Chapter 16

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oh my god i am so sorry for the longest hiatus !!! Thank you sooo soo so much for reading 🥺❤️❤️ I made this back in 2018 and I never expected people to still be reading till this day! ❤️

-After School-

Mina and Chaeyoung were walking to Mina's home. Chaeyoung was holding onto the girl's arm and her head resting  on her shoulders. Mina ruffled her hair "Cutie" She mumbled. "Hmph, I'm not that cute." Chaeyoung had heard and then pouted. "Mhm, right."

"Hey Mina? What happened when you were with Sana yesterday ?"

Mina's gummy smile dropped as soon as she heard the name Sana. "Well, she was just acting creepy and threatened me." The shorter shook her head. "Ah, of course... I just wish she'd leave us alone"

The two girls went upstairs to Mina's room and sat on the bed. Mina got out a pocky stick "Wanna play?" Chaeyoung nodded and leaned in, taking a part of the pocky in her mouth while mina does the same. they start munching on the chocolate stick until there was only a tiny bit left. Mina took the rest and ate it.

"Where's my kiss" chaeyoung frowned. "Right here." Mina kissed her on the cheek. Chaeyoung grinned. "How adorbs!" Mina ruffled Chaeyoung's hair.
"Let's take a video Mina"

—————————More chapters coming soon ❤️ so sorry for it being short! Again, thank you for reading :)

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More chapters coming soon ❤️ so sorry for it being short! Again, thank you for reading :)

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