Chapter Ten: Dad?

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TRIGGER WARNING: In this chapter Stiles displays unhealthy thoughts about himself after the torture of the Nogitsune. If anyone is sensitive to these themes just skip the chapter and message me and I'll give u a summery of the chapter. Remember everyone is loved and wonderful and no one should ever feel bad about themselves. Love you all xxxxx

Stiles sat next to his two sleeping daughters. He calmly stroked their hair as he hummed a lullaby, sending them to sleep. His calm demeanour however was only a facade. He was scared, terrified, even. It took every ounce of strength that he had to remain calm in front of his children. His hands were shaking uncontrollably, and his heart rate was unhealthily quick. He didn't understand how he came to be here, in the damp dismal tunnels of the Oak Creek prison camp.

He remembers coming home from work one evening, nearly three weeks ago now. It was late, he had been investigating a possible terrorist lead that ended up being a bit more complicated than he initially expected. The lights were off in the kitchen, he assumed that Lydia had gone to bed already. The house was eerily silent, the only sound was the soft footsteps of a tired father returning to see his loving family.

He didn't think anything of it, when he saw the dark figure sitting on the kitchen stool. As soon as he saw his wife, any initial worry left him, he thought he was safe. Boy was he wrong. The last thing he remembered was walking towards her, reaching out to say hello. The next thing he knew he woke up on the damp cold floor of a place he'd hoped he'd never see again. The place that stole a piece of his soul. Where Stiles Stilinski killed Allison Argent.

Sure, everyone told him that it wasn't his fault. He even tried to tell himself that, but it was still his hands, his face, his body that killed her. Stiles knew that there would always be a part of him that blamed himself. He swore to himself, for his own sanity that he would never think of this place again. He had created this box in his mind, where he placed all his memories and guilt of what happened during the Nogitsune's reign, locked away and forgotten. So he could live his life happy and move on.

And it had worked, for a while. He had lived for many years without even thinking about the Fox. But all that had changed. He was back again, and not only that, but his daughters had been thrown into this mess as well. It broke him.

"Oh come on now Stiles, don't go crying in front of your children, didn't I teach you to be a real man." A voice mocked from behind him. Stiles froze, recognising it instantly. He blinked a few times before looking onto the smirking face of the man who raised him, who looked after him when his mother passed away, who died too early to see his grandchildren grow up. The one person who could break Stiles beyond repair with one word.

"Dad?" Stiles looked into the bright blue eyes of Noah Stilinski. His face once full of love and kindness, now filled with malice and mischief. This wasn't the face of his father. This was the face of a fox. "You!" Stiles growled as he moved to lash out at the spirit in front of him.

"Now, now Stiles you wouldn't want to hurt your dear old man would you?" The fox laughed as he moved away from Stiles' flimsy attempts to harm him. "What about someone else in your life?" The face of his father began to slowly dissolve into smoke as another one started to form. "Maybe someone who hasn't been in your life for a very long time, someone who you lost a long time ago." The face morphed into that of a woman. Tears started to fall down Stiles' cheeks.

"Please stop!" He sobbed hitting his hands against the wall. The face of his mother merely laughed at his pain and anguish. "I can't take it anymore!" He cried falling to his knees in front of his enemy. "What do you want? What could you possibly want?" He fell to the floor cradling his head in his arms as he sobbed into the ground, his body shaking with despair.

"I want chaos, strife and pain, Stiles." The Nogitsune morphed into the face Stiles knew too well. The dirty bandages and army jacket kneeled over the cowering man. "I want to watch your friends suffer for what they did to me. I want revenge." He spat onto Stiles scrunched up figure. "And I won't stop until every single one of them is dead Stiles."

Stiles screamed out in pain until his voice was sore, the fox finally disappeared into smoke and left him alone with his children. Crying as he had been broken. His mind shattered after seeing his parents again. The Nogitsune had wormed his way into his thoughts, found the two faces that had caused him the most pain and used it to break him.

And it had worked.

Stiles Stilinski was no longer the happy sarcastic hyperactive boy who preferred to laugh in the face of danger than take any threat seriously. He was no longer the boy whose biggest worry was who the alpha was or how Scott was spending more time with Allison than him. He was no longer the boy who didn't have to worry about everyone in his life dying. He was a shell of the Stiles he used to be, worn down from threat after threat to his life and those of whom he loved. All that was left was a sad man. Crying in a tunnel. With his two freezing daughters laying next to him. Waiting to die.


Well that was a bit depressing. I really want to give Stiles a big hug 🤗 I love him so much oml help me I have an issue aarrgghhhh!!! This may or may not be the last chapter for a bit as I'm going back to School soon but I will update you on what I'm doing x

P.S I have a book in the works about stiles being a mikaelson I was wondering if anyone thought I should publish it?

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