Chapter Five: It's not a game anymore

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It all happened so fast.

As soon as Stiles stepped out of the shadows, the packs instincts kicked in. Scott roared, his eyes flashing his alpha red. Malia, Liam, Derek and Issac followed in tow, their eyes flashing blue and gold, shifting at the threat of the fox. Corey grabbed Lydia and Mason and turned invisible, getting away from the impending fight. Scott ran forward, shifting into his wolf form, he raised his hand, his claws outstretched, bringing it down onto Stiles.

Stiles smirk faded into a look of anger and aggression as he dodged Scott's attack with ease. He grabbed Scott's arm, twisting it backwards until a crack was heard. Scott howled in pain as he fell to the floor.

"Scott!" Malia shouted, watching her fiancee fall to the floor. She looked up and growled at Stiles' smirking face as he lent down and held onto Scott's arm. Black veins appeared along his arm and up his body as he gasped in pleasure. He let go and shook his hand as he stood up to look at the pack.

"Now, that's better isn't it?" He smirked, his smile widening at the shock in their faces, some of them having never seen a Nogistune feed before. "I was starving," Stiles moved towards the pack, his gaze moving to Malia, who was struggling and failing to remain in control. Issac saw this and hissed at her.

"Malia, calm down, he's too strong." Issac glared at her, but Malia was too focused on Scott's trembling body.

"Malia" Stiles sang teasingly, "Don't worry about your little puppy, I'm sure he'll be just fine." Malia flipped. She growled as she pounced on top of Stiles, pushing him to the floor, desperately trying to claw away at his face, her eyes flashing bright blue as her anger coursed through her. Stiles smiled up at her, black veins surrounding his face, after her every strike. Lydia's eyes widened in realisation as she let go of Corey and ran to the centre of the room.

"Malia STOP!," Lydia shouted, causing Malia to look at her in surprise. "Don't you see? This is what he wants, he's feeding of the pain inside you, your anger at seeing Scott like that. Please stop, your only making him stronger." Malia's eyes flickered back to brown as she looked down at Stiles' face. His smirk slowly fading into a frown of annoyance. With ease he pushed Malia off his body and stood up. He walked towards Lydia, anger coursing through his features, his eyes glinted dangerously, as Lydia backed up towards the operation table. She gasped as she felt the cold metal dig into her back.

"Well, done, Lydia." Stiles spat, his words laced with venomous sarcasm as he looked her up and down in disgust. "Always the clever one, always ruining my plans." He sang mockingly, but Lydia could sense no humour in his voice. Only anger, a violent explosive anger, directed completely at her. Lydia gulped as she looked into his eyes. So void of emotion, so different from the eyes of her husband.

"You know all those years ago I chose Stiles because he's the one who always figure's things out. I thought I'd made a good decision then, but know, know I see the real person I should have taken." He looked at her hungrily. "The one Stiles loves more than anything else. I took this form now as I knew it would hurt you the most. Slowly watching as the love of your life kills everyone you care about, leaving only you alone, surrounded by mounds of bodies." He laughed as he saw the tears of horror falling down her face.

"You know what I would do next?" Stiles asked leaning forward until his mouth was inches from her own. Lydia froze with fear as he placed his hands either side of her, moving his body close so they were almost touching. "I'd rip your heart from your chest and watch as the life leaves your eyes." He breathed into her mouth and grinned. "The last thing you would see was your husband, holding your heart in his hand as blood dripped from it slowly landing on the faces of those you have lost."

He laughed as he moved away from her, his eyes filled with mischief and joy. He looked over the frozen faces of the pack, who moments before had been so full of life, so ready to attack, now they all looked as terrified and useless as a group of lonely puppies. That's all they were in his eyes, measly dogs, pests that always seem to want to ruin his fun.

His gaze stopped at Derek. Instead of the rest of the pack his focus was on something other than him. Stiles followed his gaze to where Scott once laid. The alpha was slowly standing up, his strength returning as he looked onto Stiles with pure animalistic hatred. His eyes glowed red and he roared menacingly.

"Don't you think you've had enough of these games?" Scott growled at the Nogitsune. "Don't you get tired of always ruining people's lives?" Scott watched as the smirk on the fox's face faded into a void expression. It sent shivers down is spine.

"Oh Scotty, Scotty, Scotty." Stiles tilted his head as he looked at the alpha. "Don't you get it yet?" He smiled as he stepped back into the shadows, the darkness engulfing him in one, until all that was left was the sickening twisted grin. The same one that haunted Scott's dreams for months after Allison's death.

"It's not a game anymore."


Ahhhhh I love void stiles so much omggggg!!! is it bad that I kinda prefer him to normal stiles? oh well things are starting to go down..... I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter but I couldn't fit in the next bit into this one so its in the next one sorry :)))) sending the love xxxx

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