Chapter 2

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I immediately looked away from the eye catching girl. Then the bell rang so we all had to go to our classes. I have maths first on Mondays, unfortunately Dahyun wasn't in the same maths class. But do you know who was in the same as me? Mina.

Chaeyoung went to the back of the class and sat there, as usual most of the the people sat at the front of the class. The back of the room was full of empty chairs. A bunch of students walked in, including Mina. Instead of sitting with her friends she sat with me. Me!  I noticed that Mina was beside me so I moved to the other seat. Mina followed me and sat at the seat I was before. Then I moved again, and she moved also. It repeated, until. Mina finally spoke.

"Why are you moving away from me?" Mina crossed her arms. "I don't want to be near people like you" I replied back, slightly annoyed. Mina then raised an eyebrow at me. "Uhm, why? I just want to be friends. You seem cute~" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "So, you want to be friends with me just because I'm cute?" Mina shook her head and quickly replied "No! That's not the reason. I think you're a good and nice person. I'm looking for new friends"

"Yeah, looking for new friends so you can gets in their pants then dump them afterwards" Chaeyoung sighed after saying that, she took out her Harry Potter book.

Mina's eyes widened, she couldn't think of a word to say until she saw the book. "You like Harry Potter too!?"
"Mhm. Now shush, I'm trying to read" Chaeyoung replied coldly. Mina closed her eyes and sighed. "I love Harry Potter, I was hoping we could talk about it. But never mind. Also, you shouldn't be speaking to an unnie like that." Chaeyoung glanced at Mina "How do you even know you're older?"

The older chuckled "We all have instagram, I was just looking of people in my class instagram, then I thought of you 'Son_Chaeyoung' and in your bio it said your birthday. Nowadays we use nickames as our usernames, you should do the same if you want.


The teacher finally came in and apologized for being late, she had to collect some papers for the class but the printer wasn't working. Hours passed by and it was time to go home. Everyone went back to their, houses and apartments.

Chaeyoung took out her phone and started to listen to Shine by pentagon. Chaeyoung was thinking of Mina telling her about the usernames. She made up her mind and changed it to 'Baby_Tiger' a nickname that her friends gave to her. Chaeyoung went back to listening to kpop. About 30 minutes later Chaeyoung saw that Mina wanted to chat with her on Instagram.

black.swan: New username huh?

baby_tiger: Uhm, yes. Who is this?

black.swan: Its me the most  beautiful, pretty, popular, ballerina, Myoui Mina!!

baby_tiger: You don't understand how much I'm cringing rn oml.

black.swan: T.T

black.swan: I'm like T.T right now 🙄

baby_tiger: that's an rolling eye emoji

black.swan: sHhH

baby_tiger: Weirdo

black.swan: loner

baby_tiger: :o what?!

black.swan: nothin

baby_tiger: thanks for reminding me that i hate you 😒

black.swan: no problem

black.swan: but why hate me? :(

baby_tiger: hm, there are a lot of reasons why. you break girls hearts, cheeky. a popular kid.

black.swan: well

black.swan: this time is different

baby_tiger: wdym?

black.swan: nvm

black.swan: anyways, i gtg. i'm moving into a new street and my parents are waiting for me, bye

baby_tiger: bye

Chaeyoung put her phone down and went on her computer. She couldn't believe she actually had a conversation with Mina.

Mina's POV

I stepped inside the backseat of the car. Plugging in my earphones, while listening to some music. Seeing the kids playing around made me so happy, I smiled. Since it's Summer I was getting really hot. Well, I mean I'm already am hehe. I opened the window and let the breeze hit my face. "Aah~" It was very relaxing for me. "Minari-ah, don't get too comfortable because we're already here. My dad said, he saw me though the rear view. "Oh, already? That was quick" I unfastened my seatbelt, got off the car and took out my luggage.

end of chapter 2

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