Chapter Seven: Loss

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Scott heard the crunch of the twigs breaking beneath his feet. He looked to his left and saw Mason and Corey, holding hands as they whispered quietly to each other. They were scared, as was he. Scott knew once he heard Lydia's scream that something awful must have happened. He remembered the horrifying sight of Lydia crouched over her mothers unmoving body, covered in blood as she cried for her and her children.

Allison and Claudia.

Lydia said that he took them. Two innocent little girls, too young to comprehend the dangers they faced. Too young to realise that the man who had them was not in fact their father, but a thousand year old fox spirit possessing his body. Scott clenched his fists in anger. They had been searching non stop for two days, two days and they had found nothing.

Scott kicked the leaves on the ground of the woods. His pack was with him, but he had never felt more alone. Why now? What had happened to Stiles in those two weeks? He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the concerned face of Malia. She smiled at him and Scott returned it, knowing that no matter what, she would always be there for him.

"Um... Scott?" Scott turned around to see the scared face of his beta Liam staring at something in front of him with wide eyes. Scott followed his gaze and his eyes flashed red in anger. He was standing there. The Nogitsune was standing in the middle of the clearing, perfectly at ease. He smirked at the hostility he received from the pack. Almost amused at the chaos his presence was causing.

"Hello Scott." He looked up and started playing with a low branch of a tree. "How's Lydia these days? I heard her mom had a bit of an accident." He mimicked a sad frown, "I do hope she's ok... oh wait she isn't is she? Thats right because I killed her." He laughed as Scott growled at him, his anger radiating off him in truckloads.

"You're a monster." He growled his featured shifting as he roared at the fox. Stiles merely laughed louder, the alphas actions only making him more hysterical. Suddenly all humour vanished from his expression, his face void of emotion as he looked to the faces of the pack.

"You know, you should really be more careful Scott, walking around in a place as open as this, its easy to lose track of who you're fighting." Scott looked to him in confusion, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw before him.

Stiles cracked his neck before suddenly his body started to convulse. His figure went momentarily blurry as a large shape pulled itself from his body. The packs jaws dropped as they saw two men, two of Stiles. But the Nogitsune didn't stop, his body kept convulsing until there were at least ten copies of himself standing in front of the pack. They were outnumbered.

"I've grown in power Scott, I'm more powerful than you can even imagine." One of the many clones spoke as the rest laughed maniacally before moving forward to fight. The pack shifted and jumped into battle. Scott roared, his eyes glowing red as he slashed his claws along the chest of one of the clones.

The clone ducked and moved to punch him in the stomach. Scott gasped and turned around to quickly throw him into a tree. He punched the clone in the face and he fell unconscious, the clones body falling limp as it rolled down the tree. Suddenly the clone disappeared and Scott's eyes widened in realisation.

"It's an illusion!" He shouted getting the packs attention. "Knock them out, then they'll disappear, we need to find the original." He ordered the pack and they nodded in reply. Scott focused his attention on the nearest clone, he pounced on top of it growling as he punched it over and over again. His fist becoming bloody from the impact, his rage consumed him so much that he hardly noticed the clones around him disappearing the one he punched eventually faded as well.

He looked around confused, and then he heard it. The scream. The howling scream of the wailing woman to signal another death. Another loss.

Scott looked around frantically trying to see who it was. He froze as he saw them standing over a body, sobbing. He ran over to see Corey lying in Masons lap. His head tilted to one side as his eyes were glossed over. Mason held his hands over the wound on his husbands chest, desperately trying to cover the hole where his heart should be, but to now avail. They had all heard the scream, Corey was dead.

"No, no no no no," Mason whimpered at the unmoving body of the man that he loved. "Please wake up, please!" Mason cried into Liam's arms.

Scott's heart broke at the sight. He had lost a member of his pack, his family. He felt like he had lost a limb, he collapsed to his knees as he began to cry as well. Drowning in the pain of losing a friend.

Scott looked to the quiet star scattered sky and howled. He howled for Natalie, he howled for the twins they had yet to find, he howled for Corey and he howled for Mason who had lost the most important person in his life. Finally he howled for Stiles, he howled for the person they had to save, fearing that he may never recover from this. Scott howled through the night.

He barely noticed the pained howls that joined him. Of Liam, Malia, Issac and Derek. The Mcall pack howled in unison mourning a death of one of their own.


Ahh the feels lol sorry this is a wee bit shorter than normal but there wasn't too much more I could add... I hope u enjoyed this utterly depressing chapter! Sending the love xxxxx

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