Chapter 3

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was sitting on my desk, writing a poem. I usually write poems when I'm bored, While I was writing I looked in front where my window was. I saw a truck, car and some people. But one of them looked familiar, I took a closer look at the person. Finally, I recognize her, Mina

"Mina?" Chaeyoung quickly closed her curtains because she didn't want Mina to spot her. "Ah, no! Now she'll probably find out that I live here" Chaeyoung fiddled with her pen. She then saw her phone ringtone which was Whistle by Blackpink. Chae saw the name 'Dubu' and picked it up. "Chae, I have good news!" I rested my chin on my desk "Well I have bad news. Tell me your news first" 

"I got a pet dog! But whats the bad news?" Dahyun frowned. "The bad news is that Mina is my neighbor, my NEXT DOOR neighbor! First it was class, second it was Instagram, and now this!?" The girl complained. "Instagram and class?" Dahyun said, reaching for the bag of potato chips. "Yep. It started today in maths class, Mina came up to me and we had a conversation, somehow she ended up in my dm's in ig. Now she lived right next beside me. It's like she's planed it!"

"But how do you know it's Mina, you could be mistaken for another girl." Dahyun took a big bite of her chip. "Mina told me that she's moving to a different street, that girl looks a lot like Mina, so I'm pretty sure that's her." Chaeyoung slightly opened her curtains. The truck and the people were now gone.

Mina's POV

Our furniture was already there. I looked around at the big decorated house. I walked up stairs and searched for my room. I got to my room, organized my stuff. Finally finished, I took out my phone. I got a text from Chaeyoung saying what street I live in. I replied back with 'Lakewood 23' (idk)

black.swan: why? you wanna come over?

baby_tiger: never. Well, I'm your new next door neighbor.

Mina smiled at the text, she wanted to actually be friends with Chaeyoung. All the other girls are just too desperate, sometimes it annoys Mina.

black.swan: Oh ^_^

Chaeyoung's POV

baby_tiger: don't do anything weird or embarrassing

black.swan: maybe i will

baby_tiger: StfUksls

black.swan: i'm tired of texting :P my thumbs are getting sore, come over

baby_tiger: no

black.swan: why? i want to get closer

baby_tiger: you made that sound wrong :/

black.swan: whatever, if you're not going to come. I'll come to your house then.

baby_tiger: you cant do that!

black.swan: yes i can

baby_tiger: i'll kick you out!

baby_tiger: and I'll make sure you'll never come back

baby_tiger: Hello?

"Gosh, don't tell me she's on her way" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. I rushed downstairs to the living room where my parents were. I looked to my left and saw my mom watching television. "Ma!" I said to get my mom's attention. "If a girl with brown eyes, black hair and says if I'm here, don't-" Before I could finish my sentence, the door bell rang. "Well there she is..." I said under my breath. "Excuse me dear, someone's at the door" I watched my mother walk all the way to the front door. When she unlocked it. I saw Mina, who greeted my mom and smiling brightly at her, she then glanced and smiled at me. I quickly looked away and sighed. "Thank you Mrs Son" I saw her bow politely at my mother, soon walking towards me. "Uhm, hello Mina. I guess we should go to my room?" I said, a bit awkwardly. The older nodded as we made our way upstairs, then arriving at my room. "Chaeyoung. Uh, I came here for you to help me with math. You're one of the smartest kids in our school, so I decided to come to you for help. (Note, Mina is actually smart)

"You, want me to help you?" Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Yep" Mina had her bag with her and went to sit on the Chaeyoung's bed. "Okay then"

I spent 3 hours on helping Mina, she seemed to get the hang of it. I smiled at her writing the equations down, I smiled more when she got the answers right when I wrote a few questions for her. After the tutoring, we had a long conversation for like an hour. We finally got to talk about Harry Potter and had some snacks. When Mina was about to go home I hugged her goodbye and waved. I couldn't believe what I've done, I can't believe I've made friends with Myoui Mina.

I sighed and sat on my couch. Scrolling through my Instagram feed. While scrolling I saw a picture of Mina. She looked so gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

 She looked so gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off it

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The caption said "Moving into a new street 😉"

I was so into the picture, so I double tapped. I continued scrolling through other posts

Mina's POV

I was listening to DNA by BTS then I saw notification pop up. 'Baby_tiger' has liked your post'

End of chapter 3

Also please comment if you guys are enjoying this and you'd like me to continue! :)

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