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Stiles walked down the winding cobble path. His arm wrapped around his wife's waist as they walked under the soft autumn leaves. The light trickled through the branches as he smiled down at her bright green eyes. He turned around as he heard the excited wailed of Allison and Claudia running up to them.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look at what I found." Claudia held up a golden yellow leaf as she smiled widely. Her dimples showing as her brown hair bounced around her.

"No! I found it!" Allison cried as she crossed her arms, glaring at her twin sister. Her bottom lip formed into a tight frown as her strawberry blonde hair fell in ringlets around her whisky brown eyes. Lydia laughed down at her daughters.

"Well, it doesn't matter who found it, I still think it's absolutely beautiful." She smiled as she took the lead out of Claudia's small hand. She smiled up at her husband who knelt down next to his daughters.

"Well done girls." He smiled as he ruffled their hair. The two girls giggled as he embraced them in a tight hug. He looked back as Allison squealed, seeing her uncle Scott for the third time these past two days. Stiles stood up to embrace his brother. "Hey Scotty." He smiled as Scott smiled widely in return.

"Hey Stiles, Lydia. Hey Allison and Claudia." Scott replied kneeling down to talk to the twins. They both smiled widely up at him, their eyes twinkling in delight.

"Hi Uncle Scott!" Squealed Allison. "Where's Aunty Lia?" She mumbled, still unable to pronounce the werecoyote's name.

"Right here." Malia smiled down at the strawberry blonde. She said hello to the girls before greeting her friends. "Ready?" She asked looking to Stiles questionably. Stiles smile faltered for a second before he took a deep breath.

"Yeah, Yeah lets do this." He nodded to himself. The four adults walked together, the two girls running slightly in front. They met up with he rest of the pack at the gates as they all walked into the cemetery.

The whole pack stood in front of two graves. Both new and covered with flowers and gifts from family and friends. Stiles stood in front of the one with "Corey" engraved on the stone. He knelt down and whispered quietly.

"I'm sorry." He breathed shaking his head to whisk away any tears threatening to fall. He stood up and placed a comforting hand on a crying Mason's shoulder. Mason smiled gratefully as he fell to his knees at his husbands grave. Stiles moved along to the next one, leaving Mason to grieve in peace.

He choked up as he saw it. Issac Lahey. Stiles let the tears fall as he looked onto his name. He had always pretended that he didn't like Issac when they were at School, but after he had left, Stiles finally admitted to himself that he really did like him. They were friends, under all the jokes and sarcastic jabs, Stiles really cared for him. It broke his heart that he would never get to fix that relationship with him. Make it better. But he was gone now. And so was it.

He stood up to hug his wife. Crying softly into her neck. Lydia smiled softly at Scott to move forward. Scott knelt down and left a scarlet red scarf on the brown soil. Melissa had kept it locked away all these years, after Issac had lived with them for a bit. In case he ever came home. He never got the chance to. Scott wiped away the tears from his eyes as he stood up and nodded to Derek.

Derek sighed as he knelt down in front of the dark stone. He ran his hand lightly over the engraving before letting it fall to his side.

"I'm so sorry. Issac... I- I wasn't a good enough alpha and I'm sorry." Derek's voice cracked as he broke down into tears. "I shouldn't have kicked you out of the loft that night all those years ago. You were my beta, I was meant to look after you. You deserved so much better than me." He looked to Scott through glassy eyes. "And you got it. You got an amazing alpha. A true alpha. One I am proud to call my own. Thank you Issac. For all that you have done for us. For me. You will be greatly missed."

Derek stood up as Scott placed an arm around his shoulder. He pulled the pack into a joint embrace as they looked down at the graves of those they had lost. It will get better. It always does. But for now, knowing that they were all there for each other, standing by their sides. It was enough. Enough for them all.


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