyelids drooping, his body relaxing into the bed. Sleep was taking over as he rolled onto his side and embraced his wife. And slowly he fell into the deep dark abyss of dreams.

Little did Stiles know that something was slowly creeping his way back into his mind. Quietly consuming parts of him like a virus as it waited, gaining strength. Getting ready to finish what it started all those years ago. With a few teenagers just playing a game. Now it was different, now it wanted revenge. It was going to succeed in what it failed to do before. To bring to Beacon Hills: Chaos, Strife, and Pain.

So first chapter done... I hope you enjoy this book! Let's see how it goes Hx

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