Chapter Six: Family Troubles

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Scott ran over to Lydia who was still frozen in shock from what just happened. He pushed the hair out of her face and looked into her eyes.

"Hey Lydia, look at me ok? He's gone now your safe." Lydia's eyes flickered to Scott's, fear still etched into her face.

"No ones safe, not anymore." She whispered as she collapsed into his arms. Scott comforted her as he looked around the room at the scared expressions that filled the faces of the pack. He looked to Malia who stepped forward and took Lydia into a corner, muttering soothing words as she rubbed her back. All the packs eyes were now on Scott. Waiting for their alphas command.

"I know you're scared." Scott looked at each of them individually, "I am too," Scott admitted looking to the ground. "But we can't give up. We can't run away and pretend like everything's going to be fine because it isn't, not anymore." Scott looked to Issac, "This thing, it took so much from us before and we can't let it to that again. We won't let it." Scott lifted his chin and flashed his eyes. "We are going to beat it, and this time, no one is going to die."

Scott's betas flashed their eyes in response, Issac and Derek growled as well. Lydia smiled at Scott proudly, it was all going to be ok.


Lydia knocked on the door to her house. Tapping her foot impatiently, she could hear the childish screams coming from inside. Finally the lock clicked and the door opened to display a very distraught looking Natalie Martin.

"Lydia thank god!" She sighed running her hands through her grey hair, now all over the place. Her eyes were wide with distress causing Lydia's heart rate to increase.

"Mom whats wrong?" Lydia asked worryingly, biting her lip.

"It's your children!" She waved her hands dramatically in the air. "I can't do this! I only had one child and that was for a reason." She glared at Lydia as she pointed her finger at her daughter. "I'm sorry there are issues with the supernatural sweetheart but do NOT make me do this again! Allison's been screaming bloody murder, a trait I have no doubt she inherited from you by the way. And Claudia's been running around in circles for the past hour unable to stop talking or keep still."

"So," She sighed placing her hands on her hips, looking onto the amused face of her daughter. "Next time, you're getting a babysitter." She huffed, looking for her daughter's response. Lydia only laughed.

"I'm sorry," Lydia tried to calm herself down, "I'm sorry its just I haven't seen you this upset since the incident on the Bachelorette." All Lydia received was an amused glare from her mother before she opened the door to the living room.

"Mom!" Allison screamed in delight, running into the open arms of her mother. Claudia looked around and saw Lydia and squealed in delight. She ran into her mothers arms and Lydia embraced her two daughters lovingly. "Mommy when's daddy coming back?" Allison looked up, her strawberry blonde curls bouncing as she did so.

"Yeah mommy, I miss him!" Claudia pouted, her big eyes wide with sadness. Lydia frowned as she glanced up to Natalie's worried expression. She smiled down at her daughter's faces, her smile however not meeting her eyes. After so many years she had mastered the act of pretending she was ok, but something about her daughters eye's, the innocence and whisky colour, being so similar to Stiles' made it all the more harder.

"Daddy's having a few issues with work at the moment. He will be back soon, don't worry." She lifted Claudia's chin up with a smile. "Now, tell me what you got up to today." Claudia giggled and dragged her mom into the kitchen, Allison hopping along behind. Natalie Martin looked onto her daughter and granddaughters fondly. God, she was so proud of her girl, there have been times where she doubted that her daughters sanity would survive the trauma over the years, but seeing her now, caring for her daughters like the strong woman she is brought tears to her eyes. She just hoped and prayed they would make it through this, she couldn't even begin to imagine the havoc that would wreck if anything happened to them.

Natalie turned around to close the door but froze. Her eyes wide as she looked onto the sickly pale face of her son in law. He was standing in the doorway his arms crossed as he lent lazily on the doorframe. As he saw her expression he smirked.

"Hello again." He flashed his eyes at her, enjoying the fear radiating off her body. He stepped forward until he was looking directly in her eyes. "Now we can do this one of two ways." He lifted up two fingers. "One," he pointed a finger upwards. "You let me in without a fuss and I can go say hi to the twins that I haven't seen in a long time. I'm sure they would love to see their daddy again." He sang mockingly.

He lifted up his second finger. "Two," his smirk faded into a frown, anger radiating off his features. Natalie took in a small intake of breath, fear consuming every fibre of her being. "I take them by force. Now it's completely up to you, but I cannot promise that either you or Lydia would make it out alive." He tilted his head to the side menacingly, "Now, what's it going to be?"

Natalie pushed her lips into a thin line. She crossed her arms into her chest as she glared daggers into her son in laws mocking eyes. When she spoke her voice was icy calm, the anger and protectiveness surrounding her words.

"Over my dead body!"

The Nogitsune tensed his body, his eyes glancing over her in curiosity and amusement before he thrust his hand forward into the unsuspecting chest of Natalie Martin. The scream of the banshee was heard for miles over the small town of Beacon Hills

Chaos had come again.


Okay so this chapter is kinda crap sorry. But I had to put in what's happening with like Lydia's children and stuff cause idk it's not like they can take care of themselves as Lydia is off fighting the Nogitsune and u know stiles is possessed and stuff.... anyways no one probably reads these honestly I don't even think anyone acc likes this story but oh well. Hope everyone's having a good summer x

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