Chapter Nine: History Repeating

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The pack stood around an unconscious Lydia. She was tied to a chair laced with Kanima venom for extra protection. They all stood around waiting for her to wake up. Issac heart was pounding in his chest, he was nervous to see if this worked. It had worked last time, but maybe it wouldn't work, maybe something would go wrong and he would be forced to kill her, like he had so many others.

This was different though, this was Lydia. She was Allison's best friend, she had been there from the start. Only her Scott, and Stiles are the only ones still alive from the original pack. Issac didn't know what to do. He couldn't take a mother from her two daughters, he has changed a lot in the past decade but he refuses to have changed enough to commit an atrocity such as that.

Lydia began to stir and her eyes flickered open. Her face morphed into a vicious frown as she attempted to break free of the chains. Issac held his breath as he watched her struggle, eventually she stopped seeing the Kanima venom dripping from the chains onto her. Her eyes flickered up to Deaton, her face twisted into a sickening smirk.

"Kanima venom, nice touch." She clicked her tongue before looking to Liam. "You weren't here for this last time so allow me to catch you up." Her smirk grew as she saw Liam squirm uncomfortably under her gaze. "Well... let's see I was tied up just like this but without the chains, just the venom." She spat the last word as her eyes flickered mischievously.

"Scott here called Peter for help, they dove into my subconscious and separated Stiles and I. It was a pity really, I enjoyed feeding off the pain of seeing Stiles kill all those innocent people did to you all. It was quite the feast." Lydia started to laugh maniacally, she watched as the packs expressions turned into those of horror. Deaton moves forward and placed a strip of black duck tape over her mouth silencing her.

"I think you forgot about that part in your little recollection speech." Deaton mocked before standing up and facing Scott. "We need to do this now, are you ready?"

Scott nodded in response, he took a deep breath and Issac watched, worry lacing his brows, as Scott walked behind Lydia angling his claws at the back of her neck. Scott took once last look at the pack, he nodded once again before plunging the claws into Lydia's neck, diving into her subconscious in the same way as he had done to Stiles nearly twelve years ago.


Scott stood in an empty white room. There was nothing in sight apart from a large double white door. Scott sighed remembering what he did last time before pushing open the doors and running through.

He found himself on the lacrosse field. The floodlights shining blindingly down at him. He moved a hand in front of his eyes to shield him from the harsh rays. He could hear the faint sound of music coming from inside the school. He stood still for a moment, taking in his surroundings before his eyes widened in realisation.

He heard a rustling behind him and turned around slowly to see the ominous silhouette of Peter Hale walking towards him hungrily. Scott gulped as he moved to run away, the alphas speed only increasing as he did so. Scott's heart pounded in his ears as he tried to run away in fear of the man chasing him.

He looked back, only to see that Peter had vanished. Scott let out a breath of relief, and sighed before turning back around. Scott gasped in shock as he saw Peter standing in front of him. Fear coursed through his veins as he looked upon the devilish grin plastered on the mans face. He didn't have enough time to turn around before Peter jumped on him, his teeth sinking into his shoulder.

Scott woke up panting on the cold white floor of the room he was in before. He ran a hand across his sweaty forehead before slowly standing up and taking in his surroundings. The room was the same as before minus the large stump of the nemeton in the centre.

Scott shook away the feeling of deja vu he felt looking upon Lydia and the Nogitsune playing the game of Go on top of the tree that had caused so much pain. He took a deep breath before flashing his eyes red. A loud roar bounced off the walls of the room, alerting the pack member to the presence of her alpha.

Lydia's eyes flickered to Scott in shock before turning to her playmate and throwing the board game to the side. And the banshee screamed. 


Scott gasped as his claws were pulled out of Lydia's neck. He fell to his knees gasping for breath, sweat trickling down his forehead.

"Did it work?" He looked to Deaton desperately. Before Deaton could answer though, Lydia's eyes flew open as she fell onto all fours. She began coughing violently, black dust collecting underneath her. Issac ran down to help her, placing a hand in her back as the coughing began to slow down.

As soon as she stopped she quickly crawled away from the pile of dust as black smoke started to form from it. The pack stared with wide eyes as it began to form the shape of Stiles.

"Thank you Scott." He clapped his hands together smirking. "You have released me from that prison of a host and now I can take the form of however I please." He began to laugh maniacally as the black smoke covered his figure once more, before revealing a young woman with dark chocolate curls.

"Allison?" Issac gasped in shock at his former lover. She merely laughed at him.

"Not quite wolf." She mocked. "I have a sudden need to end this in a very poetic manner. You see I've become a fan of the phrase 'History repeating'" She huffed to herself. "I think we should end this where we did last time. It's up to you to figure out where it is." She smiled sickeningly as she slowly dissolved into black smoke, the pack watched in fear as it slowly disappeared into nothing.

"Well." Liam piped up. "That was dramatic."

Aww I love Liam he's so cute honestly. I'm so sorry for how crap this chapter is 😬😬😬 I'm going back to school soon so updating may be a bit harder as I'm going into GCSE year so like I need to work sadly. Tbh I'm kinda getting writers block for this so sorry that the chapters are kinda sucky

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