Chapter Eleven: Oak Creek

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The pack stood at the gates to the infamous Oak Creek, swimming in the nostalgia of being together again. Scott looked over at his pack, so many had gone and left, too many had died. But new people came and filled the ranks, and although his pack is full and blooming no one will ever replace those that they had lost.

Scott remembered the last time he and Issac had stood here waiting. With Kira, Allison and Stiles. Little did they know that one of them wouldn't make it. That they came to save one friend but lost another in the process. Allison Argent would always be remembered as the fierce huntress, loyal friend and loving daughter. But to Scott and Issac she was their first love.

Scott turned to face them a newfound determination in his expression. This was it.

"Last time we stood here we came to rescue a friend. A pack member. This time we are standing here to rescue not only my best friend but my brother." He pointed to the rusty iron gates of the camp. "Inside here are two innocent girls, we are going to rescue them and Stiles, and we are going to do it as a pack." He looked back at his old friends.

"I know that we haven't been a pack for a long time, too long." Scott sighed looking to the ground. "It's my fault, I should have kept in contact, made sure that we stuck together, but I failed." He looked to Lydia and smiled. "But not this time. This time we are going to succeed, we are getting those children and their father back to their mother if it is the last thing I do!" Scott roared as his eyes glowed bright red.

The pack roared in return, the dark sky filled with the luminescent bright glows of wolves eyes in the night. Scott turned around and pushed open the gates with an almighty bang. He ran into the empty courtyard, the pack following closely behind.

A low chuckle was heard coming through the darkness. The pack looked around rapidly looking for the source. Issac growled when he saw the figure of Stiles Stilinski walk out of the darkness.

"This is all a bit nostalgic don't you think?" He hummed smirking at the aggression radiating off the pack. "Here we are once again. In the battle field of Oak Creek. You here to save someone." He laughed as ten oni materialised behind him. "I'm here to kill someone."

"Not this time." Scott growled as he punched one of the oni. The pack began to fight. The growls and sounds of swords slashing filled Lydia's ears. She knew what she had to do.

Whilst everyone was fighting she quietly slipped into the tunnels of the prison camp. She ran around desperately trying to find her family.

"Stiles? Stiles?!" She called frantically as she ran. After a few moments she heard soft cries coming from the next corridor. "Oh my god!" She cried as she turned and saw the pale broken body of her husband. She ran over to him as she saw her daughters clinging onto him tightly. "Stiles! Stiles, look at me ok? I'm here now I'm here." She whispered as she tried to move his face towards her.

"No you're not real, you're not real." Stiles shook his head tiredly, trying to move his daughters away from her.

"It's me Stiles, please look at me it's Lydia." She cried, tears falling down her cheeks as she looked onto the exhausted face of her husband. Stiles eventually turned around to look at her. His eyes widened as tears fell silently down his face.

"Lydia?" He asked his voice cracking. Lydia smiled as she let out a breath of relief and nodded. She slowly reached forward and embraced her girls in a hug.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." She whispered as she pulled away. She stood up as she pulled Stiles up with her. They both carried a daughter each as they ran out of the tunnels and into the courtyard.

The fight was still going on. The pack was tired and covered with blood. Scott still fought ferociously as he swung his claws at the Oni. He roared as he thrust his hand into the Oni's chest, seemingly grabbing something. A light erupted from its chest, before the Oni exploded into nothing.

Scott gasped in relief and shock. He looked around desperately, seeing the shocked faces of the pack. Issac turned around to look at him, a proud grin on his face.

"Well done man. You'd bett-" Issac began before a sword thrust its way through his chest. He fell to his knees as blood pooled out of his mouth.


Lydia's scream echoed through the compound. Scott ran forward to catch Issac as he fell. The world fell into slow motion as he held the dying body of his old friend. Scott shook his head in denial.

"No no no no no no no no." He cried as he looked into Issac's eyes. "I can't do this again. Not in the same way NO!" He screamed sobbing as Issac reached up to grab his hand.

"It's okay." He whispered. Tears pooled in his eyes as he looked onto his alphas face. "I can be with her now Scott. I can see Allison again." Scott still shook his head violently as he gripped his friends hand tighter.

"I can't lose you too." Scott cried. "I won't lose you too." Issac tried to smile up at him, but it ended up more of a grimace.

"It's okay, it's oka-" Issac eyes fluttered closed, as Scott could here his heartbeat slowly ground to a halt.

"NOOOOOO!!" Scott howled as his eyes burned red. He frantically tried to grip Issac's hand, as if there was some way of forcing the life back into him. He could feel Malia walk up to him and embrace him in a hug. He tried to fall into it but all he could feel was pain.

The pain of losing a beta was like that of losing a limb. Issac had been by his side through so much and now he was gone. He'd lost two betas in the last few days and that was enough to break him. Scott McCall was broken. And Malia didn't have the faintest clue of how to fix him.


Ah the feels 😫😫 I made myself cry thinking about writing this. I just thought of his childish blue eyes and boyish grin and I was like HELL NO but I did it anyway arrggghhh I hate myself. Oh well Stiles, Claudia and Allison are safe yay?
Okay so I've finished writing the final chapter for this book so there only two more chapters after this before the epilogue!

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