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"Having a place to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing." – Anonymous

“Miss Hendricks, your… wants… office.” A very familiar voice said. A knock followed. “Miss Hendricks?” It’s Gerard, dad’s assistant. What does he want?

“What do you want from me Gerard?” I asked annoyed. I am in the middle of my slumber and no one even the president can disturb me. “And what the hell are you doing in my room? Don’t you know how to knock?”

“Sorry to wake you up miss, and did knocked but you’re not answering.” He explained.

I threw my pillow at him and sat up. “Well I’m not answering because I was sleeping you dumbass!”

He picked up the pillow that landed beside his feet and put it carefully on my bed. “My apologies miss but your father wants you to see him in his office right away. It’s urgent.”

What is so important in a Sunday morning? No one in our family is religious enough to go to church. “Okay, I’ll just change. Get out.” I said stubbornly.

He cleared his throat. “I’m afraid you only have time to put on a robe miss. Your father insisted to see you right away and he is not in the mood.”

Huh, what is with all these people? “You look nervous. What’s wrong?” Still not asking properly. I’m the daughter of his boss, the ONLY daughter.

He doesn’t look at me and looked down. “I’m sure it’s about your agendas last night miss.”

What?! He is not having a good day just because of that? I do this every weekend. I get scolded, yes, but not by him. I get scolded by his Vice President-slash-my uncle but not by him. Why only now?... Oh no, this is what uncle Freddy has been telling me about. “SHIT!” I cussed.

Gerard must know what I was thinking and quickly grabbed my robe and brushed my hair. He pushed me lightly outside my door and we walked quickly to my dad’s office which is at the other wing of this humungous house that only 4 of us are in it. Our helpers live at a different house, but still on our land.

I was about to knock when my uncle opened the door like he knew I was coming. Wait, of course he does already. Guards around our house must have told him already using those walkie-talkies they’ve been carrying around. My uncle looked at me with disappointment. Oh I hate this feeling. I hate all these.

All eyes on me.

“Good Morning dad, uncle Freddy” I greeted nervously.

“Lena” uncle greeted back.

This room, dad’s office always scares me. The furniture, all mahogany and varnished, shines in all places and those red velvet curtains with cream tussles that covers all the wide windows. I feel like I’m out of air in this room.

My dad put down the pen he was holding. “Tell me Lena, what is so good in the AFTERNOON?”

Afternoon? What?! I glared at Gerard and he mouthed a sorry. Sorry?! I’ve been blabbering and kept on saying morning but he didn’t even care to tell me that it’s already afternoon. Even my uncle who flipping greeted back.

Nobody spoke. I looked at my perfectly pedicured toes with red nail polish, perfect for my porcelain skin. What the?! I’m in the middle of this kind of situation and I’m thinking about my toes?

“Adallena Norine Hendricks, I warned you. Last night was your final straw. I’m afraid I should take you to the country and live with your mother.” My dad said like he is talking to one of his workers. Like this is another business agreement.

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