Chapter Twelve: Broken

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Scott sat in his old bedroom. He looked up at the ceiling, the walls, the floor. The room itself had lasted him through some of the toughest times, but sitting in it now, with all that had happened brought him no comfort at all. There was a soft knock on the door, and the kind face of Melissa McCall poked her head round the door.

"Hey Scott," she sighed placing a hand on his shoulder. "The packs downstairs waiting for you. They need their leader, their alpha." Melissa turned Scott around so that he was facing her. "They need you."

"I can't be their alpha anymore." Scott whispered as his voice cracked. Looking up into the sad eyes of his mom. "Mom, how can they look at me when they know it's my fault." Scott felt a tear fall down his cheek. "I should have stopped it, I should have seen it coming, Issac should be alive right now. But he isn't because of me." Scott sobbed into Melissa's arms.

It broke her heart to see her son like this. To see the strong man he had become, torn down after the death of his beta. One that was like a son to her, as he was a brother to Scott.

"Hey look at me ok?" Melissa moved Scott's chin up to look into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault. Don't you ever blame yourself for something that you couldn't have stopped. It was the Nogitsune and no one else that is to blame for this. Now, your pack is downstairs waiting for you to come up with a plan of how to stop him, for good this time." She smiled kindly. "So wipe your eyes and go kill that son of a bitch."

Scott nodded as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He stood up and walked downstairs to the anxious faces of the awaiting pack. Everyone was there minus Lydia and Stiles. They had gone back home, unable to function much longer. Stiles was in a bad state, it's seems that the Nogitsune's torture had really gotten to him. Scott just wished that he would make it through this and maybe they could mend their friendship and become brothers again.

"So Scott we're all here." Derek piped up, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's the plan?" Derek looked pale, dark circles underneath his eyes. He had taken Issac's death badly as he was the last remaining beta he had of his original pack. He understood Scott's pain more than anyone.

"The plan is we fight." Scott looked up. "We find a way to kill him and we do it. This has gone on far too long and it's needs to end. Tonight." Scott walked over to Malia, wrapping an arm around her waist as he gave her a small smile. "Let's do this."

The door to the McCall household was blown open. Two people came running in. A woman with strawberry blonde hair and a man with whisky eyes. Lydia and Stiles held each other's hand as they looked around at the pack with wild eyes.

"We can do it." Lydia exclaimed, out of breath. "We know how to kill him." She smiled at her husband before looking back at the astonished faces of the pack.

"What? You didn't think that you would be doing this without us did you?" Stiles smiled at his best friend. Scott has tears pooling in his eyes as he walked up to his brother. Scott and Stiles embraced in a hug, each smiling with true happiness for the first time in weeks.

"I missed you dude." Scott whispered into his shoulder.

"I missed you to buddy, I missed you too." Stiles pulled away and patted Scott on the back. He turned around the face the rest of the pack. "Wow," he whispered. "It's so weird to see all you guys again." Stiles stood there staring at the faces of the pack, frozen in his memories.

"Hey Stiles? Stiles sweetie you there?" Lydia waved her hand in front of her husbands eyes. Stiles jolted back fumbling on his feet as he was brought out of his trance.

"Oh yeah yup still here, all good." Stiles blurted out in reply. After a look from his wife he remembered why they were there. "Oh shit yeah, um we know how to kill him." The pack held their breath as Derek asked him how.

"The nemeton." Stiles breathed out. "That where it all started and that's where it has to end." He looked to Scott. "It all started that night when you, Allison and I all sacrificed ourselves to find our parents. The Nemeton gave it life, so that's where it has to die." Scott looked up at his best friend confused.

"But how do we kill him? It didn't work last time." Scott states looking down. "What do we do?" Stiles paced around the room until he was facing all of them, fumbling with his hands anxiously as he did so.

"The same as last time. He can't be a fox and a wolf. You need to bite him, Scott." Stiles looked to his best friend. "There was one thing Lydia and I figured out as well, we not only need to change the host, but when Kira stabbed him last time it didn't kill him as he was not carrying her face. She was not the host. I was." Stiles looked down ashamed. Lydia squeezed her husbands hand comfortingly.

"So this time as I was the host. I need to be the one to kill him. I need to be the one holding the handle." Lydia looked at the group, her voice steady with power and confidence as she told them what had to be done. "So what are we waiting for?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Let's go kill that little shit."


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