Chapter 5

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this chapter contains A LOT of swearing than usual!

Chaeyoung's POV
When our teacher came back and started to talk about our lesson, I was thinking of that Momo girl. I was wondering who she was, how we became friends. I remember when I fell and hurt my knee, Momo was there to help. I remember forgetting Momo when I became friends with Dahyun. All of those memories, I'm remembering. That's when I remembered who she is. "HIRAI MOMO!" I yelled, quickly standing up. I soon realized what I've done, seeing the students and Momo who looked confused eyeing me. Then I saw the teacher who didn't look so happy. "I do not allow shouting during a lesson in this class, Chaeyoung." I got embarrassed so I sightly blushed and bowed "I apologize Mrs Bae" I sat back down and covered my face, I haven't been this embarrassed in a long time! I glanced and Momo, who was biting her lips, somehow sexily. Obviously trying not to laugh.

I rolled my eyed then started to write down some notes.

An hour later, it was lunch. I got my food and looked for a table to sit at. Because I didn't want to sit next to Dahyun, we're not getting along at the moment... I kept on looking left and right, then I saw Mina who was waving at me. I smiled and walked over to the table Mina was at, I was also a bit shy since this where the 'Popular people' sit. I wanted to sit next to Mina but I couldn't, since her friends were beside her and I was too afraid too ask if I can sit there. "Hello! You guys may or may not know me, I'm-"

"We know who you are, Chaeyoung" Jeongyeon said, twirling her straw in her chocolate milk. She turned her head to Nayeon who was covering her mouth, trying not to laugh, Mina continuing to eat.

"Is there something funny?" Chaeyoung caught Nayeon's laughter.
"sorry I was just thinking of something funny that makes me laugh" Nayeon lied

"Oh okay" Chaeyoung looked at her phone, seeing a notification saying 'Son_Chaeyoung99' is now following you. Chaeyoung looked closer at the message then clicked on it. I saw my face on the profile picture, I got pissed. What made me even more pissed is the bio

"Hi! It's me Son Chaeyoung from the school you probably attend to, who's always the good and smart who never gets in trouble! Let me tell you guys a secret...I have a crush on Kim Dahyun, I'm REALLY jealous of Myoui Mina, Im Nayeon and Yoo Jeongyeon. Bye!"

I literally froze, my mouth open. I felt like crying. "What the fuck? Who did this?!" Mina finally spoke and turned her head to me. "What happened?"

"Oh shut up, you know what happened" Chaeyoung got up from the table.

"I actually don't..." Mina looked at Nayeon snd Jeongyeon who were smirking at each other.

"Quit the lying! I know you helped make them a fake instagram account, and say things about me that isn't true. I'm fucking mad" Chaeyoung gripped her teeth in anger.

"I didn't-" Mina paused and just looked at at giggly friends. "Fuckers" She said under breath. "Bye" Chaeyoung got her bag and lunched, walking away to the table where, Momo was at.

"What did you guys do now?!"Mina said raising her voice slightly. "What do you think?"Nayeon said sassily. Mina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Sometimes, I wonder why I'm even friends with you people" Mina sighed.

"Same" Jeongyeon nodded. "You never think that about me? Right Jeongyeonnie?" Nayeon tugged onto Jeongyeon's arm, and smiled brightly.

"O-of course I don't!" Jeongyeon said. "Yay!" Nayeon tugged onto Jeongyeon's arm and smiled brightly. Jeongyeon weakly smiled and mouthed "Help me" to Mina. Mina huffed. "Idiots, ruined my chance with her." Mina murmured.

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