Chapter Three: Reunion

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Malia put the phone down and looked up as she heard her fiancee walk slowly down the wooden staircase. He rubbed his eyes wondering what she was doing up so late at night. He looked at her confused as his gaze slowly fell to the phone on the table. Malia's face was white with terror and shock. Scott furrowed his brows in worry as he moved forward to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, look at me," Scott cupped her face in his hands as she reluctantly flickered her gaze towards his. He could see the fear in her eyes. His heart skipped a beat. "Who was that? What did they say?" He asked hurriedly. What could possibly traumatise her so much? She was normally so strong and determined, Scott honestly didn't think anything scared her at this point. That is, until now.

"It was Lydia." Malia breathed. She gulped and pushed her fiancee's hands away. Scott's eyes widened in shock. Lydia? He hadn't heard from her in years, just mentioning her name now seemed foreign on his tongue as if he was speaking of a stranger. "She sounded scared, no terrified." Malia paced around the room, looking down at her hands. "She said something... sh- she said something about Stiles." Scott froze at the mention of his childhood best friend, one who he used to call his brother. Malia looked up at Scott her eyes wide with terror. "She said we needed to get the pack back together, she said- she- she-," Malia stuttered over her words. Scott placed his hands on her shoulders stopping her from pacing.

"What about Stiles? Why do we need to get the pack back together?" Scott nearly shouted alarmed. His eyes flashed red, seemingly calming Malia as her eye's flashed blue in return. She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

"She said the Nogitsune was back. And its inside Stiles."


It took a while, but Scott managed to track down each and every one of his former pack members. He told them to come back to Beacon Hills. He said it was an emergency. Scott looked down at the text he got from Lydia the night before.

Animal Clinic midday be there. X

Scott placed the phone back on his lap as he turned another corner. His hands anxiously gripping the steering wheel of his Chevrolet SS, as his fiancee gazed at him worryingly.

"We're nearly here." Malia spoke trying to lighten the mood. She could tell Scott was hurting, they all were. They thought they were done with all this, left this life of danger behind them. She knew he was anxious to see the pack again, she was too. It had been so long, she wondered if any of them would even talk to her now, after she left them, after they all left each other.

Scott nodded in response, his eyes focused on the road as he tried to disperse all the memories flooding his mind of the last time they faced something like this. What they lost, who they lost. Scott felt tears filling up in his eyes as he thought of her. Even after all this time her loss was still an open wound to him. He brushed his hand over the tattoo on his arm, even now the pack was gone, it still had meaning to him, it still reminded him of Allison.

Scott and Malia pulled up to the car park of the animal clinic. Scott sighed with nostalgia as he jumped out of the car. He smiled at Malia, the smile not meeting his eyes. She returned it quickly as she nodded to herself. Here we go.

Scott pushed open the door to the Clinic with a bang. The occupants inside jumping with surprise. Scott gulped as he looked around at the faces from the past. Lydia stood behind the operating table, her hands in front of her as if she was explaining a plan. She looked up and smiled at Scott, she hadn't changed much, her hair a shade darker than before, but her complexion and determination still shining through.

Standing to her right was Liam. He'd grown, his shoulder's were broader and now had a whiff of a beard around his mouth. He smirked as he saw his alpha, his laid back posture and over confidence out for the world to see. Scott smiled at that, he always knew Liam would one day find it within himself to be strong and independent.

On her left was Mason and Corey, both had hardly changed minus the golden wedding bands on their hands. Standing in the corner in the dark was Derek. He still hadn't lost his brooding habits, Scott saw fondly. Scott looked around at his pack, everyone was there, everyone apart from-

"Stiles." Lydia looked directly at Scott, breaking him out of his daze. "That's why we're here, to help Stiles." Scott nodded in response as he walked towards the table. He watched as the pack's eyes moved to him for instruction as he spoke. After all this time, he was still their Alpha.

"I know I was vague when I told you to come here, I didn't properly tell you the threat we are facing." He looked to Lydia who gave him an encouraging smile. "We think the Nogitsune is back, we know its back." Scott corrected himself. "And we think its possessed Stiles again." Scott watched as the pack faces fell. He'd told them before what had happened in their junior year, what happened to Stiles. They knew that if this was true then it wasn't going to be any normal fight. There was going to be casualties. They knew the priced they paid before, and they were determined not to pay it again.

The pack was silent for a moment lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the heaviness of the situation. Liam raised his head to speak.


The door of the animal clinic was blown right off its hinges. Gusts of wind blew into the building as the pack all looked to the door. Scott was the first to react, shifting into his wolf form as his beta's followed. Scott had his claws out and was ready to pounce. He moved forward but froze as he saw who just walked through the open door. His mouth gaping open.



Okay so this may be the last chapter until at least next week, as I have people staying over so I won't have much free time! I hope you enjoy this chapter -don't worry stiles will be in the next one i promise! Sending the love xxxx

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